Name one word or phrase Greta has never said. I'll start:

Name one word or phrase Greta has never said. I'll start:


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>Name one word or phrase Greta has never said.
holocaust never happened

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Global warming is not real.

sometimes, i think about her when i masturbate : am i normal ?

I think I'll go to school today.

nigger nigger


"That was fun"

I can't figure out why people here are so obsessed with her. She's old news, move on.


George sent me to say

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Trump is my president

Lurk more, faggot

Don't worry, be happy

>I liek chokeleet mulk


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Nothing that wouldn't be cured by a Muslim anal train on her.

acctually best post so far

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Mmm yes what a beautiful V12 engine

my little sister borrows my bras

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is this acctually her younger sister?
lmao, I guess the parrents have been reliefed after the second try.

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nah man, I am not acctually a pedo.
I just find this very amusing.
Do girls acctually envy other girls based on breast size?
I know that bying to big bras and sometimes even puting stuff in is a very common thing especialy for 14-17 yo.

how can you possibly know that without being a pedo ?

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"The freedom and rights of the individual must always be protected"

>“Niggers tongue my anus”
Though I cannot say for certain.

I had been in a holliday camp, sometimes being the only guy in a 10+ girl group.
Although I got a lot of attention as a male, they still gossiped about some other girls. Stuff like this was said.

It's okay to be white


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And you resisted temptation the whole time ?

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Delusional idiot.

I'm gonna look this up because it doesn't site a source and could easily be completely false.

liberal herd mind zombie

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Nope not liberal actually, just not batshit crazy.

kek'd hard

her nut job lefty parents practically sold her to soros greta is a victim

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Bored little autist...sad because no ones paying attention to her

"It's" is not the possessive form of "it." You only use "it's" as a contraction for "it is" or "it has."

you are sort of right aspies find joining in kinda distasteful

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This is the best slingshot vid ever
>scream hard
>pass out
>scream even harder

I want louisa to succ my shlong and gargle my cum

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yeah i dont think instant magical love has a future as a jet pilot

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a worthy ambition but swedes are tricky

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I feel bad for her. She clearly doesn't want to be there, but she was forced to go. I'm trans and I've been forced to go to every pride parade because my friends and family want to virtue signal. Disgusting.

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nah they just like it when you fuck off for awhile

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I'd have sex with that white man

she always has stringy, greasy hair, like she's too retarded to take care of herself.

Stop saying dilate. It's stupid.

swedes are high a lot of the time

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someone deepfake this


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> "... I'll start: >Nigger "
OP: you are a boring irrelevant cunt.


What temptation? I was 16 or something and I frenchkissed the hottest one. She was 15 or something.
But this isnt necassary a good thing as I understand know.
A boy has to grow a man before touching a female.

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George Soros sticks his cock up my bum and I lift his frilly little dress up and suck his little sausage.

nah you learn from your mistakes

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Mr. Trump, please don’t waste your time on this site.

i miss no one

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what are you talking about?

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15 wpm

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fuck you

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its fucking time to end niggers.

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just leave them to their own devices

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Because she's awkward and says preposterous shit, she's gone viral like that chocolate rain guy.

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step up nigger this is the best thread on Sup Forums

you gotta fight for your right to parteeeeeeeeee

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I hate spics.