Is this the pinnacle of music video-kino?
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I honestly dislike anyone who likes this type of music. How fucking dumb do you have to be to think that obnoxious noise is in any way appealing? It's like nails on a chalkboard. What do you even call it? Hip hop? R&B?
You call this song shit. It's not respective of any genre except it features rap.
>rap music
I thought this guy was supposed to be revolutionary?
It sounds like he's saying Mi llamo
It's just that the production on it is garbage. It doesn't sound like you have many friends though.
Bitch, be humble.
Haven't seen or heard much, have you?
>It doesn't sound like you have many friends though
Stay mad retard.
Why don't you ask on Sup Forums?
>Nobody agrees with OP
>nobody posts anything to even rival with OP's masterpiece
Classic Sup Forums, completely pathetioc tbqh
Kek I was waiting for this. I'm just asking about the merits of the VIDEO bub.
I like some of his songs, but this one is atrociously bad.
>It's just that the production on it is garbage
what are you talking about, this instrumental is pure insanity I fuckin' love it, it's like if someone took some old missy elliot shit and made it more modern
im lonely because im too smart hurr durr
Kek. Not the user you were replying to, but holy shit man, good show.
Were you born in le wrong generation?
really cool video, shit song
I think in this song he's trying to be ironic by showing himself as being followed by hordes of drones and being portrayed very regally while saying to be humble, like how this shot portrays him as being the only/biggest person on Earth, an inflated sense of significance. I don't think it works very well and makes him seem like a self-righteous hypocrite. Maybe it makes more sense in the context of the album or if i had been keeping up with rap game beefs (fuck that)
I love Kendrick but he gets too religous
My favourite video is still Famous by the greatest artist alive, Kanye West
image looks like a word from arrival from the thumbnail
This one's actually also Sup Forums related
>It sounds like he's saying Mi llamo
>samefagging this bad
Pathetic OP. Try a better bait topic next time
No. Nas produced better in the late-90s.
oh shit, i wonder if it would mean anything if we translated it using the code from the movie, lemme check...
>im lonely because im too smart hurr durr
Yeah, that is actually how it works. Do you think putting hurr durr at the end of something is an argument?
Yes I was, because I was born in a time full of black idiots.
That wasn't me big dog, get your fuckin facts straight. Here's your (you) though, great job.
>tfw to intelligent too have friends
>it means "humble"
kendick a genius
they should have gassed everyone BUT the jews, at least they don't worship this garbage
Oh you want examples of better film clips?
No this is
>80's nostalgia for people who were born in the 90's, so epic xD!!!
>american music
Do you have a tumor?
back to the youtube comment sections on popular dadrock songs
>hair styled to resemble the jewish "payot"
what did he mean by this?
>mad low IQ hip hop listeners
Intelligent people have a small number of close, meaningful relationships with people that matter, or none at all if they've been unlucky.
I guess you've been unlucky then,
My vote goes to this kino
All generic music videos, OP's knocks them all out of the water with sheer creativity.
Even this is better
kendick lamar is jewish, show some respect
Great argument.
I didn't realise Black people could have autism.
I like how it even further insults your intelligence by actually flashing the vhs art when they change tapes just in case you didn't get the references
Somebody please REMOVE this hothead from my presence.
Why would a white kid listen unironically to hip-hop made by blacks? Whats there for them? Do they feel part of some sort of ghetto? Do they feel poor or oppressed? Do they feel they have similar lives to some gangsta rapper?
You have no friends not because you have some unusually high IQ, even if you can prove it.
You have no friends because you are an insufferable tool and people simply do not like to be around you. Intelligent or not, you are a cunt in your daily life and your lack of friends shows it.
I bet you've never even had a true IQ test done, that being timed by a psychologist, in real life.
>implying that arbitrary number representing an arbitrary metric truly means anything
Utter retardation right there.
kendrick lamar is such a manufactured star. he's a glorified shoe salesman.
Thanks, next time think before you post generic slop.
Here's the video I actually meant to link though.
In as going to call you a contrarian, but then I listened to the song
You're all plebs.
Another great argument.
>that was shit
>this is better
(you)r argument, which is fucking great by the way.
wew lads hold up now
often you see people say "i dont listen to rap, but i listen to kendrick that guys real deal, hes a music genius". be honest: is OP song the craft of a music genius? that stuff sounds like every rap song ever. can anyone explain what the fuck is so good about this?
>generic slop
>cell shading animation
I mean, you can try you know? You should probably also try to hide the fact that you are a Sup Forums poster, those people are undeniably the worst people currently on this board.
As you can tell from OP and his thread.
Having good people skills is actually a sign of high IQ. High IQ people can struggle with other people when they're young, because they are not aware of the fact that they're smarter. Once you grow up you can easily adjust your behavior.
Far from it. It's too much like those awful random scene / camera trick videos of the late 90's/early aughts TRL era.
while this is true, good people skills do not translate into lots of friends
You didn't even have an argument, you just posted literally the most generic "here's 5000$, make something" music videos you could find.
There's not argument to make, anyone can see that what you linked is absolute plebeian garbage.
my nigga
Beastie Boys - Intergalactic
no, this a pretty mediocre song by his standards and unremarkable attempt to get mainstream radio play.
The only video featuring our former boss, Moot
I will never understand people who like rap. It is not even music.
Your argument amounts to "no". Just so you know that.
Good shit senpai. I mean, you should actually try to hide the fact that you are one of the horrible Sup Forums posters, you aren't even shy about it. But yeah, keep going? But I suggest you attempt to make an actual point, apart from posting buzzwords.
he's not. he's been risen to star status because the rap game needs someone it can glorify as 'the next nas', a cool but nonthreatening 'street-wise' smart-aleck who makes a habit of inserting 'socially conscious' material into his work which serves the purpose of giving the critics something the laud and the listeners something to feel smart about
You can have good people skills and also be repulsed by the average moron, moron.
went and listened to some of his "good ones", still trash. whats so good about this guy again?
Kek, no you cannot.
>good people skills means being a cunt around people
I mean, yeah sure you can be annoyed but the moment you show it you show your true people skills, next to none.
If the average person wants to be around you, then you're a bad, stupid person. If some dudebro in a bar with a cross tattooed on his bicep wants to be your friend, then you're a bad, stupid person.
how do these ugly, talentless niggers make it big in the music industry?
True, but that is only if the person with good people skill doesn't bother. A smart person can make pretty much anyone like him. A smart person won't most likely bother, but that is irrelevant.
Same applies to this post too.
>Your argument amounts to "no". Just so you know that.
>Oh you want examples of better film clips?
*proceeds to link generic slop*
What did you want me to say?
You didn't even have an argument that amounted to anything, except perhaps "i like this shit"
I like the mental gymnastics you've done to be a friendless tool.
>I must be a bad person if normal people want to be friends with me
You cannot be serious?
You literally posted meme music.
One of the dumbest things I've ever read in my life. Good people skills is not "being nice to everyone." That makes you a sycophantic, worthless cunt, not someone skilled at reading body language, eyes, and manipulation. You are pathetic.
fuck off Sup Forumsshitter
Radiohead music videos are straight up kino
fuck off Sup Forums. No one cares you hate Carry On My Wayward Son.
You are actually still going, can I ask why? Like, you can make a point if you want. But saying "no" gets you nowhere.
But I mean, if you want to say why they are bad, you have to say why they are bad. I will be waiting for you to digest the technical camera work of Pursuit and I don't need a reason, I will then be waiting for the stylish dissection of Skepta's No Security, and the storytelling of Gesaffelstein and Tempa T. There is really only one sub-par clip and thats tempa-t's.
Come now. Saying 'no' gets you nowhere, I am waiting for you to actually make a point. If something's bad in your mind, say why, not no.
For Free? was better and actually had a good song to set it to.
Runaway is ambitious but poorly directed
THIS is kino
Having good people skills is most certainly being able to deal with people. I never said being nice to everyone, that's your assumption as you have no people skills, even on online. I say once you are repulsed by normal people you have showen that you;ve got literally, no fucking people skills.
eople with people skills do not get repulsed by normal people, hahaha, why are you still going, are you that desperate for communication you have to actually interact with people who, you are blatantly wrong about?
Seriously, stop being a cunt and get some friends so you can socialize, what you are doing is simply not healthy.
But continue, if you want. Here is what you have said
>not being repulsed by normal people
>not showing it equates to sociopathy
Se, that's why you have no friends.
Not a bad person by your standards because you're a drooling moron, but yes, a bad person. If the average cunt likes you, then you are a stupid cunt.
>hurr durr how about that sports game last night bro
>any music video
>better than
>wall of text
Why are you so triggered? You link trash, I tell you it's trash and you're all like "LOL YOU CAN'T HAVE THAT OPINION"
I mean, it's not even a subjective opinion as much as it's objectively correct, what you linked is completely generic, but that's a simple factual statement that you can either agree or disagree with, not get your panties in a twist about which board I came from and how you expected a three pager essay on why your taste in music is abysmal.
Just chill out, lol
This has been decided