Which state of the US of A is actually the best state to move to in terms of general mentality and culture?

Which state of the US of A is actually the best state to move to in terms of general mentality and culture?
The East Coast is full of hipsters, the West Coast is full of faggots, the South is full of niggers, so what's best? The Midwest?



yes probably

>Full of niggers

Just stay away from Mississippi and New Orleans. The south in general is fuckin great otherwise.

Midwest USA is probably the best place on earth. Flyover states are paradise-tier.

Mostly conservative governments, low taxes, basically no gun control, cheap land and property, low population density, good jobs in the major cities, temperate weather and long growing season, generally high percentage of whites - mostly German ancestry (and by complete coincidence, low crime rate).

Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan are amazing if you love white suburbia.
Also very cheap. You can get pic related for around 100k.

The south is pretty great.
I mean yeah we have rednecks here who you generally cant understand a single word but they are very nice people.
Same with the niggers here, they aren't the chimp out types from what I've seen.

What about Texas?

North Dakota

I know but you have to tell me what part of Italy you are from first.

I'm not Italian, i'm a tourist visiting the wops here for a week.

New England is nice. It may be a little hip for you.

Idk, I like living in Florida.

Just avoid the cucked cities like Austin, San Francisco, ect. The more lefty the city council/governor the more social problems that city will have with bums and hobos literally everywhere pissing in the open, passed out all over the sidewalk drunk and harassing you every single day for change and/or robbing you.

Tampa is good as way as big cities go, Omaha for sure, Mesa Arizona is based too.

Been to Houston, it's a shithole never been anywhere else in Tx. Austin is a lib shithole probably since lefty council likely encouraging hobo degenerates


No, that is too south.

come home, white man

start a restaurant like all the other italians

Lived one year in North Georgia.

The area of the south east is absolutely based. Best year of my life

North Florida

Hawaii, if you can put up with asians, which are generally decent and upstanding individuals

Dont come to South Carolina. Thats all im going to tell you




Disregard him, SoCarl is lovely

Inland Empires is full of nigs, the rest of SoCal is all illegals and cucks.

Kentucky actually does seem like the most based state, plus they often have high paid job openings since new grad fools rush to commiefornia

This. We're full everywhere else.

I was born and raised in California (San Diego).
I left that paradise shithole a decade ago.
Bought 15 acres in south east Georgia (you can get land as cheap as $800 an acre out here).
Best decision of my life.

>the best state

NH, but please don't come here if you're a faggot

I like Kentucky. Just people in jeans and t-shirts and hardly a single hipster in sight (outside of Bardstown).

>just avoid the big cities

West coast is the best coast, why the fuck would you ever move to the midwest

Its shitty, boring as fuck. Niggers and White Trash everywhere.

>The Midwest?

you're joking.

for you, it'd be new jersey, get to hang out with cousin tony soprano and eat gabbagoo all day

He wrote South Carolina, not California

what the fuck do you do with all that land?

it's cheap for a reason

does it even have infrastructure?

Midwest here(Nebraska). Can confirm, It's great.


you'll miss some big city amenities if you're a faggot but for the most part it's comfy, white and safe.

He's talking about South Carolina, not Southern California. I live in the Inland Empire... It's not that bad. The region itself is more populated than 50% of all states in the U.S. though.

texas is hot and humid as hell. southern california weather is a lot like sicily. north california, oregon, and washington rain a lot. the only good place i can think of otherwise would be idaho, that is, if you are comfortable living alone in a 99% small ultra-conservative white town

I am surprised, i thought Alaska didn't have large cities.


I live in Dallas suburbia but I lived in Kansas City suburbia once and can confirm, midwest is great, simple lifestyle.

I feel you. But I honestly think that if you want to find the BEST place to live, you need to think about specific regions instead of state lines. New York STATE is known for Jew York City and all of its faggotry, but the rest of the state is pretty conservative, and is also home to the FIRST congressman to openly endorse Trump (Chris Collins, my nigga). The same can be said for other states (Illinois, Colorado)

Midwest and texas are comfy af

Does anyone know what new mexico is like? Is it real?

What city is that?

They don't. That's Houston.

I literally spent the first year here in Georgia saying "say that again (?)"
Yes theres blacks, but they didn't get the memo from blm, majority are respectable folks.
And I lived in Vegas for a decade- I've seen enough ghetto rats to write a book on how to be big pimpin nigger.
Any of the snow states are good. Negros don't like the cold.
Any rural area is too. Negros have a pack mentality and can't deal with isolation.

Probably Anchorage, population of 300,000, largest city in Alaska.

memes aside: democratic states

Up in the mountains of pa is great. I farm up here. No one is around. I love it

new mexico has some pretty nice places to live, especially up in the mountains. good weather, scenery and low taxes. too many beaners tho.

>no one saying TN
TN is the best Southern state, and I will have a polite and reasonable discussion with any fellow Southerner who disagrees with me.

West Virginia or Kentucky. Beautiful and 99% white everywhere except the major cities.

This, it's Houston.

I'd know that comfy city anywhere.

Despite the Mexicans, Texas is pretty okay.

Most States are pretty trash desu. I've been all over, and basically any urban area is literally nigger tier. Literally. All of them are filled with Mexicans and noggs. The entire East coast is shit unless you wanna live innawoods where there are no services (so, again basically bush nigger tier) then you want to move to some small town or have a house a few miles away from a decently large city in your favorite state.

also the southwest is gonna be fucked in the future when it comes to water. will make detroit look futuristic.

screencap this

Idaho. We just passed a permitless concealed carry law, our governor can't stand Obama's executive order regarding trannies, and there's thousands of square miles of wilderness to disappear into when the world goes to shit.

k. what part of syria are you from?

>Soros in tripcode

Stay out of the US, Pablo


If Texas counts as Southern, then it's not. sorry.

>best state to move to in terms of general mentality and culture?
Louisiana. best food, nice people and best unique culture


I'm an aussie, actually, of german heritage.

I'll agree that you're the whitest because that's a fact. But Virginia and North Carolina are better.

Apparently we are all wrong though, heres a photo of Anchorage.

Talk about a gem.

Go to north Texas

>You can get pic related for around 100k.

Calling bullshit. I've live in somewhat rural Michigan, and now live in Wisconsin. That's a $400,000 house in Michigan and probably $600,000 plus in suburban Wisconsin.

As for the Midwest in general, great place to live, just stay out of the major metropolitan areas like Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison (liberal infestation), and you're fine.

>West Virginia
You've gotta be fucking with me

I don't OP is asking for a meth connection

Texas TECHNICALLY counts as Southern, but it's not Dixie. It's its own culture. Hell, Texas is practically a nation unto itself. I prefer TN, having lived in both, but TX is a fantastic state. I'd live there again without complaint.

kek, Virginia is pretty comfy.

>Mostly white

Where I came from, this is completely true. There were four or five black people in the entire town, and one of them was raised by whites and hated BLM. Great gal.

Greater Los Angeles and Las Vegas are probably my two favorite cities in the world.

I just have a thing for that "flair". You know, lots of bling bling, palm trees, skater and surfer culture, Hollywood, nice beaches, lots of sun.

Don't get why people always hate on LA, apparently it's "flat"(?) and there is lots of traffic? wew lads, nice criticism.

Honestly, stay the fuck away from big cities. Jew York City and Chimpcago are the biggest blights on American soil right now.

You can't really go wrong unless you go too far south. Spics and nogs tend to flock down there pretty bad.

anyone else north texas here?

one of these days

Actually, its like this
>West full of hipsters
>East full of arrogant faggots
>South full of inbreeding animal fuckers
Really, the best place is the midwest. Peace and great housing.

The US is basically a giant continuous strip mall

The only thing that separates the various regions in terms of uniqueness is the weather

W. VA has some of the lowest crime rates of any state. If you want drugs, try major cities.

Let's also not forget it's one of the only stated that will still be majority white by 2100.

>Not the entire southern sprawl that is beaner land USA aka L.A

At least Chicago has a decently small non white population (in metro area not core city)


If you ain't living in Cali you ain't really living in the USA.

This guy gets it

More to life besides politics

It isn't bullshit look up Fort Wayne IN real estate.

>Most of the work in West Virginia is labour intensive and hard work
>Niggers fear effort
Pretty decent place to avoid nigs frankly.

Midwest, Lakes region, and Alaska are best.
You could also set up shop on one of our little islands.
But make sure to stay away from big cities in all of these areas.

I have a gun range in my front yard.
I also own a small forest, and a creek.
Electricity cost about $700 to bring in.
Well was $4,000
Septic was $2,200
Cabin was like $10,000
And I'm buying another 15 acres from my neighbor so I'll have 30.
Nearest town is about 250 people (9 blacks).
Not totally innawoods. I'm about a mile from a "highway"- so that's 55 mph to Walmart (25-ish minute trip).
>What I do with it
Like literally.
Here's a 50 foot tree I lit on fire (its dead).
That's not stars above it, those are embers.

>Califags are so fucking insulated that they actually believe this
California is Mexico meets Europe. There is nothing American about it.

I didn't feel like saying L.A. was terrible as well, because it's common knowledge that it's terrible.

Grass is green
Water is wet
Los Angeles is utter garbage
Most birds can fly

These are indisputable facts.

I'd say the Alaskan wilderness is your best bet since you're not very likely to run into any fucking people


Are you me?

>tfw went from Overland Park to Frisco

>apparently it's "flat"(?)
Aka not tall/dense/walkable/pedestrian-friendly. Lots of people want to live without needing to take a car everywhere. It's kind of changing though as areas like downtown develop more and mass transit makes a comeback.

Avoiding nigs isn't all that hard. They typically have their areas where they hang out that everyone knows to avoid.

You can easily live in the nig-infested south and almost never have to deal with them, just stay away from their areas
By the way Eurofags, "no-go zones" are a relatively new thing for you, but they're basically unconscious in America. Everyone understands that there are places white people simply do not travel

Cozy as fuc

Kansas city is one of the biggest shitholes I've ever seen on both sides of the border

Northern Idaho. South half is kinda screwy being so close to Utah and all. Don't expect decent internet unless you're in one of the bigger cities. The state is like 90% desert and mountain after all.

No fucking ocean. Just kill yourself. The oceans are the greatest. Atlantic is better than Pacific.