Attached: 1569988294362.gif (288x448, 1.39M)

fucking mutilated :(

We get it, you're gay and have a dick collection. Now stop spamming.

yet here you are. you definitely played the gif. you certainly checked out the dick and licked your lips. but hey you left a comment, so you don't have to feel guilty.

Attached: 1571929055784.jpg (1900x1071, 335K)

We get it your gay, take this shot to /lgbt/

No, your spam is generic as fuck and you post it 100 times a day. I simply asked you to stop spamming. I don't care if you're gay or what you fap to, just stop being an obnoxious faggot.

FFS whats with these cut guys OP? I want to see a proper penis.

so what if i played the gif that doesnt mean anything

means you like niggerdick

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Attached: 1572219772313.webm (412x704, 1.42M)

what? no it doesnt

I wish I was her ngl

Attached: 1572190520882.jpg (800x1200, 220K)

Attached: 555290384239.webm (640x480, 1.97M)

Why do you post these threads so often? Just wondering.

Should we coordinate with /p0l/ to coordinate the california pedowinery burn lolz?
Have these filthy slutb¡tche$ never heard of Matt Whitaker or Ed O'Callaghan kek

Attached: (800x450, 112K)

Attached: 1568835162569.jpg (3000x2000, 1.12M)

White men always thinking about black dick. Fucking natural born fags.

thats not true

Attached: 6669048923940.webm (1024x576, 2M)

umm why me?

She's gorgeous. Like, breathtaking.

Attached: 6669482943289439.webm (956x718, 1.23M)

Attached: 666034892000.webm (480x480, 217K)

Who's that?

Piper Perri

Attached: NS BBC PIPER PERRI.webm (474x428, 1.89M)