Can we make Adult Swim to pull this off the air?
Can we make Adult Swim to pull this off the air?
Who cares? That show is so fucking unbelievably reddit
>maybe if I shitpost hard enough this network will kill off their most popular show ever
>being this retarded
>being this butt blasted
.....*breathes in*......
......*gets a drink of water*......
Rick and Morty is pure genius. Just take a look at "Rixty Minutes".
How many times have you ever seen a fucking cartoon do improv? That is so ground-breakingly spectacular. Fuck the haters.
That's what's so incredible about it. I've never seen that before. As far as I know no one has attempted that. Ground-breaking shit. I love it.
Sup Forums only gets shows they like cancelled.
Make the world a favour and pull yourself from the gene pool OP:3
>leddit spacing
Stop using leddit arrows
Imagine being so stuck in the reddit echo chamber that you think Reddit and memey is anywhere close to top 5 AS shows in ratings
Imagine being such a contrarian that you can post about things you know nothing about with such confidence
>wah wah wah Reddit!!
.....*breathes in*......
......*gets a drink of water*......
Reddit and Memey peaked in ratings at season 1 and it's all been downhill since. Sorry buddy but you know your show's in decline when they start bringing in female writers to talk about cuckolding.
>How many times have you ever seen a fucking cartoon do improv?
Too bad that when he tried to do it again it turned out really bad. Didn't expect him to top Two Brothers but fuck me, the whole thing was so dull.
Did they really start hiring more female writers during Anatomy Park?
this is a show people actually watch, not MDE
S01E11: 2.13M
S02E02: 2.19M
Overall the average S2 viewership was much higher than the average S1 viewership. The only show that even comes close to Rick and Morty's popularity and ratings was the last season of the Boondocks.
>Sup Forumsturds getting BTFO this hard
.....*breathes in*......
......*gets a drink of water*......
Kill Rick and Morty and bring back MDE: World Peace
Why are there gophers growing out of asses?
I liked MDE better than R&M, but its better than family guy and Cleveland show reruns. I'd be fine with more King of the Hill, tho
Why does this cartoon upset you fags so much?
>they killed World Peace for yet another season of Reddit and Memey
Fuck Adult Swim and fuck Jewish people
>How many times have you ever seen a fucking cartoon do improv? That is so ground-breakingly spectacular.
No it's not. The very first show to ever air on Adult Swim, Home Movies, did it regularly.
OP, you need to get shwifty
Reddit apparently likes it, so it drives them nuts because they can't stop thinking about that site.
Watch the show
>cancelled a bad show while a good show continues
Really rustles my brussels.
The Simpsons have had Hank Azaria do improv and animated to fit his voice acting for decades
Then don't ask
But you didn't give an answer. You gave a non-answer.
You could explain why there are gophers growing out of butts but instead obfuscate.
Stop being so reddit.
wtf I hate (((them))) now
I find it pretty amusing that everyone here uses reddit like such an insult and refuses to like something jus because reddit likes it. Imagine giving a group of people so much power that just the fact that they like it is enough to make you repulsed by it. People like that are no better than SJWs with pepe or trashdove calling them "hate symbols" just because pol liked them.
>"There is no god summer, gotta rip that band-aid off now you'll thank me later."
>Mr Poopy Butt
>You're so smarty, Mr Sachcez, give us the code!
top tier writing
>bawwwww spoonfeed me
i bet if you convinced the Anti Defamation League that the alt right was using Rick and Morty as a symbol for their cause, that'd do it
a bunch of macros and edits with the two in nazi garb, tweaking quotes with racist rhetoric
>*bleeagh* its all about the jews, morty. Everythings run by the jews. You gotta *bburrp* get with that cute girl in *brrrp* your math class, gotta procreate the white race. It's the only way, no way out"
no one tell Sup Forums
"Adult" Swim's first ever aired program was literally "le TV-PG kids show booger fart funny fat boy squiggle mumble 80s movie parody zany STRONG single mother with mixed race baby (so progressive!!!) wacky cynical coach cuck my shit up man who does the same voice in every single show he's in lol so random xD what kooky adventures will the gang get into next week ZOMG: the cartoon". And they still air it even in 2017. That's the ethos with which AS has defined itself. There's nothing truly "adult" about it at all.
Can we make mods delete these threads because they belong on Sup Forums
If we watch the show we are reddit but if we don't watch the show we'll never know about the gophers.
>meta humor
>lol so random humor
>hamfisted emotional moments
>pseudo intellectual dialogue
>panders to the "I fucking love science" crowd
It's 100% Reddit
To be reddit or not to be.
Nah, they canceled World Peace because Tim Heidecker campaigned against them, pretty much giving his Podcast audience a how-to guide for getting the show canceled. He said something like
>if you think the show is racist, anti-semitic etc. just call the advertisers and complain
lo and behold, the parent company (Turner) calls Adult Swim and demand they cancel the show, because they're afraid of losing advertisers.
Now Tim Heidecker has a free spot on Adult Swim to fill for his production company.
It's out of our power user, good or not the normies latched onto it. I thought it was pretty decent overall, balance the good and bad. But now the show's got the worst combination of viewers. Normies with superiority complex. It's roller coaster of character studies left and right for us. But to them it's like the sciencey version of Family Guy that they brag about at work to the regular normies. We can all agree AS best show's were underground hits that most normal people couldn't understand. But R&M hits the middle so precisely that redditors can talk about all the good as much as we can the bad. All we can do now is hope the next season doesn't keep bastardizing everyone further than they already have.
Do people actually take the Anti Defamation League seriously though?
They scream anti-semite at everything.
Just watched 5 mins of it and shut it off, garbage show.
Rick and Morty
>Doesn't make pop culture refrences left right and centre
>In fact insults thos types of jokes at one point
>is not repetitive
>intresting episodes
>Subtle and not so subtle humour.
Tell me people who despise it for being reddit, what do you watch or are you contraian and need to impress Sup Forums's hivemind so much you don't have your own opinion
>Season 2 premiere: 2,019,000 viewers
>Season 3 premiere: 654,000 viewers
Wow...It's almost as if one was advertised... and the other... was an april fool's joke...
what show is this
>Steal Jack's block
>Still get BTFO in ratings
Season 1 was literally a masterpiece. Season 2 was about half as funny and the newest episode made me want to cry.
Real reason is because the values the show espouses. I.e. no belief in god
So all the christians are offended and calling it Reddit because for some delusional reason they believe this to be a Christian site compared to reddit
>steal the block of some overrated nostalgia title recognition reboot that didn't get jack shit in ratings
Really activated my almonds
>the newest episode made me want to cry.
They did kinda ruin the whole "shit have consequences" schtick by effectively turning Rick into a God.
But it was still entertaining. I just feel like the characters are turning into stereotypes of themselves, like how Peter Griffin used to be a stupid but lovable guy, but now he's mentally retarded.
>that didn't get jack shit in ratings
The new episodes are. Better than Family Guy reruns, better than World Peace, better than most other originals really.
Fuck off Justin.
World Peace was the highest rated Adult Swim show of all time. Higher than Rick and Morty.
I can tell by the wacky animation this show is real counterculture and edgy.
stop spamming you obnoxious child
>Hey Adult Swim!
>You know that show that makes you millions of dollars and is wildly popular?
>It's fucking reddit, cancel it.
I remember Sup Forums praising the improv back around the time it first aired.
The humor was so lame and them laughing while doing it was horrible.
Hey Sam. You ain't funny and you'll never get your show back.
No. Not even close.
How about kill both of those unfunny things?