>walk in bedroom
>see this
wat do? reply to this thread or your mother dies in her sleep tonight.
>walk in bedroom
>see this
wat do? reply to this thread or your mother dies in her sleep tonight.
>rub feets
>cum on feets
>lick cum off feets
Fuck off
>>walk in bedroom
>>see this
>wat do?
>walk in bathroom
>see this
>walk out
>run to parents room
>grab mom's dildo
>sneak up on him
>turn him gay
Bad karma man
shoot him in the ass
claim self defence
why are those things so fucking long?
Sniff and suck every cute toe
Shove a gun up ass and pull trigger till clip is out
Beat it before it lays communist eggs
Pull pants rest of the way down, take off his shirt, suck his cock dry, and cuddle and caress him for an hour or two. Then as we peacefully spoon I will lube up and slowly push inside him while I carres his chest, and lick his neck.
Mount his ass and fuck him until creampie
Turn 129,600 degrees and pass out.
Tell him I hope he likes exra mayo
Hit with baseball bat
leave. call police
Silently walk behind him with a shotgun and shoot him in the ass
why? You're so insecure in your own sexuality, that the idea of a man being nude in front of you makes you want to murder them? Wow. you're cool
shove a vintage He-Man figure in that shitbox and grab him by the weiner.
There's litteraly a naked man ass in the air in my fucking bed, uninvited, and you expect me to show acceptance towards him ? I'm not homophobic but you're an actual retard or have a great sense of irony that made me chuckle ngl
tell him to leave
Suck pepe
Strip him completely naked, masturbate together while we kiss, fuck him from the front, creampie his ass and cuddle for hours with the possibility of many more rounds of raw sex.
idk shoot em niggas in tha crib ya hurrd
Okay, so I complain for a year now that you were posting pictures from 2017, and now that its 2019 you are posting pictures from 2018. Couldn't you just post these to begin with?
Disgusting clown feet. This is OPs face btw
Fuck off
this your stalker op?
I’ll have to look for a place to hide the body... more work...
ask them how they got in to my house
Eat that ass
id kill anyone with clown feet bending over half naked on my bed degenerate or not
nice weather were having
kinda cute. i kiss his cute feets