Trump hasn't sold us out for the main stream cucks

Trump hasn't sold us out for the main stream cucks

He is playing 20-D Chinese checkers

R-right guys

Pence isn't that bad. He's no cuckservative, aside from TPP he's solid.

His vp stood for the TPP and was against trump's anti Islam immigration policy.

it's a complete disaster, i told you trump was a kosher agent

You knew this had to happen.
If he picked a wild card the average voter would have voted Hilldawg out of fear
>dat sheep mentality

This was the smart choice, even if it isn't the exciting one.


Pence is make hillary.
Should have fucking listened. Fucking jewish cuck plant all along.

Trump just picked Pence to curry favor with Conservative media outlets. The convention iscoming up and if the GOP shows unity and strength while DNC is devoured by the SJW Frankenstein they created Americans will have more confidence in Trump.

Stop being such paranoid faggots and watch the man work his meme magic.

It was a compromise, more than anything. If you want to appeal to a wide Republican electorate, you need to show that you are widely aligned with Republican values. Picking a guy like Mike Pence does just that.

Appealing to moderates and centrist democrats was obviously off the table since the media has painted Trump as a far-right fringe candidate and most people are too dense to look past nasty assertions like that, so playing closer to home was the only real option.

>Jewish baby girl
>not sold us out
GTFO MY Sup Forums

And what happened when you stop worrying and learned to love the weed?

That's what i'm saying.
>Pence makes sense.

>>Pence makes sense.

that's a reddit tier slogan. the meme magic is dead.

Does anyone else find Trump/Pence to be extremely unaesthetic, for multiple reasons? First, two hard-Ps next to each other is horrible. Second, a pence is a British penny, next to Trump who is supposed to be Mr. $$$.

Thanks senpai

I am now back on the #trumptrain

Sup Forums is BTFO.

Sup Forums cocked itself when Trump announced that his vice president is an interventionist, neo-conservative, TPP supporter, supporter of Cruz/Rubio style amnesty for illegals, supporter of free trade, pro-Israel and pro-Islam cuckervative.

He literally picked Jeb Bush to be his VP.

You would vote for a Trump/Jeb ticket and you know it.


>Sup Forums hates all Jews.
>Sup Forums believes the holocaust is fake
>Sup Forums hates America because of how much the Jews own
>Sup Forums hates Clinton because she's a Jewish pawn
>Sup Forums votes for the man with a Jewish daughter, Jewish son in law, and 2 Jewish grandchildren, that calls Israel America's most cherished ally
>Sup Forums votes for a man who's running m8 also believes Israel is most cherished ally
>Sup Forums isn't satire

>he's no cuckservative

Trump fucked up, he just lost the election.

Yeah, he's made his fans doubt him and his validity. Real smart move.

He may be trying to think about expanding his voterbase, in which case he's retarded because the people who don't support him right now hate his guts and Pences'.
He may be trying to unify and get support of the GOP, in which case he's retarded because the GOP is a sham and he's exposed them out to be a sham.

Trump's made a retarded move. He can make some good moves though that will get him back on track, so it's nothing to worry about that much. Just know that Trump isn't as smart as you think.

Threadly reminder:
>Sup Forums is ONE PERSON

when will this meme end

Well, the alternative is Clinton... so yeah.

trump played you boys.
played you good.

>The denial sets in
Now the ride truly begins

Supporting TPP makes you a cuckervative

goys are always easy to play, fagela

Supporting TPP makes him a cuck

>20-D Chinese checkers

have a (You)