What's the sexiest thing men could wear?

what's the sexiest thing men could wear?

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clothes that fit properly, you can go to a tailor to fit dress shirts. also clothes where the colors look good all together. There's a big variety.

Strap on dildo

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New England prep

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Really interesting question.
For women it's revealing clothes such as short skirts or dresses and showing cleavage. But what is the equivalent for a man?

Amex black card, a range rover, and 15k instagram followers ?


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There is a "myth" that you'll have an easier time attracting a woman when you are already in a relationship. Supposedly you exhude more confidence. I think money will do the same.
From my perspective it's true but I think the security of having a partner or having money means you can be more selective and genuinely interested in other people and that is what matters.

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Panties and a bra

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>not a frilly dress
what a fag

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I love wearing a vagina. On my penis. Everything else looks good, once you've dressed your penis.

Certainly a suit makes you look employed. However, I believe too flambouyant a suit will suggest that you are self-centered and perhaps anxious and insecure.

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Agreed to an extent, but it does take moxie to dress bold

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Obviously a nice bathrobe. Bathrobes are the apex of attire