Nip women

Can someone redpill me on Japanese women? Why are they so superior? And don't say:
>because you're a faggot weeb
because I only like 2D women and Jap women.

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Because you like them.

buck teeth

Asian women are disgusting and half white hapa offspring are degenerate. go away you weird dork

Listen fellow "american", can you honestly say you'd pick some vapid americunt woman over some island chink? Because I know I would.

Dont overthink it user.

>wanting children

Oy vey good goy, make more children for the taxes good goyim!

asians view relationships as more of a business arrangement

even from supposedly westernized ones, you're basically expected to provide money and face, and they provide you with kids.

it's duty, not love

Go huff some deck sealant Kiwi

Sounds good to me, I don't want some shallow bitch to think I'm there to validate her "emotions".