This girl is so disinteresting to text

this girl is so disinteresting to text

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>implying your into her for her wit

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take a look in the mirror faggot. it's the dudes job to keep the convo on the up and up. you're boring the fuck out of her, and she doesn't want to see any of your lame ass tiktok videos. women want to be held by a man, not a clown. shape up faggot. there's too much pussy out there for you to not have your head in the game. fuck sake.

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I don't think she wants to talk to you. She's just being nice to the autistic kid.

bro i don't think she's into you

Of course op is a retard

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stfu basement virg

hi yeah op here i dated this girl for 4 months and broke up with her because the convo was dry and she couldn’t talk to me in any intelligible way

So stop talking to her, are you posting a thread just to show you're talking to a girl?

>stfu basement virg

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do u guys want the nudes or


yes faggot. why ask? of course we do.

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If you showed me the plain text and not a screencap I"d never be able to guess which was supposed to be you and which the boring girl. Who shows this crap to Sup Forums anyway, unless it's funny?

a faggot teenager who doesn't even deliver the nudes. that's who.

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Agreed I immediately assumed the person posting a TikTok would be the woman.

1 word replys mean she is not interested

Y I K E S posting a tiktok.


Lol fuck off cunt

This. Sorry user.