My sister is says we need to let in all the asylum seekers and stop treating them like animals by throwing them in...

My sister is says we need to let in all the asylum seekers and stop treating them like animals by throwing them in detention centres.
My dad agrees with her.
Are they correct?

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No. If you do that you'll end up like Sweden.

How can I redpill them?

According to the UN treaties we have signed, yes they are correct.

You could visit an English second language primary school and realise that refugee kids are wonderful and fully prepared to integrate into Australian culture.

Baby boomers are the ultimate cucks, and your sister must be put back on track, just try to get her engaged with a good non muslim friend of yours so we prevent future misgenation of your sister with a mehmet fugee

They are naive
Let's see how they think about the situation when your sister gets raped by a horde of "immigrants"

Show me the chapter in some UN treaty saying there is mandatory to let into your country violent religion worshipping degenerates who start to kill you? Show me the chapter.

And we are full. Overpopulated already.

Show me the UN treaty that says you should start destroying wildlife in your country to house invaders?

Is UN racist that they prefer life of moslem to life of bear in our forests?

Because they arrive in the country with little to no skills, consist of mostly adult men, bring their cancerous ideologies with them (eg; Islam) and remain in other shitskin communities with very little regards of assimilation or integration into the wider Aus community.

So long as she hosts them in her house with her own money I'm fine with it otherwise fuck off

ask them what war these "refugees" are feeing?

ask them why the fifty countries they had to pass through to get here wouldnt take them?

ask them if it wise to accept unskilled migrant into an economy with rising unemployment.

ask them if the want to accept the fact that we will end up like germany and france where rapes and terrorist attacks are now rampant?

ask them if they want australia to be a white christian nation?

ignore what ever your sister says then slap the bitch tell her to take out her nose ring and return her hair to a natural colour.

if your dad doesnt understand knock the cunts block off and tell him you are now the man of the house!

>implying his sister doesn't fantasize about that


>bypass dozens of safe countries to get into one with a very generous welfare system
>asylum seekers


Always question what are they fleeing from. For example the people fleeing from sri lanka despite that conflict ending years ago

No and tell them that these people would rather see your dad and sister dead than repaying the deed. Basically they would kill them instantly if they were given money and no prosecution for it.

Tell them that the invasion never stop this way and all the planet will be obliterated in mass die-off because of their wrongdoing - wrongthinking. Tell them that in the end there will be war more humans dying of hunger or in warfare to grab the last resources if this refugee-madness is not stopped right now.

Tell them that population of Africa (~1 bilion at the moment) will double in 25 years and there will be 1 billion of invaders knocking at their door. Ask them how they want to feed them.
Buy a handsaw. give it to them and send them to South-America to cut down rainforests so the dear "refugees" can have something to eat.

just engage in dialects with them and question what they think will happen if this policy of theirs goes through. Then use basic history knowledge to make them realise how retarded they sound.

Your sister is a retard.

-- far more humans ---

Disown them


There are too many of them and too little of us. Drive that point home and repeatedly ask them if they're willing to house, clothe, feed, and care for at least 10 immigrant middle-aged men in their own home. Get a picture of a scraggly toothed, bearded, brown screaming man and ask them if they want to take him into their home

Reveal them as the hypocrites they are. They're fine with "doing the right thing" as long as they don't have to do it

>my family thinks we should let in thousands upon thousands of """asylum seekers""" for no real reason beyond muh morality
>are they correct

Tell them to go elsewhere. Preferably Germany.

There are 500 million people in Indonesia. There are 20 million in Australia.

We cannot feasibly just keep taking in everyone who comes. The moment we say yes, they will ALL come.

They overpopulated and shitted up their own countries. They have no right to then spread to others. They made their bed, they sleep in it. Them coming here will just bring the same morals that led to their turmoil in the first place.

I repeat: there are 500 million muslims in Indonesia. They outbreed Australia a staggering factor. Even if you took in 10 million of them, half of Australia's current population, you wouldn't even DENT the problems they have, and you would severely fucking destroy this country.

Cannot be allowed. Do not give them hope of arrival. Not even the remote chance. Send them back. Let them figure out their problems or die trying.

Everyone look to the left toward the camera and smile!

(Boats tilts left in the direction they're looking at)

>They put us in a very dark room, no matter how much we begged them to put a light bulb in the room, they would just shut the door on us
>“My heart troubled me there very much. I actually saw death in front of my eyes. I had difficulty breathing.”

>Another Iranian on board, Arash Sedigh, threatened to kill customs officers and says he was shoved and repeatedly told to “sit down, shut up”. Demands by asylum seekers to be allowed to contact their families were ignored.

>The boat was very strange, smelly and very small.
>Sedigh says he scuffled with officers, was punched and then pushed into the ocean before being fished out

>“After that I just asked my friends, ‘does anybody have a camera? We have to take a movie as evidence’,” he said.

>As the lifeboat is steered back to Java by the Indonesian crew, enraged asylum seekers scream “fuck Australia” at the camera. “If later on you say why did they do that to America, you should know the cause of it is your very deeds. Remember 9/11 for United States,” Sedigh shouts.

>Sedigh says people smugglers are already encouraging him and his wife to make a third attempt to reach Australia but he refuses.

No. If you want to grow up safe and secure, without religious interference or people yelling at you on the street about religion.

They are incorrect.

Here is the issue, those people bring their issues with them, but their issues aren't like "i'm running from loan sharks", their issues are their culture which is their religion, which is not a religion of peace but war. What we are doing is simply inviting them in and putting them together here, and you know what, they don't integrate, they huddle together, build a mosque and their country, that they left, because their religion fucked up, begins anew within your city.

If you have have them renounce their religion or make sure their kids do not practice it, maybe, just maybe you will have a chance. But anything less than that, tell your government and family members to fuck off.

ask them if they would invite a random stranger into their home permanently.

Oh no whats the UN gonna do about you not obeying a treaty?

Letting them in will only further exploit the unemployed and working class, and keeping them in detention is costing tax payers too much money. The best thing to do would be to send them back to their country of origin immediately after being detained.

t. Marxist.

Kids? What kids?

Tell them about the Apex gang and all the shit they're doing.

Good point, its all just men.

As a country, you should be aiming for women and children (young families). If you don't, you're fucked already.

Liberal democracies only work when they are made up if like minded, liberals. Third world refugees are not and do not become people of the caliber required to keep a western democracy running.

Australia was born a white nation because those characteristics that benefit liberty are most often found in the white european populations.

Do they know the real reason the Cronulla riots happened?
Do they know that Lebanese Muslims were preying on non-muslims underage girls and gang raping them in a co-ordinated fashion? texting their friends telling them to come and join in the action?
Do they know that they don't see themselves as Australian, they see themselves as MUSLIM, then LEBANESE?
Do they know that underage girls are being married in back-yard Sharia law wedding ceremonies and the government doesn't even know how much it is happening, they only find out when the girls turn up pregnant in hospital at age 14?
Do they know that for every 'asylum seeker' we take here, we could help 10, yes TEN, in their home country?
Do they know the difference between a news report saying an 'asylum seeker' was ALLEGEDLY raped, or CLAIMS to have been raped, and actually being raped?
Do they know that there is a direct correlation between self-harm in detention centres and claims of mistreatment and the media coverage it receives? gee it's almost like these people know the public can be manipulated
Do they know that there have been two claims of pregnancy through rape in detention centres, both later found to be completely fabricated, entirely pushed by the social workers wanting to get these individuals visas, but not revealed until after the damage was done in the media?

>My dad agrees with her.

Sorry dude, allowing trans people to have children is clearly a crime!

I agree that we shouldn't throw them in detention centers

Extermination camps are a much better solution

You could visit a mosque and realize they are violent shitskins who need to be executed

Just beat the fuck out of them; they are cucks they will take it like a bitch.

what do you mean by "let in"
let them have whatever and kill you all
okay go ahead

Tell them to stop supporting policies that lead to people drowning at sea.

>How can I redpill them?
Depends. They might be beyond salvation. Does your sister dress in the way like those virtue-signalling nu-males and femtards at Tumblr? If so, there's no saving her.

It's possible to save your dad. Then again, it all depends on how how bad his brainwashing was.

In any case, you must be prepared to do what must be done when the time comes and chose not to repent, lest someone else does it for you and in a more inhumane way.

They would be correct if security wasn't such a concern. Compassion is one of our greatest strengths, but we cannot allow it to compromise our security or blind us to true threats.

Come up with another $55 million and Cambodia will definitely solve your refugee problem this time. Trust us.

Well they the fuck are they leaving?

Get yourself checked, you might have inherited the insanity gene

Yes, Sri Lankan Hindus are now terrorists.

That said, they do like their ficky ficky so fuck them.