What's next for his career?
What's next for his career?
Was it rape?
fucking it and doing it live
He's in trouble
Lying democrats are at it again trying to frame innocent men. In other news water is wet.
O'Reilly is a piece of shit RINO anyways, so fuck him and his smug ego.
His voice may not be for sale, but he also can't seem to keep his dick in his pants.
Dozens of women have come forward claiming sexual harassment in the last decade. Most of them were women working at FOX News on his show or trying to get a position on his show. Murdoch & Co. have paid at least $13 mil to keep them all from going public.
Is this loofagate 2.0?
Giving screenwriting advice on Sup Forums
We need to take the power away from advertisers what they are doing lately scares the shit out of me no one should have that much power
>Believes being against Fox News workers means liberal biased
Please tell me you're not that delusional.
Hasn't he been doing this shit and paying settlements for it for a long time now? Is there something different about it this time?
>Companies shouldn't have the power to decide that they no longer wish to pay to have their product sold on on a TV network
Probably a slap on the wrist, a paid vacation till it blows over, then another raise.
They shouldn't have the power to hurt Google and YouTube like they just did a company like Google failing would spell a huge disaster do you really want that resting on the shoulders of advertisers?
Yes. He was sued back in mid-2000's by one of his show coordinators.
retiring soon like he's said for a while
still has huge ratings
>talking to womyn is rape
haha no get fucked
is this to cover up the whole trump actually being spied on thing today?
How much of that is true and how much of that is extraction via blackmail though
Normally i would say 50-50 but this is Sup Forums we are talking about so....
The most recent woman refuses to accept the payout and is going public
Back when the election was just beginning I remembered reading about Roger Ailes being somewhat helpful or just accommodating to Trump, and I thought to myself, "They're gonna get rid of this guy", and then a few months later he's gone amid "accusations". Doesn't shock me that O'Reilly, another guy friendly to Trump, is getting the axe the exact same way.
Sexual harassment/rape accusations are literally the easiest way to destroy someone and all you need is someone willing to make the claim and stick to the story, then you pay them off on the side via some lucrative contract or deal and everyone's none the wiser.
O'Reilly is not even remotely innocent, he's basically Fox's Bill Cosby.
Except you don't need to pay anyone off because ol' Bill is a known offender, Fox has settled cases multiple times.
>Say i love the jews and i might help you
>tfw Trump really wanted to ask Bill to be his running mate but I convinced him not to
Settlements are not evidence of wrongdoing though. Bill may very well be guilty of these accusations, but there's no proof, and the company paying people off to shut them up is very well practiced by every major organization because it's cheaper than legal costs + media fallout.
Raking in millions of dollars because his 4 million nightly viewers and book buyers don't give a single shit.
>"Advertisers" have the power to bring down Google
Lol what? Alphabet is basically the closest thing that exists to a god of the internet. No other company on earth wields the type of power over the digital world that they do.
>women claiming rape
>believing women
Where there's smoke there's fire. I honestly don't expect him to be majorly set back by the whole thing (unless he went full Cosby or something), but I don't believe for a second he's innocent
You're totally right, this is why I'm pro-refugees. Those fucking white bitches are lying cunts.
>Where there's smoke there's fire
Nothing but a fallacy. Might as well say everyone accused of a crime is guilty because they wouldn't be accused if they weren't.
You have to go back
Doing it live
appropriately rated
I dunno dude I'm gonna google the same thing you are
Pretty sure it's being said because of America's complete joke of a pay to play legal system where the elite and wealthy can use the entire planet as a playground with no legal repercussions.
>"""""sexual harassment""""""
could be literally anything according to mentally ill women
am I the only one who likes Bill? he's a very smart man
Once they get accused 10+ times by different people i tend to be a little more doubtful of their innocence.
>I'm not going to let guilt be decided by evidence or facts
>just the number of accusers
I hope you never get on a jury tbqh. I would feel sorry for the poor person that depends on your decision.
>I'm not going to let guilt be decided by evidence or facts
But the countless millions of the parent company that owns his show ensures that the he is never judged based on evidence or facts
I like him too. Fuck the lib haters.
Yeah i guess Bill Crosby was innocent and falsely accused by """mentally ill""" women then.
Oh fucking wait
honestly im surprised trump didnt offer him the secretary of state job
HA U.S. is fucking stupid enough to make this happen.
well you're a retard you would like him
There main income is advertising they could kill them tomorrow if they wanted to
Going to jail.
They should just make Tucker two hours long and throw Bill to the curb.
>evidence or facts
>only evidence is the millions of dollars he has paid to shut these women up
really gets the old noggin joggin
>What's next for his career?
writing Killing Trump
>just gives fallacies
rlly crcks my almund
No, in this case we're referring to Bill O'Reilly who has already been known for sexual harassment charges. This has NOTHING to do with Trump. If anything thing it means Bill O'Reilly has been a suck up to Fox News to pay off his lawsuits.
Don't make this a Trump thing. That's just plain fucking stupid.
Is there a fallacy where you just spam the word "fallacy" over and over with it having no meaning?
>Bill Crosby
Oh give me a break. He reminds me of my dad or uncles, just an old fashioned kinda guy the way things use to be.
did he do it... live?
Welp case close then I guess
>let me tell you about how women's sexual assault claims are unfounded because I really like his show
What ever did happen to those countless obese polerinas shitting up the board for months claiming cosby was innocent? Pretend it never happened as usual?
Your dad and your uncles ran a train on you, right?
Every claim a woman makes is unfounded. A woman could say that the sky is blue or two plus two equals four and it would still be unfounded.
The influence of feminism over society also makes any and all claims anyone could make about sexual assault invalid.
OReilly did nothing wrong.
It's just old fashioned traditional value real man's man shit. I'm not surprised that you nu-male cucks aren't into pederasty.
Innocence doesn't mean much to me in a society influenced in anyway by feminism. We're too perverted for such a a term to have any value.
I remember Conan making fun of this in fucking 2004 when they had tapes leak of O'Reilly threatening someone he sexually harassed and then coming onto her again when she seemed like she would drop it. It's a miracle he got away with it as long as he did.
Refilling his Viagra script.
No one was defending his innocence, they were defending his culpability.
>le feminism at le fox news
Could you be more of a neckbeard?
We get it incel, you're bitter. Now fuck off and get back to work on your cartoon frog uprising manifesto.
W-why doesn't Hannity have any complaints against him? I just can't figure it out.
>Bill O'Reilly
>Putting his falafel in your possi
because they're the old dogs on fox and they stick together
hasn't this happened before?
Read the thread. The latest is refusing a buyout
>it's a conservative is secretly a sick fuck episode
First the Milo twist, now this?
Hannity is gay.
Bill is a good boy he didn't do anything. He was just studying history gonna release his new book
>you can say lots of shit but just don't do anything sexual at all
top kek
A professional attention whore that smartly picked the alt-right as his targets for pandering
I'm talking about society as a whole, which Fox news is a part of. The idea that women are equal and deserving of autonomy is commonly accepted. I don't watch this trash, but I can guarantee you that they pay lip service to to that idea.
How could any sensible person living in this world not be bitter?
This is payback for Bill Cosby, an innocent entertainer brought down by conservatives who always despised him.
Shep Smith finally comes out of the closet after being caught trying doing coke with a 16 year old male escort
Because sensible people realize that everybody has problems and it's on you to take responsibility for your own shit and better yourself and create your own happiness instead of blaming everybody else for your failures.
Shep is based so it's okay.
>Fox News finished far and above its competition in the ratings for the first quarter of 2017, with the network putting up the highest-rated quarter ever in cable news history in the total day viewership measure, according to Nielsen data released Tuesday. This marks 61 consecutive quarters that Fox News has finished number one among cable news networks in total day and primetime viewership.
>Fox News averaged 1.72 million total day viewers, with 359,000 of those falling in the key adults 25-54 demo. CNN finished second with 826,000 total day viewers and 266,000 viewers in the demo. MSNBC came in third with 781,000 total day viewers and 185,000 viewers in the demo.
>In addition, Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor” not only had its highest-rated quarter ever, but it broke all previous records in cable news history for the highest-viewership ever for any given program in a quarter.
Ol' Billy Boy is unstumpable.
Because we actually got laid.
So anyway I’d be rubbing your big boobs and getting your nipples really hard, kinda kissing your neck from behind and then the other hand with the falafel thing.
>ever believing women and their sexual assault accusations
remember all those women who came out after trump? neither do I
>it's a liberal is a sick fuck and proud of it episode
Oh wait, that's every episode.
At least conservatives are ashamed of themselves enough to keep it hidden.