Sup Forums the halving is coming up in May. What cryptos are you putting your bets on?

Sup Forums the halving is coming up in May. What cryptos are you putting your bets on?
and link for me.

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I'm sorry, the halving?

when the reward for miners gets cut in half, therfore making supply go down and demand go up

I take it this will increase the value of bitcoin?

yes that is what happened in 2017 that sent it skyrocketing

So, assuming I know nothing about investing or cryptocurrency, could you explain how I can make a profit from this? Is it as easy as buying a bunch of bitcoin before May and just selling it once it increases?

I like Nerva a lot.
CPU solo mining only. Very decentralized.

Attached: Zi6jc35.png (300x300, 21K)

pretty much. same basic concept as stocks. buy low sell high. watch for trends. bitcoin increased 35% last week.

Is it expected to lower again before the halving? And once the value does increase, how would I then turn it back into cash?

some people are saying it will. i personally think it will just keep going up. it is easy to buy and sell on exchanges. once you sell it becomes cash again.

Thanks user


I havent heard of that one

>a decentralized currency free from tampering

Wait go back

I've been doing this for a LONG time. Bitcoin will be the only coin of value in several years. These shitcoins will bounce all over the place like XRP, LTC, ETH did, but it will all come back to Bitcoin.

TL;DR - Put your money in BTC.

I saw a bitcoin atm at the gas station, can I put in cash there or should I use something like coinbase

Coinbase is the easiest to start out with.

Bitcoin should be called "Bitcon".
Imaginary money in an imaginary world.

Whatever you say, Clark.

Attached: D8456265-38C1-4EB3-9CAB-71CBB91C675C.png (1125x2436, 404K)

It's a very small project that tries new stuff.
Pretty nice and based.
The dev is an aussie

"... therefore making supply go down and demand go up".

Thank you for your armchair economics--but your statement as it stands only addresses Supply (mining rewards), not demand.

That said, if supply reduces and demand stays fixed, the price increases.

As a crypto investor, it hurts me a little bit to see people making inaccurate or unclear statements with some sort of economic rationale that they clearly don't understand. For crypto to grow, it needs CREDIBILITY, not rampant speculation.