Impeachment = War
Impeachment = War
As long as we're fighting for Israel
Who's war??
Trumptards vs the US Military?
Don't be surprised if he resigns.
good. We need to thin out some of the inbreds in the red flyover states
>>Impeachment = War
Why wait.
3/4 of the US military vs fat antifa.
He going to jail
They wouldnt fight for you, so its nice youll fight for them
Orange man, good! Red commies, bad! Okay, orange man is kind of retarded, but red commies are definitely bad.
The saddest thing about you trumptards is you think people are afraid of you.
Nah, just more mass shootings
I'm literally AOC supporter
Reagan is dead, Putin is friend
>>The saddest thing about you trumptards is you think people are afraid of you.
plz dont be afraid of me
be afraid what im going to do to your corpse
Red commies have been corrupt capitalists ever since the USSR broke up. That's why all the old-guard pols in both parties have been so interested in the area.
Yeah, but WhAt AbOuT JoE BiDeN?
He's the real crook.
did you just fucking threatening me???
I'll have you know I'm in a Mexican gang and we wil finding out where you live and kick your red hat wearing fat asd
Where's the video of one of you soy milklings walking up to some tradesmen and calling them 'Trumptards'? I'd pay a few bucks to watch that beatdown.
I'm an atheist. Do anything you'd like.
I curse your soul, anal sex no longer interests you!
lolololololol I've only ever gotten sputtering gibberish about HRC and deep state nonsense. Not one of you babydick faggots has the self respect to punch Me in the face. Go get Me a beer, loser. I'm going to go fuck your wife in the ass while your daughter watches and takes notes.
Civil war is inevitable at this point imperchment or not. It doesnt matter.
That video comes out right after the vid of the guy calling some tradesman a libard......
Civil war isn’t happening, stop larping and watch some different YouTube videos.
Pretty much. It will start during the election or right after, no matter who wins.
lol hurr durr my government will be stable forever
Won't be a war. At least not with weapons that kill. It's just going to be more of the same retarded empty media articles and idiotic demonstrations. Some WI does will be broken, a car or two set on fire. A few arrests here and there. It it won't be a war. You won't get to shoot any opposition. Your family won't be in danger on the front lines. No one has the nerve to carry out any actual battle against those that disagree with them.
Stop dreaming. Accept the mediocrity that is our society today. We are too addicted to our plush lives.
WI does
Fuck off mobile
Do you like Huey Lewis?
After Trump is convicted, Pence will be President. You going to war against Pence? It means you would be executed for treason, so answer carefully.
Against a bunch of diabetic keyboard warriors who do all their shopping at Walmart and Cabelas, I'll bet on the US army
We are no longer one government with two parties. We are two governments, with two separate constituencies. Both are utterly convinced the other is brainwashed, traitorous and subhuman. That is not sustainable forever.
and 90% of military members support our president, the 10% who don't are basic infantry not worth shit to our army
No we are one government with one party trying to convince the plebians that they are different and uniformly shitting all over them while they yell at each other.
A big chunk of military and veterans are at least Republican if not Trump supporters.
100% of them signed a contract to do whatever the president says, but a lot of them are niggers and spics
military leadership hates trump though.
Found the Communist!
What is this? 1984? I'm not a socialists?
>What is this? 1984?