hhhnnnggg chavs
Hhhnnnggg chavs
Why would you post such a blurry pic.
LARPing sperg
.... how is this larp? its literally just posting chav girls. no stories at all, true or not.
you're typing out the sound of moaning, that's fucking LARP aspie
.... fucking hell, hello newfriendo
Don't oldfag RP too
Girl I was at school with. She's now a minor Instagram influencer.
She was also a lesbian throughout sixth form, but I would imagine she's taken dick since then.
You guys fucking ruined this thread. Do you want more chav girls or not? Fuckin hell
More? Where from?
no, go away
is that way
Her IG is shan_mcconnell
She's from Newark in Nottinghamshire, but I dunno if she still lives there.
What do you think? He's gonna phone her? Maybe get some sush? Fucking delusional faggots
Just enjoy the pics instead of getting butthurt about everything
Whose this grumpy old fucker? Shes bangin man, any other girls?
Man, you english people are the least beautiful in all of Europe I think, would hate to be you.
This girl. Her ex boyfriend ended up in prison for armed robbery, and she now lives with her friend (they share a bed, so I assume at least a small amount of dying has gone on).
Dyking, I accidentally a letter.
>I accidentally a letter
Put me in the screencap