>"Hey, kid. Wanna rumble?"
"Hey, kid. Wanna rumble?"
>yfw you will never be Matt Dillon
Why did they make Ponyboy such an ugly nigger?
>No thanks Sup Forums told me gay sex is degenerate
Had to watch that like 3 times for a class
Fuck I hate it so much
Ponyboy wasn't the wop Diego you illiterate fuck.
>ywn be named sodapop
>Had to watch that like 3 times for a class
>a class
You mean English/Reading, as in the same class everyone else reads the book and watches the movie?
It's been required curriculum in schools for decades
I would've picked literally every other actor there to die before Swayze.
Cruise - A Bungled Gay Sex accident
Rob Lowe - Cocaine induced Heart Attack
Ralph Macchio - Brain Damage
Dillon - internal bleeding from massive diarrhea
Emilio Estevez - Mesothelioma
C Thomas Howell - Who Cares
Yeah, I just didn't feel like writing it out because I'm on my phone.
I forgot how autistic some posters can be.
>Dillon - internal bleeding from massive diarrhea
>Americans watch movies in Reading class.
This is why you elected Trump.
>>ywn be named sodapop
>ywn be named pony boy
A thread about a movie in my top 5...it wasall Cherry's fault.
>europoors can't afford to watch movies
>Theres 4 sequels
>3 that were made into movies
>Reused the same actors and Coppola
>Never heard about this until recently
I haven't read the book or seen the movie since middle school you bassmouth nigger.
She was hot though, so it's ok.
She was a trickass tease...I dated one and they won't even give a handy. They just wanna make their daddy mad.
>Eurocucks dont watch classics like To a Mockingbird in school
>Cant afford movies to watch so they can do a compare and contrast of the book and movie
So this is the power of third world countries
or The Day After in order to nuke-scare us about commies.