Why does everyone hate me when i post her :(

why does everyone hate me when i post her :(

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Good to know that you suck cocks, user, but what about her pseudopeen?

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because you keep spamming it and its annoying.

you're not convincing anyone that you don't know exactly what you're doing

They secretly cry themselves to sleep because they can never sing Sisi Ni Sawa with Jasiri.

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no i'm not, i'm as straight as can be, don't know why i said that
the max threads per ip are 5, i keep maybe 3 threads active at most, thats not spamming, thats the right of creating a thread
go ahead, explain it to me

oh god, i didn't know that was an issue, thats so sad :(

You say, as you frustratedly keep touching your flaccid cock after masturbating to her in voracious lust for several hours.

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whenever me or someone has a bad day, i just think its no where near as bad as this spammer. rough times indeed


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everyone stop replying its shit-tier bait

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someone is a bit mad that i got Jasiri by my side, come on user, there's enough Jasiri for all of us

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read up the definition of bait, i'm seeking answers

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Look at this little cunt too ashamed to admit his rapid lust for Jasiri. What a fucking cocksock slagfag!

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satanic trips of truth

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samefaggoting is kewl

no its not, i know that because i'm cool

Attached: jasiri half sit -o.png (200x189, 53K)

Who are you accusing of samefagging?

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