RIP Roaches

RIP Roaches

link with sound?

Sorry don't got any. Just posting what others have posted.

Tank man in an alternate universe.

lol guy got snapped in half like a hot dog


Serves those roaches right for all the shitposting.

Just my thought

"I saw this in one cool picture, let met try too"

Why does everyone keep acting like they were standing in front of it? They tried to move out of the way but there was no more room on the sidewalk. No sympathy for the idiots riding on the vehicle but anyone that got crushed trying to escape deserves pity. Also there's another pic from the other side of the overpass of people jumping over the side onto a pile of dead bodies. This was really horrible


>Why does everyone keep acting like they were standing in front of it?
They were literally trying so swarm the tank, you can see people on the top of it
Serves them right

look at them climbing onto the tank. Pretty sure they were trying to get rid of roaches on the tank

Man we're squishy

imagine being at that scene during the semi truck mowing down those people

Comparing this to Tienanmen Square, chinks have more respect for the dignity of their fellow man than turks.

Let that sink in.

Fucking -chinks- are more human than turks.

You're right, but still the result was also at least a dozen dead and wounded people that were just standing on the sidewalk. I hope I'm wrong and the dead ones were just the guys climbing on the tank

Tienanmen Square wasn't just one man and a tank on the photo, plenty of chinks got killed by soldiers

all the roaches resisting the military forces are rag-head hajis right?

if so, keep the webms coming please

Being a former tank driver myself, you cant see shit that close to the tank, very hard to avoid people mere meters around you. Especially at night with a dumb ass crowd around you. That said, the driver couldnt see that hes heading towards the edge of the road and only corrected after bumping the side.

most likely the tank, didnt went through the barrier it seems

Is he going to be in history books too? What will he be called?

Damn the kike is actually right

It confirms that soldiers refused to harm the people and died because of it

Fuck me, that's right eh? He was going at speed.

how are they going to blame the west for this one?


Erdogan already blamed the US, you're late.

Oh man that was fucking brutal

Sorry bro, cant Tienanmen square at 40 mph

The have no reason to be out other than to provide a meat shield for loyalists or loot something, why give a fuck?

>RIP Roaches

Man, have some respect for these folks.
I feel terrible for these people. They died protesting an undemocratic coup in their country.

the helicopter wasn't aiming at civilians there were police firing rockets at it behind it you can sort of see the trail from one go up

>undemocratic coup
redundancy much?

>flag is canadian

It never fails

they are muslims they don't even know what freedom is

Fucking of Rajheet LingDongMao IV
nobody cares about your shitty asian muslims falsies

Fuck off, burger.
This shit happening in Europe (I couldn't care less about roachland, tbqh) is all your fault.

liveleak com/view?i=da3_1468636610

You could say that his shitposting was... "Nice"

So, when one country in that region tries, you just mock them?

Think about that: You guys rage all day about how backward these people in this part of the world are, and then laugh when the one country that has any hope of becoming an example stands up to tyranny?

I know you'll probably get defensive, but honestly think about how much cognitive dissonance you have on the subject.

Can anyone tell me what is going on?

Ive been playing smash all day

Some turks got smashes

>"Oh man I cant wait to be the next Tienanmen Square guy haha I cant believe it im gonna be a famous political icon standing up against tyranny and government corruption I cant believe its actually happening oh my god oh my g-"

No, go back to playing your kids game.

*got smashed all right
Man I need to slow down

but why?

It's not so easy actually. Turkey under Erdogan is well on it's way to become a islamic state again.


I can't wait for that roach to post another dead American soldier thread, with this stuff and the stuff from the bombings in Turkey it's gonna be fun.

So what happened last night?
Did the coup fail? Why?

Dont do that

I can't see enough gore of this one... Were can I find the full video??

Standing in front of a moving tank does that to people

The didn't fire on civilians, you'd think people would learn by now, in order to gain and retain power in undemocratic ways you have to fire on the civilians otherwise they'll destroy you quick, without fail the regimes that are willing to kill civilians stay in power and the ones that don't get overthrown.

But he didn't

Then vote the fucker out. No?

I hear Germans bitching about Merkel and I'm sure she'll get a shalacking in the next election if people don't like her importing so many refugees.

This Turkey thing and Egypt falling in 2013 really pisses me off. I hate this military coup bullshit.

Never understood why Sup Forums hates Turkey so much.

failed to catch erdogan

I want this posted whenever anyone posts the black woman in the formal dress who jumped before riot control teams.

That's the problem here. A majority wants it!
You don't realize how incredibly backwards parts of Turkey are.



Because shooting up civilians is gonna cause anything other than a civil war after which it doesn't fucking matter who's in charge because the entire world could go in flames as a consequence. This is not some small buttfuck country god knows where, it's Turkey.

>have some respect

They are islamist, I have no respect for them.

the military was the one standing up to the tyrant

he has already totaly ignored his countrys supreme court and replaced anyone in power who disagrees with him, and has been alleged to rig elections now for years

hes openly stated that democracy is only a means to an end and not the ideal form of society anyway. To him democracy is only a way to get him voted in as dictator.

This was a last ditch effort of the military to uphold their countrys founding ideals.

That erdogan shit told the civils to go protest in the street.

He fucking used the population to stop the army.

why the fuck would you have those spikes, theyd just catch anything that was meant to be thrown to the side

it's one or the other