No ylyl? So ylyl and reaction images bread

No ylyl? So ylyl and reaction images bread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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RIP my thread, lol.

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I have always wondered, where I could find the full video.

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Nice dubs

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Are these made from a bot?

Fuck you asshat.

stop typing like shatner and I might let you know about the website (that used to exist?) cumshotsurprise.

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No the masters of comedy

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Die in a fire

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>stop typing like shatner
KEK this actually made me lose.

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immediately raged because the lawman always shoot the doge

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Fuck you


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Double jointed pussy


not mum

Thisis so dumb. Here in western europe the govt tellsme for free what is in my blotter. In 15 years it always was lsd. Never doi or whatever. This memr should die



Hate you

Superstitious retard.

all lsd isomers react as lsd to their tests, but most if not all currently available LSD is recemic mixture of bloat isomers that contribute a lot to feeling sick and almost nothing to the strenght of the trip
true, OG LSD is only available from designers that perform chromatographic separation of LSD-equivalent isomers, and with few folk that synth their LSD from naturally occuring alkaloids based on lysergic acid like LSA or egotine and ergotamine (heres a hint, there ain't many)
you may have tried a tiny bit of LSD mixed with shit isomers, but chances of you trying real pure LSD is practicly nill

And what do you suppose the isomers are made of? What's their precoursor?


Your mom will die in her sleep tonight if you won't post a pic of your face with a timestamp ITT.


Fuck you

check'd and kek'd

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This ylyl sucks

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At least say goodbye to her. Your anonymity is more precious for you than your own mother. Be ashamed user.

fuck you cunt

Intentionally waited 12 seconds, that's what you get for taking away Castlevania, MOM!

Can you please answer? Isn't it easier to just gather ergot fungi or ipomoea seeds and extract LSA from it, then it's not that hard to produce LSD in just 2 simple steps! CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW...
But I wonder what is that commercially easier way to produce LSD isomers? You make is sound like it's much easier, and everyone does that in order to make the product cheaper.

Sir, can you please provide legitimate proofs for your claims? Sir? Sir!

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That had no right to crack me up, but it did

angrybeekeeper has the best hashtags

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Dude not cool

What if that's a house in Miami? As far as modern media has taught me, the sky ranges from yellow to violet im Miami.


Fucking lost

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lol look at the last # in this one.

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Of all things, I lost to this? Fuck

He's still the wrong color

my nigga N64 foreverrrrrrrrrr

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Fuck me I heard that in the narrators voice. Gonna play Rogue Squadron after work tonight

Dude that meme's not even funny any more give it a rest.

precursors are usually bottoms up stuff like triptophan upgrading
the full synth way always produces racemic mixtures on chirally active carbon atoms
sometimes the difference is pretty big, as with dxm (it reacting with σ opioid receptors, causing dissassociative effect) and levorphanol (reacts with μ or k opioid receptorsiirc, gets you euphoric just like heroin does
sometimes it's pretty small, like pseudoephedrine and ephedrine, or d and l amphetamines
going top to bottom is always inefficient because you need natural source that gives shit yields or you have expensive procedure that filters the unwanted isomers that also provides shit yields
LSA and ergotine come in one or two chiral isomers usually since they are formed via enzymes, which tend to always provide for one type of isomers (but not always, ephedrine comes in D L or L D

Can you provide like a further reading for that? It interests me, but a ylyl is obviously the wrong place for that. I've read Shulgin's stuff already, so we can skip that.


Lmao you just convinced me to follow that guy

sorry but no can do
most shit I'm saying I'm pulling out of my ass from years of drug self-research. and 4 years of pharmacy school
most of my shit holds water, but I don't have .txt file with all the links which explain why acid you tripped on two weeks ago wasn't ""really"" LSD

So basically, since an actual pharmacy grad would have at least bea able to link his textbooks, or actual articles, or whatever you read, we can come to a conclusion that you're a piece of shit that just spills out random facts, as seen here I only asked you about what would the precoursor be for an LSD isomer, and you named what, triptophan? So basically you're trying to say that it's cheaper to use triptophan to build up an LSD molecule.
Thus all your proves boils down to beliefs, and if you really were a graduate, you'd know that no man of science would even begin to doubt his knowledge due to some junkie on Sup Forums ylyl telling me IT WAS DOB DUDE I KNOW.
Also, your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

Sigh this isn’t how you make it bro.

my thoughts exactly

Gets you when you least expect it

Snapchat code: 363087. Do not share it or use it elsewhere!

>pharma grad
nigger no, I'm only on my first year
4 years hs for pharma technician
and yeah, triptophan can be used as a precursor molecule upon which the rest of LSD molecule is built upon, and it can be hella cheaper than extracting LSA, turning it into lysergic acid, expose yourself to toxic tionyl chloride just to turn it into LSD when you could find a cheap, easy and clean ways from bottom up
if you are working industrial scale bottom up tends to be always be more profitable unlike the from the top down, since it uses cheaper reagents and easier paths required to get to the final product
I'm in a midst of something that I don't really have time to spoonfeed some ungrateful faggot with stuff he could've just googled


come on man grow up

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I don't own the account you sprg lorad.

if they were niggers you could call them The Spooks Of Hazzard

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How do you explain me going on a spiritual journey with a cat for 2 hours, realising we are all just vibrating strands of energy and watching the molecules expand and contract on my bedroom ceiling? Also I seemed to have my mood transformed for the better for weeks afterwards.

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Oi! Fuck off back to the Reddit yeah?
