Hey Sup Forums i'm severely depressed

Hey Sup Forums i'm severely depressed.

This isn't the life i wanted. i have disappointing everyone i care about,

i wannna kill myself. im so drunk i need advice. please help

why do you live? what is your motivation to keep going? life is suffering

i am in alot of pain. please help me before i die. help me Sup Forums i don't have any friends to talk to i'm scared of suicide

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you’ll be ok user. we love you.

thanks man, i'm really scared to be alive

Do it for the pussy bro, just have fun and enjoy the moments

To become immortal and transcend the hell realm.. what are you.. new?

Get some food and good sleep. Your awesome, life is a gift. If you kill yourself you'll just wander around disembodied. No sleep, complete boredom, until you slowly fade into non-existence. Just relax and find a hobby. Learn to socialize. Lobe your life. Masturbate more.

Wanna share what's hurting you the most right now?

Life can stink in general but there's gotta be something specific that is hanging the heaviest on you...

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why do you care so much about what others think of you? Live your own life ffs, they feel disappointed because you seem to be a low energy cuck pleaser, just live your life like you want it and stop worrying about others and see how they suddenly start to respect you

>masterbate more
>mfw that depletes non-drug affected dopamine reserves

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I don’t think left is belle

I completeley understand you OP, I have a lot of the same problems and Life can be difficult to deal with. It'll get better completely just feel it out

I've lived a pretty big chunk of my life with suicidal ideation.

Now at the age of 30, I can finally say that I don't want to kill myself. One day it kinda just clicked that killing myself would just pass the buck onto my family, and now matter how fucked up I felt inside, it was better than spreading this to the people I care about.

I'm not living the life I wanted either. I'm not a fuck up, but I'm pretty close to it. Still, the way I see it now is that if I'm a fuck up, then I'll just live the fuck-up life.

I'm genuinely taking steps to better my situation, but it's a toughb uphill battle. Still, I figure I've already come this far, and life at the very fucking least is interesting so fuck it, might as well see it though.

Not a bad way of looking at things, trust me.

Maybe you shouldn't come to b for help, it's no use. Instead, get help from a professional, family and friends, whoever it is, because b is just a step further into procrastination and self-loathing

Get a pet,
Wank more,
A beer or 2 at the end of each week so you have a weekly reward for yourself,
Chat to people online,
Go for a walk / drive / whatever to clear your head,
Stay away from hard drugs, maybe some marijuana if thats what you're into
Drink atleast 800mls of water a day, and eat atleast 2 properly prepared meals
The basics dont seem like much, but humans take comfort in regular repetitive tasks

It never gets better user. I feel your pain. Waking up every day is a disappointment. I actually had a dream I died and in my dream I was really happy about it. When I woke up I just sighed. Life is suffering.

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Dude, it's probably because you do nothing productive in your life.


I have a job and I'm finishing a master's degree. Nothing fills the void.

Nah theres something about you that screams you were robbed of something in your childhood. You sound like you're pursuing something against your will?

Tell us a little bit more please OP. Where are you from, how old are you? What happen that went wrong?

Step 1: Stop caring about anyone else, they're not worth it anyway.
Only then can the true healing begin.

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i've helped a few people in here before with my own explanations of my personal journeys n' whatnot, ultimately having OP come back with things like "definitely wise words", etc etc.

However, i think that sometimes, it's important to look at life struggles through simpler things, like music, or other various forms of art, like a movie or something, and not the direct answers of others where you've sought out for their opinions. People themselves can only know so much, that even though you feel like your emotions might be your enemy right now, they can just as easily be switched around by feeling something as equally powerful, moving, or logically sound.

It might seem kinda gay, but honestly, music can make or break someone, depending on their mindset, but this rap artist in particular has helped lift my spirits from time to time, especially this song called "ill mind of Hopsin 5" and the sequel songs to it.

So give it a go and let us know how you feel


Make white babies.

Regardless on if you reply OP, just remember that you're here for a reason. Yeah sure, life is all sorts of fucked up, and sometimes it seems like life itself is just one huge joke, where us, humans, are simply ants in a farm goin' at it while someone up there is just lookin' down at us laughing, wondering when we're all gonna bite it... but then there's that moment when you begin to question things in different ways... and all of a sudden, your perspective changes and everything just gets so much more real, but somehow, it's not the same kind of feeling like it was before, with the pain, anguish and hurftul confusion... instead, it's become a game that's on the hardest difficulty - you've just gotta figure out the right moves to make in order to move those inches forward in life... and you CAN do it. We believe in you, user :)

P.s. - here's the other song by the same artist that also helps me from time to time

Why do people come to a board built around traps and people cumming on their phones to confess suicidial thoughts? The gay section of pornhub would be more supportive

The buddha says life IS Suffering, embrace it. In time and with age your body will break and your suffering will increase. Learn to accept pain in your life. Pain is good it let's you know your still alive. Life is a cosmic joke, gain a sense of humor.


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fuck off OP. you could be like me... unemployed 33yr old virgin with a 4 inch dick whose never had a friend and still lives with his parents... theres always someone worse off.

42yofag here. You're on the right track. There will be more ups and downs, but it's still worth it to hang on. Life's just getting interesting for me now.

Being happy is just a state of mind. You can decide to be happy. Just by forcing yourself smiling you will get happier. It's just a thing how you see things. In the end nothing matters and that's awesome because you don't have to give a fuck.

What did you do in your 20th?

I live to work. Like 10 to 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. it's all I do. Sleep all day on Sunday.

Plus - no time to be depressd and loads of fucking money and toys... that I have no time to use.

the problem is people like OP and me are doomed to a life like yours minus loads of money and toys.

Work gives you purpose

And money

Nice words. I can live life comfortably as a fuck up for now because I threw away all the outside expectations and what I could have been.
Losing all hope was freedom kind of makes sense, just like nihilism (kinda kind of)

Hate to societypost but my motivation to keep going is to fix the world. The way things are is really fucked up and it's symptomatic of that fact that so many people suffer from depression, including myself. I don't think I and people like me will succeed, deep down, but if I didn't try I'd hate myself.

I hate endless, mindless service-sector wage labor with no hope of social mobility and I hate invasive social media that's just a simulacrum of reality and I hate the degradation of my country by a parasitic elite who would rather enrich themselves at society's expense, while everyone else grows poorer. I want to fix society, or if that can't be done I want to destroy it and build something new. That's why I picked my career path, that's why I do what I do out of college/work, and that's what motivates me to better myself.

OP, you should think about something that could give you a purpose. It doesn't have to be LARPy bullshit like me but hopelessness means there's nothing that stops the void from swallowing you up. If you can, think about seeing a therapist, too. They'll listen to you.

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>Meaningful employment
>A challenging hobby or activity you can use to push yourself further
>Someone to love and live for

If you can nail down at least one of these, you'll have the basis to continue life. It's not as hard as you think.

For menaingful employment, either work towards attaining your dream job and then go into it, or pick up any job and simply learn to love it and whatever value it brings to the world for its own sake. I work retail myself, and its not glamorous at all but it has its own value and I take pride in it; making the customers happy, getting along with regulars, socialising with co-workers even when I assume half of them hate me, these things help me keep going

In terms of hobbies, you have a million options. Consider what you like now, and if there's anything you can do to build on from there. From gaming to sports to reading, some new conquest to continue overcome time and time again is great

Finally, someone to live for. The traditional answer is a man/woman/octopus to love, whatever you go for. Finding one of these and doing your best in order to give them your best is a powerful motivator. If you simply can't find someone to get involved with romantically there are other ways. Volunteer for a community group, get closer to your family, maybe spend your free time becomign a tutor at something you're good it, like if you're good at a certain game and come across newbies, volunteer a little time and effort to bond, teach them and then set them free to continue their conquest

Hopefully these give you some ideas. Each is challenging and daunting in its own right; a life without challenge is a life without change, and a life without change is a life without betterment. Good luck OP, we Sup Forumselieve in you

Well sometimes life just sucks and That’s ok.
and my motivation is, I got non continue to live until you die. Thats all, nothing’s spectacular or special. Free your self of that way of thinking, get someone and fuck them or let them fuck u it usually works ...

I had to

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Take a leaf out of my book user in that I don`t give a fuck about anything. I have been through the wife girlfriends sleeping about, mother and father dead, been diagnosed with cancer twice and beat it, i`v been dragged through the mill and been bashed from head to toe basically just had one of those lives but I`m still here fighting because I don`t give two fucks. The hospital can diagnose me with whatever the fuck they want, fucking bring it on see how much I care. Don`t get me wrong user I`m not some nasty person who goes around upsetting people. I`m actually comfortable not giving a toss I think it`s the best way to look at life and it makes it a lot easier and when I die and if there is a God and he got anything to say then he can fuckoff and shove his heaven up his fucking arse because I don`t give a fuck.

>why do you live? what is your motivation to keep going? life is suffering
i have objectives

First and foremost, get your drinking under control. Since you likely have a drinking problem, stop. If you find it impossible to do that, attend AA meetings. If you are not willing to do that, then none of the advice here will stick.

Second, stop coming here. Most of the people here are extremely narcissistic, have personality disorders, full blown mental problems, or some combination of all three personality defects. You come here because you fit in and think that, because these people are like you, they are your friends. But friends do not treat each other the way people here do.

Lastly, begin working on yourself, It doesn’t matter how. Therapy is a great start. Exercise, diet, and meditation are cheaper alternatives...but you can still benefit most from therapy. Pay attention to your moods and your thoughts, and you will soon discover that they are related. The most important skill you can develop as a human being who will eventually be happy is to acknowledge that your thoughts are just thoughts and that you can control them.

TLDR; read “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius and *apply* the wisdom therein

My advice? don't come to Sup Forums for advice.

What keeps me going is a hobby that grew into a successful career. I now have 3 videoproduction companies and I do eCommerce.

I wake up feeling energized and happy for whatever my schedule for that day says.

You need to find out what your skill is and build your life around that particular skill. Once you start making 5-6 numbers a month doing what you love, you're set. Find out what you do the absolute best, with the least amount of effort and watch your life change in ways you can't even imagine.

I was broke for 24 years, lived off of $15 a week to feed myself and my cat, I now make close to 6 figures a month doing what I absolute love.

I also dissapointed many close people, but I keep going because they believe in me, because I believe in myself that I can make up for my mistakes in the past, bring people around me joy.

I think it's not late to change something for you user, just start with small steps.

like if you haven't already do this:

make up your bed in the morning

start loosing weight (if this is a problem to you) by jogging and going on a healthy diet (or just don't eat too much junk food)

Find your hobby, I found my hobby in TTRPGs and I'm very glad for it

contact your friends, relatives start socializing agsin

I hope this will help you user

I miss that feeling, had it when I was 15 and felt like I was part of something

I don't have any close people except my father who kicked me out at 18 and calls me once a year.

Well find some new frens trough the thing you love. Idk vydia club, reading club whatever your passion is.

Welp, time to grab a zwei hander and go kill ISIS.

i tried to off myself 3 times in 2016, shitty controlling slut who kept gaslighting me held me back, once i ditched her i got my life on track... i work with animals now and every animal i help rehab or even give a better quality of life makes me remember how far ive come... im far from perfect but now i can see myself living... find something that makes you happy and never stop chasing it... not every chapter has a happy ending but no story is without complication

A great idea what to do and it will really ease your pain and depression, also great for stopping drinking and that is to grab hold of your handicapped sister kneel her on the floor whip your cock out use her chin as a ball rest and proceed to nut all over her twisted handicapped face. She will love you forever for doing such a selfless act and she will have sex with you always and even nut you off herself.

Another great thing to do and its been mentioned in a previous comment and that is dont come on to Sup Forums looking for advice so take that advice and sling ya hook.

My reason to live? Vengeance mostly.

I get no real love nor too much anything from anybody outside my family. Also, I guess my little sister, she is the only non-wrecked asshole in my family and I would set an horrible example to her if I had shoot up a place or went out doing something stupid.

So, my drive to get off bed is having the hope to watch the fuckers that ruined my life suffer an horrible painful dead that can't be traced to me and see what my little sister will accomplish with her life.

Shut the fuck up you bitching whining attention seeking lollypop slut.

At least one of your parents calls you at least once a year. I am an abandoned orphan.

have schedules in life, go to work or school, have sleep schedules, have eating schedules, see your friends, see your family, dont eat like shit

staying in bed tired in the morning and falling back to sleep is the worst thing to do, get up and do ur shit


when you get older kid, you'll understand.

Kys nigger

I just nutted one out over a custard slice.

I dont like my self a bit even tho im not fat, had a 4 years gf and by now im working and its an easy one.

I had depression for over 3 years and the way i get throgh is finding some one you want to support. Not for you beccause lets be honest, thats not gonna happen. Find that person that gives you the strength to live

Fuck me, why did I laugh?

There is no such thing as an easy road in life... the more you know of and about life the harder it get´s... - That is unless you free yourself from social standards and idiot´s who believe that socialism is the key to all happiness!

Go out there and find yourself who are you when are you? You are not sad you are not going to kill yourself you have to learn that socializing are for weak minded people "hence the social media craze and example of the craziness is what people will do for likes fans subscribers etc"...
when you realise socializing is bs and the world are dominated by idiots I can guarantee you that you will find your way again... whether or not it means socializing or having friends

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Schadenfreude keeps me going.