So /b a few days ago I found the this BMW 730i E32. Have some of you guys experience with this kind of model...

So /b a few days ago I found the this BMW 730i E32. Have some of you guys experience with this kind of model? I want to use it for everyday life.

Here some info on the car I found:
>from 1991
>185000 km
>6 cylinders
>automatic transmission

Pic related ofc.

Attached: 4E96A10D-BE9D-46D3-8C3C-002C5521A983.jpg (474x314, 20K)

Attached: 965C6347-0D36-4D0E-A1AE-C7BCB8E84828.jpg (750x996, 793K)

Here some more pics from the actual offer.

Attached: 152B8DCF-3D5E-4CCB-9587-A5250938E151.jpg (750x1014, 872K)

Depends on your local gas prices. This car needs a lot of gas.

You shou shoot yourself in the head before you buy a thirty year old high mileage luxury car as a daily driver. Buy a Camry.

I'd pay around 700€ for that. It looks to be in good condition and relatively low km. Horrible on gas. Parts aren't cheap and you'll end up buying a lot of parts for that thing lol. I've owned lots of BMW's from a 1983 to a 2006 and I can say I've had the most problems from early 90s models.

Attached: 1568507781981.jpg (1000x800, 98K)

It is about 1,35€~/L. I can affort it. This car should use about 11-14L/100km.

Who the fuck buys an old automatic car. You'll only end up with a dislocated vertebra and a car bill you can't afford within a year

As far as I found out parts are not that expensive anymore. What problems you got the most with the '90s models?

There are many cars on the market with far more then 300.000 km with no problems with the automatic. Also it is timeless and the motor is indestructible.

bmw of that age, electrics could be an issue, they do rot around the sills and rear arches more so in cold damp climates ofcourse. Engine and gearbox should be good assuming it's been maintained.

Lol yes op buy it and sink all of your expendable income into it and enjoy fixing it constantly. Ignore what the people itt are telling you because it couldn't be that bad right?

Three identical pics of the left side of the car... Hmmmmmm

The current owner only used it as a summer car and it is a garage car. The offer says it is rust free and always checked regularly. The problem with the sills is common for that model, sadly. But this one is good as it looks in the pics. I would go and take a look, but it is a 2 1/2h drive I am not sure if it is worth.

You can go and buy a new car for 15k+ and drive it 5 years with no problems and it will lose more than half of it’s value. Or spend not that much money in first hand and go and repair some stuff once in a while, but got a timeless youngtimer.

Yeah do it. Buy a thirty year old luxury car and see how fun it is to maintain it yourself! (It sucks because the parts are hard to find and expensive and everything is breaking constantly.)

i like the old bmw 5 more, but this car is very nice and it won't get cheaper. good store of value imo

1991 7 series... timeless

But dude that’s the fun part though.

IMO it is.

Steering always feels loose/sloppy along with suspension issues (especially in the 5 and 7 series I'd imagine because of how ridiculously heavy they are) Various electrical bugs that drain the battery. Always had problems with the automatic trans (constant leaks and gears slipping leading to toasting the clutch pack). And just lots of annoying small things going wrong like the radio not saving stations as it should, the shift knob always falls off, the latch on the glove box usually breaks. Weather it's big or small there's just always something to be fixed

It's absolutely not worth your time. What you have here is a guy who's very proud of his shiny polished turd. You can take care of those things as good as you want. Still worthless.

Not at that price.

Honestly, if you are thinking about getting into an older German luxury car, buy a $1000 one that just drives first. Drive it for a few months, look into fixing the various stuff it will need.

You may find that you love the driving experience, and that you actually enjoy hunting down used parts and paying too much for them...

More likely you realize how overrated they are, and how much of a pain in the ass they are to own.

When your $1000 banger BMW dies, you can make a choice. If you liked the experience, keep it for parts. If you don't want to own and are glad you didn't pay real money for it, offload it for parts to some other dipshit that has a broken one himself.

I come from a BMW family and have owned a few myself... They are alright when they work right but there are just so many little, expensive things that can go wrong with them they are not worth it unless you can get a pristine example that has every record from someone you 100% trust, and you can afford and plan to stay well on top of maintenance.

What happens with a lot of these is that when something is about to go wrong, people polish them up and list them for sale, usually with some "oh I love it, but I just don't drive it and someone else should enjoy it instead of it sitting around" kind of excuse, and offload to some sucker who is going to need to drop $4k in repairs for it in the next 10k miles.

Thanks for your detailed post user.
I own a 116i from 2016 for over a year now and it is going good, the idea of owning an older bmw is going through my head for longer now but I am a newbie in fixing cars. Your tip of buy an banger car is worth consindering to look how I get along with it. Thanks again user have a nice day.

Rich people buy new BMWs, super-rich people buy old BMWs. Be prepared to spend a lot of money on this car for maintenance.

That's a fuckton of fuel for '91 shit


Attached: 1564753354122.jpg (400x470, 22K)

What do you expect on a 3L/R6 motor lol

WTF is this? Are you from another planet?

Owned a 6-series for a few years.
Favorite car I ever owned.
Also money-pit.
Electric will be your downfall.
Here is a trick I wish I had known at the time:
Check the intermittent wipers.
If they are wonky, STAY AWAY.
You've got bad connections and/or rotten relays, or failing computer (that will cost more than the car is worth to replace)

There are 6 cylinder in a (R)ow and each cylinder is 3 (L)iter capacity... it is the M30B30 Motor.