can one of you nerds tell me why this is post is considered "spam"?
Can one of you nerds tell me why this is post is considered "spam"?
Other urls found in this thread:
How many times have you been posting? For that to happen you would have to be making new threads every second.
you didn't put the appropriate apostrophe in "I'm"
because you're from Australia
a decent amount but i didn't start any threads, i was just posting in them
ok if it wasn't clear from the context of the op i dont go to reddit. i was mocking someone from reddit
u trollin?
It sometimes thinks the word reddit is spam. That's why you see posts w/ redd*t or variant instead.
hes rollin
you think that is bad, go on over to Sup Forums i got the error message for trying to sage a shill thread that there were 8 identical one up, Sup Forums is completely compromised, it was some glownigger bait thread after that not happening shooting in Germany(?) where the kid got btfo'd by a wood door on a synagogue (which is ironic AF) i wish i had my other hard drive in so i could show the screen cap
You're shilling. You hit the post filter. Stop agendaposting and never worry about it again.
It never thinks the word Reddit is spam in a legit post. There are a few phrases containing the word that are though! The r*ddit or plebbit posters are always newfags.
Because don't forget, you're here forever.
Also because 'go back to red dit' is a common thing yelled in Sup Forums
Also. I hope you really do leave
maximum newfaggot. and also a reddit poster
Did you leave yet. I need to know.
I've been a newfag since 08. That posts completely accurate..
Accurately posting on Sup Forums
Get the fuck out
ive been a newfag since 09 so suck it
Soup nerd (fuck you)... I don't know, sometimes I'm not able to post direct link for news, videos etc cuz it's always in the category of spamshit posts while real spammer getting away with it. I'm not sure why does Sup Forums have the option to report spammers if that can't be of help at all. It seems to me that moderators abandoned us long time ago, you can still see andy sixx logs and banana.
how is sage'ing shilling? somebody trying to stir up sympathy for a killer to get 4chin shut down like infinity chan should be saged especially when they have 8 identical threads up and spamming countless other threads with the same nonsense
go back to réddit
ou that spacing! Not even knowing you can post reddit so you break it up, shit man you done fucked up!!
fuk i'm so simple, that webm always makes me laugh
Stop agendaposting.
>stop posting on topic to the thread
ok glowbuddy
Reddit is actually inferior than Sup Forums because of it's lack of free speech.Though I scroll through r/dankmemes sometimes because Sup Forums is just a pornhole now.pic related
Is this spam ? :
I think not !
Is this spam ? :
I think not !
Is this spam ? :
I think not !
Is this spam ? :
I think not !
Is this spam ? :
I think not !
Is this spam ? :
I think not !
"Back to red dit" has been marked as spam for years and years
Reddit is garbage. Been banned from that shithole too many times.
wtf ?
OP - I think you must have broke the spam filters.
reddit reddit reddit
Get back to reddit Get back to reddit Get back to reddit Get back to reddit
Get back to reddit Get back to reddit Get back to reddit Get back to reddit
Get back to reddit Get back to reddit Get back to reddit Get back to reddit
newfag here : is my spacing OK ?
It's what I'm used to
"go\ back\ to\ reddit\"