>Boohoo! He doesn't like the gays
Why is the alt-right full of faggots?
>Boohoo! He doesn't like the gays
Why is the alt-right full of faggots?
does this choice mean milo faggitopolis can fuck off now?
Well as VP he doesn't actually do shit so /polgb/ will still support Trump.
I hate fags. I blame milo for this problem. A lot of pol isn't really alt right in my opinion they are libertarians who like trump and don't like blacks. But they are fine with Jews and faggots.
well I'm gay and jewish sooooo
Then you probably aren't alt right
Please gas yourself.
>check voting record
>check past appearances
So the only thing this guy has ever done was collect a salary and vaguely oppose spics?
Because damn he looks like a colourless pansy from what I could dredge up.
well thats why I'm in us not Israel Australia-friend
I'll lend you my oven if you need it
I thought most alt-right queers wanted to return gay culture back to the 50s where it was private and insular, not the parody it is today flaunted by celebrities for a buck?
I am good at baking.... I was thinking when Trump gets elected I could bring homemade Sufganiyot for Ivanka's Hanukah party!
What no we want to get married and have kids but I don't want to be forced into the closet again either.
Reeeeeeee get out
thing is, Israel's best interests are your best interests.
Lol you want to force kids to have a shitty childhood
jew =/= zionist
You won't be forced into the closet. We'll send Sam Hyde to exterminate filth like you
Is he going to nuke Canada
that's not the good question. The good question is why the alt-right calls itself ''right'' when they're mostly just contrarian little fags who have, as a whole, no particular issues with leftist economic policies or progressive policies.
From what ive seen the alt-right is all over the place on the spectrum the only thing they share is their neckbeards, how edgy they are and their ability to shout cuck
Sam Hyde is painfully unfunny AND a leftist IRL.
He's one of those delusion christcuck Israel-firsters. I gave Trump a pass, but I can't really take this bullshit any longer, Trump is only marginally the best choice now.
Why is pol filled with psychopathic idiots that take pleasure in the deaths of people that have a different skin color or sexual orientation
So your intention is to share your cultural status with beastiality, transsexual fetishists, and angry minorities? Some times to preserve your cultural identity you have to seperate away, you say your being forced into a closer but it's protecting your lifestyle from being co-opted
MikiK PeneP
muh anecdotes, sadly I'm not into kids, except my sister's kids, they are ADORABLE Also interracial dating is degenerate.
boipucci is best pucci.
pence makes hillary look youthful.
Um no, I can be openly gay without somehow fucking kids, animals or dressing like a female.
We don't like him because he cucks for Israel, cucks on immigration, cucks on Islam, and is awful with the media. This is Trump's first big mistake (fuck Paul Manafort), but hopefully Pence will just be a background character. In the worst case scenario where Pence ends up President, at least it will be fun having a President who counter-signals faggots. We're beyond democratic salvation at that point anyway, and maybe even now.
ekke ecnce
Natural proclivity to eleminate threats as all life does
I think it has something to do with this.
One third of pedophile victims are male. One fucking third. Let's see if you act like a black she younger to explain this
He's actually been fighting the good fight against degeneracy for a long time now.
Trump is so good because he gets the best people for the job
>picks pence as vp
>up to
>no source
Ok...I'm not into kids, others might be, deal.
he called himself a pretentious cunt on live tv over this tweet
Trump/Pretentious Cunt 2016
Lol autocorrect
But you can't just be gay anymore, gay is just one more letter in a massive ancronym now that encompasses a vast spectrum of mental illnesses
>liking a neocon bible thumper
Fox News is done the hall m8
Christcucks who worship Israel are cancer
also those type of event like Pence getting VP followed by a big pol whining because he's anti-abortion and anti-gay mariage just show how many ''pol is satire'' memelords there is on this site. When push come to shove, they show their true color aka defranchised leftist or democrats of the 90s.
desu i want faggots to be given a choice, stop being faggots or Tarpeian Rock
We can finally commence the cleansing.
And I somehow made it up? Either you fuck men, women or both, everything else is a meme.
Because we want to win.
The whole reason the GOP has been losing support for so long is that moderates and independents, to say nothing of Democrats thinking of switching sides, are turned off by evangelical shitstains. Trump needs to secure undecided voters, not drive them away.
Not to mention that the gays themselves are being redpilled by the SJWs moving to drop them for not being oppressed enough, and would be a powerful ally for bringing liberals to the alt-right.
So now that trump has officially lost the election who are we memeing in now?
The problem is mainly how Trump probably just gave the left ammo to push their rhetoric about how Trump hates gays and abortion, which will be amplified due to him choosing Pence.
And a singular Muslim can live in a western country without raping or blowing stuff up. And a singular nigger can not be a violent, low-IQ, high-time-preference welfare leach. It doesn't matter. Sodomites should be socially suppressed because they are degenerate hedonists who engage in pederastry, drug use, and much more, and normalizing such degeneracy disrupts social cohesion.
Only seven percent of pedophiles claim to be only attracted to children.
i am white, gay, alt R, Nrx, anti-globalism, anti-feminism, anti-egalitarianism, anti-multiculturalism, graduate degree, professional, you get the drift... including that I don't like shitskins, muds, jews and their pet niggers.
Basically I am bewildered by Pence. I don't get it. I love Trump and know that the VP maybe doesn't matter too much after the election. But Pence hadn't earned his position as VP as much as the other three final candidates. What's he add to the ticket? Does it deliver some particular crucial State to Trump? According to whom?
Pence hasn't been on the national debate stage before, he's virtually unknown and no face recognition prior to today. I'll have to get used to Pence. I am missing core information to process all this.
Very troubling points to me are his prior anti-gay position and tweets against Trump merely half a year ago.
Somebody tell me why him exactly again?
As a complete tangent, Milo had nothing to do with this obviously but I am curious as to his view if anybody has it in the last 12 hrs? He's just one voice that I am curious about. Another is Stefan? Ditto for ten others we mention here often. Can we create a short list of who is thumb up on Pence vs thumb neutral to him, and in a word or two why?
I am confused at the moment.
If the muzzies dont get you, the stormcucks will
And when you say that an proclaim how you are gay, you will be joined by living meme that says "hey I'm also LGBTBBQ!"
Literally kills thousands of nigger babies year after year
>white gay men
Peter Thiel, Milo, Drudge
I'd rather have a gay fascist at my side than some bluepill hetero and his gf whose cheating on him with Turone
So your only numerical source is some far right bible thumpers..ok not like they have an agenda to push we should be enoucraging gays, who are gay by birth, to marry and have kids with other gays of their own race through surrogacy or adoption. Anyone who disagrees has their own agenda to push.
That's them, not me.
listening to him now, it seems he is Trumps puppet
ivanka for secretary of state when?
Who's behind the constant alt-right shitposting?
>hurr le milo is leader of altright
>le leftist youtuber is alt right, what do u think guys
>amazing atheist prominent member of alt right did x
who's paying you
Yeah, it's not that he is against gays or against abortion. That's to be expected. It's the fact that he supported all the shitty free trade deals, supported the Iraq war wholeheartedly and is an evangelical Israel-firster and tried to stump Trump just half a year ago.
I gave you another source fag here's more
>Made Cannabis Church and Flying Spaghetti legit religions in Indiana
Can we mememagic him somehow and make it possible for Trump to still win?
cooperation can eliminate threats too complicated for mere competition to handle
try to be smarter than a slime mold, son, or at least stop finding excuses not to be.
Ok so according to this the ratio of ones into little girls vs little boys is 20:1 so apparently gay guys are into little girls or what?
I have hopes he will switch his VP choice later for attention but if he sticks with Mike Pence I am officially dumping Trump and Clinton
He led Indiana to a 2 billion dollar budget surplus.
Pretty decent accomplishment.
>Literally kills thousands of nigger babies year after year
Worldwide whites are no1 most killed I bet
>Peter Thiel, Milo, Drudge
>I'd rather have a gay fascist at my side than some bluepill hetero and his gf whose cheating on him with Turone
what does this have to do with anything ? when we say ''anti-gay'' we usually refer to gay marriage not ostracizing them. Not that I think it's an important issue but it's funny watching pol defend gay marriage when they realize that it could actually be under attack
tax them even more and you could get up to 3 B$ surplus. that's not something good.
Cooperation only exists when the group can unify, in the case of man a single cultural identity. Mass immigration that refuses to do so only becomes a new threat to the group.
But he cut taxes
20 to 1 was not the point that was the thoughts of a past study. This one showed the results showing 11 to 1 which is higher than it should if fags are just like heteros
obviously not cut taxes enough.
I wish he was literally Hitler
Or did hitler sellout and pick a jewish VP?
higher than what? Some random estimate of 20 to 1? Still is way less than 1/3 of pedos are gay that you said earlier. Yes, some pedos are gay, no i'm not a pedo, and your argument is shit.
Will Pawnee finally get that pit turned into a park?
You don't it studies will show different results based on the size of the study. You also don't get that the estimated population of the fag population is around 2 percent. 11 to 1 is too high for 2 percent. It's like blacks committing more crime than their population should
You might not be a pedo but you as a homosexual are much more likely to be a drug user and have other mental problems.
Why bother asking? You know who's behind these posts.
>AND a leftist IRL.
blatantly untrue
no gays are at least 6 percent. We are constantly underestimated by studies because people don't want to admit it. In studies where they looked at gay porn viewers vs str8 porn viewers we are 6%.
Yeah that I will agree with but we still should marry and have kids to give us reasons to get help. Also a lot of people use drugs as teens then grow out of it.
I think it was forced on him by the gop
Women watch gay porn too dumbass.
>We are constantly underestimated by studies because people don't want to admit it
This is a fantasy you use to justify yourself. It's the autodefense mechanism of degenerates when being called out: "y-you are one of us t-too"
No, you shouldn't "marry" your human sex toy, and much less expose a child to your lust and fetishism
>current year
>gays literally still think they are oppressed
I like cock but holy shit gays are insufferable
The one third represents victims the 11 to 1 represents likely hood of becoming of pedophile so it seems that homosexual pedophiles are just more aggressive in trying to get that boipussy. Maybe fags can remain open in our society and not hurt it. But I would need serious tests to determine that if it were up to me. Right now it seems like a negative. And it seems that homosexuals would try to push more degenerate behaviors to be accepted in society
he looks like a handsome badass who aged well Sean Connery tier.
>Congress is still all old guard GOP
>Trump had to rape the establishment into the dirt during the primary
>Needs a partner for the next 8 years to be a bridge between the presidency and the GOP controlled legislature
>He could have a hostile congress or cooperative congress
>He chooses to have a cooperative congress
Also Base Turnout > Independent
Supports TPP and opposes the Muslim ban. Without those, why the fuck would anyone even bother to vote for Trump?
Not liking gays is one thing, not supporting gay marriage is a second thing... Stating that money should be funnelled to gay conversion therapy is just completely idiotic and scientifically illiterate.
Plus gays and their rights are kind of a big thing in American politics recently, so if Trump wanted to endear himself to the people he should have picked a vp with no history of making statements on the issue. Someone who had never openly supported nor condemned homosexuality.
Why do shills strawman faggots so much?
The problem with him is that he supports TPP and is a PC #notallmudslimes fag
In essence, he is terrible because he's a True Cuckservativeā¢