Is there any legitimate reason why guns should exist at all?
Why is Sup Forums so resistant to sensible gun control regulations? Can't we all just get along without guns?
Is there any legitimate reason why guns should exist at all?
Why is Sup Forums so resistant to sensible gun control regulations? Can't we all just get along without guns?
Is this guy implying a bad guy with a gun, and a good guy with a gun, are both bad?
It's not the tool
It's the person
If you've got a heap of violent people, it's not going to matter what "sensible gun control" you enact
Sorry to break it to you, but it's not that simple
No. He's saying that our problem is that we have too much guns, and that our solution isn't more guns
He's right, a bad heart attack will happen whether you want it or not. It's up to you to be prepared with whatever is available to you for the eventual happening.
You wanted "sensible" regulation in the 1930's and got it. You asked for more legislation in the 60's, then the 80's and an outright ban in the 90's.
Now we are just tired of yourshit and see the agenda.
So you want to let these mentally ill run around with knives instead?
Did you just ask "why do guns exists?" Is your intention to disarm every person on earth?
If we have too many guns, then why did that guy shoot 50 people in Orlando before anyone stopped him?
At least they won't be able to kill an entire room of people like Orlando
If you're into making "political" tweets you're probably more interested in attention and fitting in than actual politics
I'm interested in fitting in some pussy.
But they were all mentally ill.
Wait, do you actually believe you can make all guns cease to exist?
lel, liberals really are delusional idealists.
You have to accept that there are literally millions of sensible, safe gun owning people across the US.
Thats a large market, what do you think will happen if stricter gun laws cime into play, do yo think that market will go away?
Of course not, you'll just create a dangerous black market.
i cordially invite you to come sit out in front of my workplace in downtown detroit for a few evenings if you honestly think that forced disarmament is a good idea. assuming you're white, you will not survive long.
these gun control regulations that you claim are sensible do nothing to resolve the root cause of a number of the driving issues behind the symptom that is gun violence. as poverty, mental illness, amongst other extraneous factors will still beget violence with or without easy firearm access.
please also do bear in mind that even if you manage to outlaw and confiscate weaponry from law abiding citizens, that it is incredibly easy for the standard layperson to make everything from an anti material rifle to machine guns with about $120 at a hardware store.
tl;dr "no we cant all get along without guns." and good luck trying to ban or regulate them
what are CBRN agents and homemade explosives for $2000 alex?
They can just run them over and kill a street full of people instead. Or you know, use a bomb. Or even just get one illegally and kill over a 100 like in paris this very year.
>At least they won't be able to kill an entire room like Orlando
Ha, that's funny, with the recent French terror attacks using the fucking truck.
FYI if more of those queers had cc, Omar "put a mag in every fag" Mateen wouldn't have been able to kill that many people. Only one of them was cc and shot him.
>Is there any legitimate reason why guns should exist at all?
Guns can be used to get rid of people who ask stupid questions.
>the only way to protect against assault trucks is if everyone had a truck
Can you honestly deny this?
>Assault trucks
From a philosophical standpoint there is no reason for guns to exist. But they do.
Same with nuclear weapons. We don't get rid of our nuclear arsenal just because "it would be better" if nuclear weapons didn't exist. We put policies place and establish protocol.
As for gun control in general: if you can find a way to get 300 million guns off the streets, you're a smarter man than me and everyone else in the world. If not, be a good American and follow the second amendment.
Pic unrelated
>"Is there any legitimate reason why guns should exist at all?"
>angry man screams at technology
youre not wrong, the truck would lose too much momentum after a few collisions and possibly disable the driver and truck after the first
>that image
wow that guy is fucking butthurt
he was actually being cheeky and funny until he tried to play it as a dig at the NRA
>Can't we all get along without guns?
You really are naive.
France can't. Mexico can't. What makes you think that the US can?
is there any legitimate reason why rocks should exist at all?
Why is Sup Forums so resistant to sensible rock control regulations? Can't we all just get along without rocks?
>peace can be achieved without enforcing violence against those who break the peace
Liberal logic
>Can't we all just get along without guns?
No, hence the existence of the state.
If you take the guns, even the AR-15, all you're doing is taking it out of law abiding citizens hands and creating another black market. I liken it to the war on drugs, it will be a complete disaster. Gangs here in LA are armed to the hilt with automatics and shit, they don't give a fuck about the laws. Sorry, we can't 'just get along without guns', it's great in theory but it's just not the world we live in.
Apologies, I don't have a non caption version lying around.
Or do you want to see pictures from inside Bataclan?
The Orlando shooter was acting rationally in accordance with his religion
yes please destroy all guns
so i can start making them in my garage
and then take over the world
Offer a rare pokemon for gun
not to derail, but
>that caption
I know you are an idiot, but the cat is already out of the bag. They've already happened. You can make an AK in a garage or a submachinegun with some metal pipe. That doesn't just go away.
Ever. That knowledge will remain in the collective human memory until the end of time. What has been done cannot be undone. So why stop normal people from having them?
a decent bomb might have been more "effective" desu.
That is the face of a numale
>The only thing that stops black crime, are more dead blacks.
Can't find a flaw with the logic desu senpai
Because guns for self defense is a meme
Do you have a reason for saying that, or are you just being dismissive?
A bit of both