Big tits + glasses

Big tits + glasses

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+ ugly

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Should be renamed Butterface + glasses

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Very bangable

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Big Tits + Glasses is my favorite combination besides Big Dick + Hanging Balls

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What a fuckable slampig

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I just wish there was nudes


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Got anymore if her? She looks a lot like my ex

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Need to know who this nerdy big tit bitch is

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Anyone interested in this bitch?

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>tinkerbell with visible tattoo

That's a weird thing to take issue with.
Go jerk off to your MLP fanfic.

Fuck i found her online. Great fucking titties


Found OP's, post the bigger versions if you got em

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But no nudes?

Need to see those hammers

She's my catmom jerk target.

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Who is this and more please.

Here you go. She's a great lay

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Do want.


Shit quality but best ive found so far

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Fuck yeah dude more!

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Would spend every possible minute inside of her

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She's perfect in almost every way

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Agreed. Don’t think I’d get bored of fucking her

I'd fuck her in a heartbeat if I could, thanks for sharing her

Hnnng. Got any more of her feet?

Are you saying you want more as well or are you asking me if I want more?

You know, I never really asked. She's got nice feet. Here's one

Attached: 1569254732133-4.jpg (960x960, 75K)

Swamp creature?

You're welcome user. Wish I had more.

I haven't yet. She isn't really one to send anything more explicit unfortunately

I am agreeing that I want more.
Those tits have me raging.

I’m actually jealous my dude, good for you.

That fat ass and those soles from the other picture weeeew buddy. She yours?

She's janineaam on IG, or r/janineaam on Reddit. No nudes.

She's not "mine." We fuck when we're bored and horny. It's mostly platonic. She's not the relationship type.

Thanks man! Met her in HS

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>when 1 tit is bigger than your head

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Shit I’d plant a baby in That one if I were you.

Tessa makes me lose days to fapping.

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She sent me this one a couple day ago... Immediately had yo rub one out

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Nah man.. No kids for me

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Last one, guys. Not a big fan of this whole underboob tattoo fad, but I got a blowjob out of it

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Hnnnnng would nut buckets in her

It's great because she's got an IUD so I nut all I want in her.

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Yeah that’s that shit. She’s hot as fuck man, good on ya

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I want to breed her, jesus christ

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Fuck wow

Those eyes I bet shes absolute filth

Same love the lube on the bed too

My favorite kind lol

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These got my shit fucked up, thank you anons for sharing

i wish to make uncompromising love inside her throat

Can I see her nipples?

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You're more than welcome, search roisin on b archive and you'll find more of her pics... I'll try and post her full set later so keep an eye out for her

Wrong quote meant this

How about her other holes?

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Let's see moar