Sup Forums appreciation thread

I'll drop some feels and observations at you, HOLUP.

After spending the last 3 days monitoring happenings (both on the board and other media), from the FBI director/AG hearings to Nice attack and the Roach Coup, getting only a few hours of sleep, I have the following to say:

- the media outside of Sup Forums is totally, senselessly and pathetically inept, deceitful and untruthful.
>the Nice terrorist reasons for attack are still unknown (NOT ISLAM GOD FORBID)
>Erdogan, the democratically elected leader called the citizens to stand bravely against the tanks of the evil military, what a triumph of freedom and democracy (GOD FORBID WE MENTION THE ALLAHU ACKBAR CHANTS OF THE ANIMALS KILLING THE 19YO SOLDIERS AND THAT HE IS TURNING T*RKEY INTO A CALIPHATE)
>Erdogan is presented as literally the good guy
- the media has less information than us, is often slower and is hopelessly biased
- all the TV channels, from Bulgarian to CNN/BBC to Al Jazeera barely managed to get the truth about 5% of the events, tops.

99.99% of the people are blue pilled beyond reason and hope. THIS WILL NEVER CHANGE.

- Sup Forums is the last bastion of free speech and free flow of information and ideas
>despite the shills
>despite the outside forces trying to hijack us for a personal army (clinton foundation generals for example)
>despite the trolling and bantz
- this is the only place where you can get news and happening info ON POINT, WITHOUT BIAS and FAST AS FUCK

So thank you guys and I hope Hiroshimoot can keep this place running as it is for as long as possible. I got so annoyed and so angry at the news just now that I had to vent. Such fucking delusion.

Other urls found in this thread:


mass media are dying a slow death anyway, Internet journalism is replacing them.

Pretty much this. Turn on CNN to learn more about the religion of peace and Donald Trump's racism.

mfw bulgarian medias siding with Erdogan

There is little to no talk about this even in our media and on the internet.
What the fuck is going on.
There was more buzz about the truck weapon than this.

Greek media too. I'm ashamed. The Turkish soldiers that died were better than our nation.

No government is going to support a coup while it's activity underway. If it's successful they'll claim they always supported it. Unless the outcome is shit then they'll sanction or denounce.

>outside forces trying to hijack us for a personal army (clinton foundation generals for example)

Back to 9gag with the faggot OP

What's wrong with /cfg/?

I know right?

"Hey here's some news about a coup in t*rkey, nothing major really, some shooting, situation under control, democracy prevailed" - literally now on my TV

No mention of brutality, death toll, actual reasons, snackbaring, etc.


That thought scares the fuck out of me.

literally turned on my tv at 1am and all of the medias were siding with Erdogan, I'm ashamed of this fucking country, cannot wait to move out to a more peaceful and civilized country desu

What you didn't read about this yet?

Please. It's obviously run by junior trump camp employees/managers.

>Nice Attack

>28 Pages

>Turkey Coup

How is that a bad thing?

>mfw I turned on the 24h news channel here in Spain and they were showing some weaboo music album instead of news about the coup

> I'm ashamed of this fucking country, cannot wait to move out to a more peaceful and civilized country desu
Story of my life

Why should we care about the fight to be king cockroach?

>Bulgaria doesn't know shit about U.S. Politics.
Checks out.

> wake up yesterday
80 people dead
> wake up now
dead people in Turkey ???

can somebody resume me what's going on?

>be turkish leader
>trick military
they will probably not mention this as well

Don't be a traitor mate, stay and fight.

I am slowly redpilling the people around me.


CGF faggots are literally betraying what /pool/ represents - self-organization and chaos that leads to freedom of information. CGF is the exact opposite - control, rules and management of the situation by a higher please.

Not to mention doing it for free.

It doesn't matter if it's Trump, Hillary or Bix Nood. If you do it - it's wrong. Don't try to justify it with "b-but it;s for Trump!" because that's reverse virtue signaling and you are becoming literally a mirror image of a cancerous SJW.

Please stop responding to me about this crap, it is known, do your research. This thread is about other shit.

Agreed Bulgarbro. I would've been quite depressed last night if it wasn't for the happening threads. Really made me appreciate Sup Forums and put a smile on my face.

Thanks Sup Forums, you might not like my kind, however

How about growing a brain and shifting through information yourself you gypsy.

Is this what censorship looks like?
Even on a turkish television there was only mention of unsuccessful coup and now they are back to their regular morning program.
So is on the national and the rest of the TV stations.
on the internet only CNN is covering and nobody else.

around 60,fighter plane unloaded some firepower in a crowd and a helicopter bombed a building.
But its over or so everyone says

>tfw final nail in the coffin of Kemal's turkey

Remove Kebab when before it's too late?

This is now glorious Bulgar appreciation thread

The last vestiges of democracy and secularism in the roach military tried to overthrow Erdogan with a coup last night.

They failed.

T*rkey will be a Caliphate now.

All media is shilling for Erdogan.

Bulgaria you're really dumb.

You cant there is NATO base and if anyone attacks there will be full on war.


I KNOW! I had to fucking vent to people that would understand hence this thread. The news/TV/media are literally The Matrix.

>404 argument not found

>the media has less information than us, is often slower and is hopelessly biased

The only thing I will defend them [media] about is that they cant just publish at will. They need to check the sources and make sure its viable information. How many times on this fucking board does an user post
And then you realize its some user trying to get (you)'s
If the media did that, they'd lose all credibility. Yeah it takes them a while but they usually post it soon enough.

Depends, I was rooting for the 10% of your country that seem to be secularists.

E just won and will install the most Islamic constitution modern Turkey has ever seen. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he fucking declares himself Sultan and installs a new caliphate while allying with ISIS.

I have respect for the few coup members that got blown the fuck out. They showed restraint against a rabid band of muzzies that deserved to be mowed down. They couldn't believe their country was so far gone and many died because of it.

Anyways, yes, we were entertained but the good guys fucking lost. This will bring about more happenings than if they had won though.

>t. naive CFG neet

Whatever, do what makes you happy. If that's to be used for someone's agenda and betraying Sup Forums then so be it.

>Please stop responding to me about this crap, it is known, do your research. This thread is about other shit.

You brought it up in the first place.

>I'm a True/pol/user™ and /cfg/ are the true shills


and they have to check if they're allowed to publish the said article..according to their bias

>we were entertained but the good guys fucking lost.
The battle is lost, the war is not. Keep faith brother, war is not over as long as we're alive.

t. radical secularist

True. We do have a kind of hive mind that sifts through the trolling quite quickly though. I really appreciate that.

> have respect for the few coup members that got blown the fuck out. They showed restraint against a rabid band of muzzies that deserved to be mowed down. They couldn't believe their country was so far gone and many died because of it.

I will NEVER forget the fear in the eyes of the young soldiers, the anguish in their faces while surrounded and literally torn apart and lynched by an angry mob of islamic animals.

They claim to be above all the Media's bullshit but try to call Sup Forums anything but [THIS IS NOT VISIBLE IN E.U. MEMBER COUNTRIES DUE TO HATE SPEECH LAWS]. If you can't see that you're clearly Germanic.

stay safe turkbro, we Greeks are with you.

Good observations user. All true.

Also notice how their lack of information doesn't stop them from speculation and pushing their narrative right from the start.

Seeing the truth about the CFG threads is the final redpill. You will get there. Now leave me alone and stop with the (you)s.

Aka American Geopolitics since 1945.

>t. radical secularist
You are going to jail tomorrow buddy.
Erdogan has you all in a corner now.

don't quit the Turkey.
>Make it better

can't have everyone move to a nice part of town
while continuing the Shithole
Fix it, before Europe is overrun...please
>2nd Migration wave?


USA or Europe saying "we back the coup" or not doesn't effect the outcome in the least.

USA and Europe came out for erdogan after hours and hours when it became clear to them that the military coup probably would fail.

Learn to REAL POLITIK you fucks. I hate muslims and Turkey, even I would have came out against the coup if intelligence told me it would fail. You gain nothing backing a failed coup.

your country got acutal hate speech laws lmao, stfu leaf
your DUDE WEED LMAO is fucking cucking you into oblivion

is there still fighting in ankara?

I feel for the few of you who aren't roaches. Maybe one day the globalist kikes will lose. I still have my bets on Trump bringing some global change, however small. Maybe he's just the beginning of a much larger movement across the west... maybe he'll just get assassinated, I don't know.
Exactly. They were young lads following an incompetent. I don't even believe it was a real coup anymore, feels like a fucking false flag. They never even arrested or attempted to kill King Roach. There's no proof they ever bombed his hotel where he was.

Those kids died to the hands of their so called brothers and neighbors. In reality, they died to what the west will soon face. Radical islamists taking control one domino at a time.


If you knew anything about Hate Speech Laws you would know Canada isn't retarded enough to enforce them.

thanks bro, hopefully we'll see better times for both of us.

There, no (you)s

Is your main arguement against /cfg/ that they are too organized and have insider information from the Trump's campaign?

I'll take the red pill if you explain to me how this is bad. Unless ofcouse you want Clinto to win, I can't see how /cfg/ is bad.

those were some "reichsbürger" discussing political stuff on facebook. facebook.
they deserved it fully

but we do too. Why do you think the police is raiding homes from germans that are posting hatespeech on facebook?


this better be bait

He asked for no (you)s

Highly unlikely. Erdogan took full control of the media, so even if there is we wouldn't know.


US pulled family members of MIL and embasy workers out of turkey
months ago... somebody did their homework

Already explained why... doesn;t matter who benefits from it, the way it is done is wrong and doesn't belong to Sup Forums.

fuck you faggot

We're not the last bastion, we're the first. Nothing like this has ever existed before.

do you run around shouting "heil hitler"? i bet you fucking dont
those people were just dumb af, meanwhile you get arrested for saying smth against sjws, tough luck faggot

Oh you are just scared of an arabic invasion of Europe.

You are against organization and logic.
Molynuex would be dissapointed because you basically don't have a fucking arguement. I'm done now.

Fair point. What will we do when ((they)) shut Sup Forums down?

>saying smth against sjws,
That's ridiculous. It might happen in Germany, not here. Source.

Let me break this down for you: the media knows and is by no means naive. They tell the populace what is more convenient for their agenda.


I'm really good at staying hidden from government
>Thanks to my father who went bankrupt
The happenings will continue. The Islamization of Turkey was not a coincidence. Pic related: items listed by a nationalist party anchorwoman for 2016. I had a chance to peek in her notebook and chat with her about them.

Damm it i could have made alot of money yesterday why i was so stupid not to think about this

lovitura de stat militara esuata, se pare
noaptea s-a lasat cu sute de morti si mii(?) de militari arestati
Erdogan e in Istanbul, tine discursuri
toate partidele politice "sprijina democratia"
Obama "sprijina democratia"
cacatu' e pe ventilator

Lot of talk here though. Maybe they are silent because Macedonia has large Albo and T*rk minorities?

Who do Bulgarian Turks support?

Meanwhile China uses flame throwers to remove muslims from Harmonic Society.

Asians don't mess around while Europeans with effiminate male liberals mess around.

Whats wrong with Bulgaria? My cousin works in Sofia and says its a nice place? Why move? Eastern Yurop actually has a future

No way to know with media blackout and propaganda

>Who do Bulgarian Turks support?

1. No such thing. Those are pure Bulgarians who were forcefully converted to islam during the slavery.

2. They don't give a fuck.

He did win in the end recently. But his life was hell for a long time

I feel you
Habbenings all over the place

Side note.

I remember someone posting about a "machete attack during the Nice attack vigil" while the coup was going on. Was that a troll? Didn;t check it out at the time due to INFORMATION OVERLOAD.


>media siding with the democratically elected leader rather than the military coup culling civilian mobs

Hmm, really makes you think.

>implying democracy is worth anything if the president wants to abolish it

If the majority wants to abolish it, then it will be abolished. Its the democratic thing to do.

Because democracy obviously has worked just swell in Turkey

- the media outside of Sup Forums is totally, senselessly and pathetically inept, deceitful and untruthful.
>- the media has less information than us, is often slower and is hopelessly biased

Iv been thinking the past few days if some media company would hire me to sit on Sup Forums all day and give them news as it happens.

Rather then the massive delays we are getting.


Fuuuuck it wasn't a troll. No attack tho, some random schmuck who wanted to protect himself brought a machete and got detained.

Turkey has this system where its democratic until it starts getting too religious, then the army sweeps in, kills a few thousand people, shoots the politicians and elects new ones.
It has happened several times in the past. Thats Attaturk's legacy. Democracy, except if you go into islam, then the army reboots things.

Exaclty my point. Like Erdogan is making the country too religious right now.

Fresh info guys.

Tv crew from a local station is stuck at the Istanbul airport they say airplanes are parked and there is very little police.
Also Bulgarian border is closed.

Its saturday, 11:20 here, and turkish "spidermen", the guys who hang on ropes to work on the side of commie blocks, have been drilling for 2 hours now. Fuckers woke me up.
I wonder if they know or care about the civil war. I am sure they are turkish, since they speak turkish to each other very loudly, but maybe they abandoned the sultanate when they came.


Yeah there are lots of Bulgarians stuck at airports, including 20 students.

fucking LMAO

estonian media is the same

I'll give it a bump and then go to sleep, I'm exhausted. Never thought I'd say it, but we have had too many happenings.

one or two anons
Sup Forums is good for the fast reaction, i'll give you that

>the media has less information than us, is often slower and is hopelessly biased
I realized this a long time ago.
Sup Forums (and a couple other obscure sites) are the only place to get real news.
Sometimes I feel like the popular news channels deliberately ignore things.
Just look at the Somalis who rampaged through a white neighborhood in Minneapolis: no one reported on it.
I talked to one of my sisters who watches CNN every now and then, and she never even heard about new year's in Cologne.