Now that he was exposed as a neonazi, why are people still watching him?

Now that he was exposed as a neonazi, why are people still watching him?

Attached: 23.jpg (728x672, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Who the fuck is he/it?

some weird fuck who eats fast food in his car on youtube wearing suits that are too big for him and greasing his hair.

Why did anyone ever watch him? That sounds like a pointless use of time

What happened?


Because “being exposed as a neo Nazi” these days is as easy as being a straight man refusing to suck tranny dick.

Reviewbrah is a nazi wtf? Deetz?

OP is making it up to get replies

Source on this my dude.

Because we're not retarded.
And you should burn jew

Attached: 1570877273653.gif (200x176, 224K)

post a link to a youtube video...maybe?

people here like neonazis i think

Attached: 01.jpg (522x800, 259K)

Attached: 02.jpg (835x601, 270K)

Attached: 03.jpg (1129x768, 320K)

Attached: 04.jpg (500x527, 158K)

I mean, just google reviewbrah bodybuilding / nazi and look it up for yourselves. This guy is a white suprematist and has a long history of racists comments and remarks.

Attached: 05.jpg (1383x670, 177K)

Holy shit

Wow. He had an observation. Fucking Nazi scum.

they are certainly into gassing jews, gays and intellectuals, pulling the legs off live kittens and suspending people with pianowire around their necks, but neonazi, I do not believe that.


Is this shit for real or is this some bad photoshop takedown of his character? If you were him, why on Earth would you assfuck your own money and success like that? Youtube is going to take down his channel if this is true.

Fake, unlike OP's virginity.

It happened before he was big on YouTube. He's trying to hide it ever since, pretending to be a (((wholesome))) YouTuber and calling the countless evidence as lies.

Welcome to 20 +19

welcome to 39

learn math you fucking retard

If there is countless evidence than surely you could post some.

I googled some of the pics in the thread and they are on meme sites and apparently are fake. Where is the real evidence at?

How about welcome to 673 x 3?

ive never been more proud

Attached: 1538709676997.jpg (684x672, 81K)

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

how about 500*4+(20-1)

literally just a condescending way to write out basic math. literally 2000 + 19

Dude is unphotoshopable unless you can find sources with poorly fitting suits.


200019 ?

Attached: 1544924895801.jpg (708x832, 127K)

Now you're just being retarded.

How many times have you been propositioned to suck a tranny dick?

dubs user!!! imagine dubs in 20 + 19

Because all the "evidence" reeks of mediocre photoshop