Im usully quiet about this but I'm drunk
Stop loli shaming. Do you understand regular porn doesnt work for me? Do you think i asked for this?
Im usully quiet about this but I'm drunk
Woah woah? You didn't ask to be a pedophile? That's nice. If a serial killer said the same shit what would you say?
Stop being a pussy and man up just enjoy what you enjoy you faggot
Pedophilia is love you bigot
getting 10+ kills in CoD doesn't make you a serial killer though.
Yeah, and reading "The Catcher in the Rye" makes people murderers, right?
Okay, but do something about it
How many children have you abused, sickos?
how many people have you slaughtered, psychopath?
How is masturbating too loli the same thing as raping one? You can want to murder but not actually do it
Because pedophiles are monsters
so are gays lesbians and transgenders
>nOrmAL pORn DoEsn'T wOrK FOr mE
Fucking retard, you just used it too much and now it seems so normal for you that your brain is trying harder to push you forward your fetishes. Cut power and cut wanking for a few weeks, go back to normal porn (not pornhub type of shit, i said normal) and jerk off once a week, that's already a lot. Stop being a coomer.
Where the actual fuck do you come up with the idea that ever worked for me in the first place? I've never been attracted to someone passed puberty. It's never happened for me
>I admire Hitler and Stalin
All gays are pedophiles so you’re right
Are you a retarded grug who doesnt understand that most people have urges (not all loli, thats sick and depraved bro) and that most people just control it?
Traps and trannys get me hard but I just control my urges.
My seat in heaven is secured and im not contributing to Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0
Who fucking cares? Just stop doing it on Sup Forums.
Yes but I'm assuming you have the alternative option of normal porn right? That's shit doesn't work for me
the only other option i have is pegging and that does not turn me on at all.
Well, in the first place i do not believe this statment.
Anyway. You know it is wrong anyway as sex is only a way to reproduct and reproduction can only happen past puberty, therfeore being attracted to people (male or female, that's another problem) is wrong and a degenerancy. So there is a few different way for you to stop being a degenerate in this way, even tho there is probably others. First is obviously end your life. But i do think it's a coward move, even more if you don't die for a cause that is good. You can also stop any sexual activity and try to delete sexualization of your brain, takes time and is hard but effective.
I am too occupied to explain more right now. But you're a dirty pedo coomer anyway
You can't play the victim card because you're not a victim. You are deranged and in desperate need of therapy.
Well, in the first place i do not believe this statment.
Anyway. You know it is wrong anyway as sex is only a way to reproduct and reproduction can only happen past puberty, therfeore being attracted to people (male or female, that's another problem) is wrong and a degenerancy. So there is a few different way for you to stop being a degenerate in this way, even tho there is probably others. First is obviously end your life. But i do think it's a coward move, even more if you don't die for a cause that is good. You can also stop any sexual activity and try to delete sexualization of your brain, takes time and is hard but effective.
I am too occupied to explain more right now. But you're a dirty pedo coomer anyway
i do, fuck faggots and trannies too, disgusting animals
Why is it bad to like sexy children?
It's not a question of why, it's a question of how.
Loliporn is literally drawn child sexual abuse...
if ever was there someone so efficient to round people like you up and push you into an oven
What children are being sexually abused in lolicon?
You have to actually kill people to fit the definition of a serial killer. You dont have to have molest or a rape a child to fit the definition of a pedophile
action movies are literally fictional snuff
I've already fucked up two chomos in my life. Just wait till you find yourself in the pen. People like me are going to take big pleasure hurting people like you. In the real world you're going to get a pen stuffed in your ear only to get stomped on. Realise if you continue down this path you will eventually get really fucking hurt
This guy fucking gets it.
There's no room for this bullshit.
if you do not harm anyone then you aren't a bad person OP
you and people like you are the actual sickos just looking for a reason to harm someone. cartoons are not real.
this forum is filled with brazillian poverty niggers and zoomers - do not listen to any of their hate
Oh I’m really scared user, I’m positively a-quiver
Blow your brains out, pedophiles and pedo defenders :)
None, but it reinforces a deep perversion...
what are you talking about
lolis aren't a crime there's no way for him to end up in prison with a nigger like you
Why is it bad to like sexy kids tho?
the first 99 faggots that told me to kill myself didnt work but that 100th time really convinced me
You are child predator. I shame you because it's true, and it's something worthy of the blackest shame. Every day you can choose whether to feed your addiction or really try to break your bad habits. Choosing to feed your monster is evil, you know it's a monster, stop letting it consume you! Take up the armor of God and strike down the dragon that has taken hold of your soul!
Just because I stare at sexy little girls in public doesn’t make me a child predator.
god is a fucking faggot
cope. i regularly fap to lolis (used to be on CP (10-13yr) too back when i was a teen). molestation still never crosses my mind when i see a little girl. if you never touch a kid sexually there is nothing wrong with being a pedo.
>used to be on CP
you’re not helping your case
my point was, even though i used to be into CP, i still never considered molesting a kid.
LARP fag
I honestly don't know why lolicon is shamed so much. It's very tame compared to the rest of the shit you see on Sup Forums. There are frequent threads literally for watching people die. (rekts)
because pedophiles are worse than murderers
raping children is awesome
Please elaborate.
Lolicon is a victimless crime, murder obviously creates a victim
all pedophiles rape children see proof that lolicons are child rapists
Is it worse to kill an underaged or "rape" them? How about dismemberment? Which is the worst to you?
it’s worse to rape them than to kill them because rape prolongs their suffering
i love loli and raping real children. i learned how to rape real children from watching cartoons. this is real.,
Who ever said anything about rape? Lolicon is a bunch of drawings that people get off to, just like hentai
Yeah you are clearly broken sorry to hear that man, just leave the kids alone and fap to cartoons and no one will give a fuck
Were far from "do whatever you want as long as you enjoy it" these days so yeah you can think whatever you want, imagine whatever you want and jerk of to loli porn. But youre not allowed to rape or to have sex with minors. So thats it. I dont like it that people like lolis, its kinda just wrong, it only is because thats what we taught. In nature no one wouldve cared but stupid humans need that stupid "society" shizzle so as long as you follow these rules...
I can shame you for whatever the fuck i want. You can imagine whatever the fuck you want. Ending of the story.
Kill yourself.
>My seat in heaven
I learned how to Dragonball.