Post more of these boys

Post more of these boys

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i fuckin love these

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These are so good. Does anyone have the one that says “diarrhea sucks, for the toilet”?

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Okay Cuck

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if i ever learn machine learning, i will make an AI that churns these out every 100 milliseconds

Lmao the fuckin hog

These are so goddamn stupid lol. Moar

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people who post this kind of shit on Facebook piss me off

>fuck off cucklefucks

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They are normally cringeyier than these, these are fuckin hilarious.

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Some of these are, but I still cringe thinking about the people who post shit like (pic related) ALL THE TIME. These remind of that cringe, and that makes me cringe.

except for this. this is funny

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Lost, knew something was coming but still got me lol

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it's those fucking islamic endermen you have to worry about

...a meme that isn't cancer? on my Sup Forums?

I tried

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Tip: the less you try the better it ends up being. but not bad, saving.

Surprised no one has posted this classic yet

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