I've given up porn, started to read revelations, started worling out, etc

I've given up porn, started to read revelations, started worling out, etc...

My gayness has massively decreased. I was addicted to sissy hypno to the point where id pose for men, dress, owned a dildo, dreamt about being taken, almost sucked cock, etc.

I worry that because I've felt how amazing anal and anal orgasms are, and I've felt how empowering it feels to not only dress in girls clothes, but be complimented and be somewhat passable and that I've ate my own cum and loved it, that there's no truly going back and these things will always somewhat beckon.... I twitched a bit just typing this.

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You're making me feel like such a slacker to just jack off when i get horny and then go on with my day.

Hmmmm..... Maybe one of us is just retarded... Could be me

I really wish I could just do that. Masturbating doesn't get rid of the feeling long enough and having sex is healthier and more satisfying but still doesn't get rid of the damned lust.

Dis tru

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Might be true... Seems true to mr

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Same here, my sissyness goes up and down from time to time. I'm also adicted to sissy hypnos and shemale porn. All you described fits me very well, I own a dildo and a butt plug. It's a strugle for me, because even though it feels amazing to dress like a girl and sit on a dildo, I feel like I'll never be accepeted like the girl I am. And it gets worse, I have wife and kids.

errr you are just a faggot

assuming this isn't a bullshit post....

you need to not feel so confused, and i know that's easier said than done but... according to science, its only natural that giving up your porn use (which excessive masturbation can increase your estrogen count substantially), while working out is increasing your testosterone. The more you do 'masculine" things the more testosterone your body will naturally produce. The whole crossdressing and being into anal thing is just YOU.. you either need to learn to accept it, and enjoy yourself, or you're going to live a life of misery putting up a facade for others constantly. If you're happy with your routine now, why is it so bad to include the things you did in the past? You can literally have both and its that wall-building mindset people have that prevent them from being truly happy.

a tl;dr to my post above:
you are influenced heavily by the hormones your body produces and just do what makes you happy at the end of the day

Nope, I'm cute and feminine, would be a nice trap

>I've ate my own cum and loved it
Damn. And now think of all the cum you could have swallowed ever since. All the cum you ejaculated without purpose, wasted.

It's to late for you just embrace your fate as been a sissy slut only on this earth to serve dick

>I have wife and kids
im sure your son/daughter will be happy

You see this a lot on Sup Forums, im unsure why so many people are affraid of coming out and accepting who they are
We as a society have accepted LGBT people, its only internet trolls that seem to be the ones complaining, yet funnily enough their own website Sup Forums is flooded constantly with Gay/Trans porn all the time
Coincidence? Nope, people only complain about and ridicule gays because deep down they are embarrassed about their true feelings
This is why you see Christian Gay conversion therapists in the newspapers coming out as Gay every so often
Projection at its finest

Accept who you are user, cause we all accept you no matter what bro

Inb4 “u gay 2”
Im str8, just a happy content human who doesnt feel the need to abuse others for my own self gratification masking deep down homsexual thoughts
Think about that for a minute....

u gey bruh

No, u

found the closet faggot

Haven't found a single study to show what you've said.
I found studies showing that it doesnt at all affect production, but the receptors for which use testosterone, these affects are never "substantial", and wouldn't even affect a workout routine.
I see one study that says masturbation affects testosterone, but this study was conducted on men with Erectile Dysfunction, and is not at all a trustworthy study for that reason.

Lol found the reddit fag.
Time to to back.

>>bible reading

I’m glad replacing one kind of brainwashing with another is working for you.

>time to to back

Nice one, you had one chance, and fucked it.

IRL stutter confirmed
“P-please d-dont hurt m-me”

I'm into sissy stuff but I kinda want to fuck one. What does that make me

>taking a shit feels so orgasmic
Yeah, I can see how reading the Bible would help you deal with whatever bullshit led to your degeneracy. And I applaud you. Honestly, it’s either that or suicide for most people afflicted with that kind of mental illness. I hope at the very least it helps convince you to stop shoving shit up your ass and coming up with ways of normalizing it like the bunch of fuckin faggots who are replying in this thread. They haven’t taken the high road like you are. So don’t fuckin listen to any of them. It won’t be easy, shedding your degeneracy, but nothing truly worth doing is ever easy.

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u walked right into the trap
Rip faggot


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For just wanting to fuck one?

Are they worth it? Anyone here has?

yep you are still fucking a male.

Yeah, if by fucking, you mean inserting your penis into another males ass. What are you, fuckin retarded?

thanks for ruining my fucking day user
stick ur red pill up ur ass

But if I didn't and didn't like it and only ever fuck chicks before and after hardly a fag?

cope fag

How the fuck did he ruin it?

“Hardly a fag”

If you plan out someones murder, then get caught on route to meet them, its still a crime and you will do time

If you planned in your head and thought about fucking another man, then sorry bro but you are gay fam
Just a gay in denial


pic related: she had that cock turned into a pseudo-pussy.

So what your saying is don't plan it just fuck a sissy and won't be as gay?

its like he looked into my soul and personally roasted me
i watch sissy and trap porn but claim im straight
maybe user is right and i am faggot confirmed?
why am i so anti-gay but love dicks?

But have you had pussy?

Nice cope, but nah fam
Think about or putting your male sexual organ into another males body is gei
I wrote you a formula:

Human with XY chromosome = male
Human with XX chromosome = female

XY + XY = gay
XX + XY = str8

Very, very simple brother.

no im 17, ye kill me now


“B-b-but he looks like a girl user!!”

Ok, so your are still gay, and like men, you just have a preference of what kind of man you are sexually attracted to
You are attracted to feminine looking men, but its still a man with XY chromosomes and thus, its still gay fam

Sorry to break it to you Sup Forums

Ahh okay.
>maybe user is right and i am faggot confirmed?
Well you wouldn't be the first user.

Cocks are just delicious user. How are you antigay exactly?

Dear OP, keep watching sissy hypno so I have sissy sluts to cum inside. Ty

Just find a chick that likes to peg and never EVER tell anyone outside of anonymity that you like to dress in women's clothes. Tranny porn looks tempting when they're all made up, hairless, and on estrogen pills, but believe me 99.9% of trannies over the age of 25 are fucking hideous and disgusting. Youre not going to get the chance to bang out a bailey Jay or sue lightning, or any legit passable tranny anyway. Maybe if you're lucky to find a good looking clean one, give it a go just so you have no regrets, they are living fetishes after all. Nothing more, nothing less.

Also, watching porn effects your brain. You can be brain washed into being a faggot, but you can also reverse it by just giving the porn a break. You're standards are skewed when you have a boner, bro. Remember that.

im pretty close to just being a sissy, I havent been with a man irl but I've had online doms make me do humiliating stuff like eating my own cum. i have a girlfriend but the thought of leaving her and being a sissy crosses mind all the time.

So much this.

Got sucked into trap porn from Sup Forums
Met a tranny off tinder, QT 10/10 dream e-girl looking thing

Meet in real life
Shoulders wider than me
Had spots on his ass from having to shave thick male hair everyday
Breath stank of man breath
Was taller than me (im 6ft 1)
Voice kept breaking every so often and his real man voice came out

Never felt so uncomfortable in my life
I ran from that house and deleted all history of it ever happening
Thank fuck i used a fake name and travelled 150 miles to meet him

Dont fall into the rabbit hole anons
Its a pipe dream

Post your ass like the bitch you are.

I assume your gf wouldn't want to dominate you and peg you and feed you your cum?

>Got sucked into trap porn from Sup Forums
yeah kike brainwashing machine working

i only do that on kik, sir.

my ex did but my new girlfriend is really submissive. she did jokingly tell me to put on her panties once but I don't know how serious she was.

Did you end up doing anything with the clown before leaving?

yeah i sucked him off

Kikes also brainwash you that breathing is necessary and eating shit is bad so obviously you should choke on shit user.

Ah, right. Shame. But maybe she did low key want it. Do you tend to wear sweatpants at home?

Was it gross?

>Kikes also brainwash you that breathing is necessary and eating shit is bad so obviously you should choke on shit user.
sure thing (((pal)))


what are you talking about lmao, there have been multiple studies already on everything I've said.. did you use your bible for research or what?

I do, yeah. my ex used to give me head until I came and then kiss me with a mouthful of cum, i miss it so much.

Maybe you could buy and start wearing girls' sweatpants at home. Idk, give her small hints.
>then kiss me with a mouthful of cum, i miss it so much.
Damn that is sexy. Does this one blow you too?
Also do you eat your cum on your own when you fap?

That's not a bad idea, she's really kinky but she's never done stuff like this before so I want to be careful. Yes she's blows me, I did kiss her one time after and she seemed to really enjoy it knowing I was tasting my cum.

Why does that faggot have a huge shit stain running down his dick

Yeah, start out slow. Wear girly pants, then maybe one time when yours are all in the laundry, borrow hers. Something like that.
Well there you go y that's a good sign. Just do it more often, with vigor.

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I think I might do that, then after a little bit ask her if she wants to dominate me sometime. I'm gonna try to kiss her as soon as I finish and see how she reacts. That picture is great, my ex wanted me to be a sissy maid but we never got to it.

I was in the same situation. My wife was "jessie' s" girlfriend. It was some of the happiest times of my life. But then,she found Jesus and we split and are back together now but as much as she loved fucking my "pussy" and having amazing lesbian sex (she was the wettest I have ever felt her then) now she is super weird about it and im not sure we will ever be okay again. Just make sure you are ready to lose what you have to risk what you might have.

Good luck user.

Do it you owe it to yourself