Sup Forums I'm drinking and relaxing tonight. This is a general thread for bros who are drinking, relaxed discussion of current events or your life in general. It doesn't have to tie into the Nice attack or Trumps VP pick or Turkey or Clinton, just come say hello, give your thoughts.
Sup Forums I'm drinking and relaxing tonight. This is a general thread for bros who are drinking...
I'm not sure how the people of Sup Forums are going to react to this type of thread but I guess I'll speak my peace. (piece?)
Our governments seriously, seriously need to work closely with the governments of Muslim countries to stop Islamic terrorism. I don't know WHY we are still buddied up with the Saudis but it hurts my head to even think about.
Western governments need to put incentives in place for immigrants from Muslim countries to return to their ancestral homelands. Economic initiatives, family reunification, something.
stuck in diamond 5 fml
drinking. have a cute asian girl visiting. laughing at orange is the new cuck. very disappointed with todays coup results.
The problem of honestly trying to work with Muslim countries is that most by their very nature are utterly corrupt places. I thought long and hard about how to solve this but most of my ideas I think would fail.
Studying law, in second year second semester, owe $20,000+ in student debt already and am having slight regrets. Kinda wished I did a bach of science to pass the GAMSAT to get into medicine. FeelsBadMan
what is the story with that? I honestly know nothing about turkey
Turk leader is way more conservative/religions than previous presidents and has been criticised as a result. Today may have been the culmination of such criticism, so far anyway.
I'm sorry user. What kind of law? I was working on a neurobiology BS degree for a while, hated it, stopped with school for a while, and now I'm back doing a BA in economics. I'm going to a state school but its still expensive. Getting there I guess.
This isnt a time for comfy drinking you faggot.
Get in shape for WAR.
DUDEWEEDLMAO bros welcome?
Just trying to get stoned and relax to Stardew Value after the happenings today.
Right you are Ameribro. It bugs me that muslim leaders don't openly denounce each and every one of these attacks the moment they're relayed.
Honestly, I'm scared guys. Since 2008, shit's been spinning fast.
Ayyy, my dual degree is a bach of business majoring in economics. I was hoping to get into medical negligence, have always had an interest in the medical field but the entry tests were always this big ass wall (even though I took chem, physics and biology in HS) so I feel this compensates for it a little. What was so bad about neurobio? Sounds pretty study intensive.
I packed my bags and started driving, and i've been drifting around the country for a few years. I came home 2 weeks ago, and now I don't know what to do. My old friends and family think i'm crazy, and I think they're boring. Nobody from my hometown has left or done anything with their lives.
I have no idea what to do now, but the recent happenings have kept my mind occupied.
I saw a thread about it earlier, but I really only checked out the baba memes. I should look into the situation more.
Why not study medical law by taking science classes to augment your legal knowledge?
Just do you man.
Who fuckin knows about anything anymore.
>I'm not sure how the people of Sup Forums are going to react to this type of thread
Why? Is this some stupid shit form /r9k/?
I'll drink with you soon after I chuck a massive shit. Have a half case of tooheys extra dry ( best aussie beer ) 2 bottles of Jimmy, 2 bottles of smirnoff and a bottle of absolute vodka.
I'm hoping to get into medical negligence, more specifically into the torts side of it (i.e person x suing person y bc person y didn't exercise proper care in doing z). Unfortunately, as I'm doing a dual degree, I cannot take any electives that are separate from the two so I literally have 0 opportunity to take any science classes at all.
situation is FUBAR
No just mellow conversations that involve politics without the need for memes my leafy friend.
You're off your fuckin rocker m8
I like it
Good. Good.
I fucking hate /r9k/
You can always just do a little extra curricular reading on your own. If medicine interests you I would reccomend Robbins Patholigical Basis of Disease it's literally what most medical schools have taught out of since the 1980s
Take your blog back to tumblr
do what he said, it's a way better plan
I've been fighting off the need for a bottle of crown royal for weeks now. I know if I give on to the craving I'm gonna get smashed retarded again and load my credit card. Dealer got busted... I'm about to smack a nigga.
Tonight I'll drink the lot like a true Aussie. When people bitch and whine about what's a mans drink, a women's drink etc. The Australian drinks it all.
>Finngolian on vacation here
>Spend last night sitting in a tiny llcal bar run by a chill young dude
>Tiny TV in the corner atop a fridge can barely be heard over the sound of cooking
>Japanese news is on, on the subject of the Nice attacks
>The bartender pours himself and me a Japanese drink for free
>I shake my head at the news as they show footage of a different attack with the typical "Allah ackbar" shouts
>The bartender gives me an understanding look.
The Nippon is our ally in these time.
I think the specialization of research mainly, I went into it thinking I wanted to get into academia but I didn't have an appreciation of how focused the research can be. People devoting their entire careers to understanding the effects of groups of receptors or pathways or that sort of thing. It's admirable but it's not for me. I didn't do enough research about it beforehand. I still love the subject, but I didn't want to teach or get into the medical field, so I switched. I'm happy with economics now though, I've always loved the subject (along with history and politics) so it felt like a natural fit.
Comfy in bed
While I'm afraid of my life choices
I never done anything useful
Only thing I do is going to school
I don't have a job because I fear from getting bullied at job
Meanwhile I also feel threatened of being chucked by shitskins, knowing how much of a hoes are white women
And basically sad
Sounds chill as fuck.
>speak my peace. (piece?)
you want - write my piece
Don't do it user, it's not worth it. Nice party boy pic
>everyone i know irl gets wasted almost every weekend
>only order a sprite or soda water when i go out and when im home i only drink milk or water in the afternoon/evening
I need something to calm down the little voice mate.
Yeah I plan on doing so when I get some off time. Based gf is studying paramedicine/nursing and always comes home after class and tells me everything she's learnt, just seems so much more interesting than reading through statutes/cases and applying them to some generic situation.
I'm planning on taking medical law classes but the subjects aren't taught until I get to the advanced law electives stage; as of now I only understand and know the absolute basics such as a doctor's duties to a person and stuff regarding vicarious liability for hospitals.
he sensed your inner weeb, there's a sacred camaraderie between the weeaboo and the otaku
There's a reason for this, in short, leaders of islam want to push the caliphate into the west and have infiltrated our highest levels of government.
Bookmark this and watch it when you have time.
On topic, what are you guys drinking? Sailor Jerry here.
woops meant to post part one.
It will ease and go away over time, don't give in and go completely wasted again. If you do have to give in, only allow yourself a mini bar sized bottle and not the regular bottle
Not drinking atm but smoking a stogie.
Funny, I kind of envy you. I almost went the law track but instead did a MPA. I ended up getting a job in a large municipality handling government ethics and diversity issues even just lurk pol like twice a week and want to call bullshit on everything. I feel like I've been living a double life. One day i just couldn't take it and quit. Half a year later I switched to procurement and contract compliance. Life is good now, but now and then I wonder if I should have gotten a JD.
And yeah, 20k in debt is nothing to sneeze at, but with your degree you'll have plenty of options out there for you. Look into public institutions that will pay off all your law school debt after... i think it's 10 years of service. No matter what path you take you'll always have doubts, justified or not. That doesn't mean you can't adjust as needed.
pic related, cheap decent quality red wine
I'm a bartender at a craft beer place
shitty callings and I'm smoking the raise in my bong
Everything fucking suck and thermonuclear war will never happen.
Heh, it start with the tiny ones, then I get a bigger one and a bigger one then next thing I know I've drank a thousand canadaroos.
At least Subban got exchanged.
Im trying to get published. Im writing a sci-fi novella that uses 1970 brutalism architecture and 50 art deco as the aesthetic, a cyberpunk where the computer tech is based off of vacuum tubes advancing to the point allowing a computer centric society to start, much like today. But i cant find much on 1950-1970 computer tech in terms of aesthetic. I need to get the feel of that era in print. Anybody can help?
oh oh oh, its raining. Nice :D
Also, anybody like women in stockings? I feel like im the only one.
CompE here.
Is law filled with lefties? I knew a fair few real feministy/lefty chicks that went in to law. In engineering there is a way disproportionate amount of right wingers relative to the rest of uni.
I feel you completely; I don't see how people can consciously commit their entire career to one pinpointed goal without, at some point, just going fuck it and an hero. Yeah economics is underrated relative to the other main business-y type fields like accounting and finance. Interrelations between fiscal/monetary policy, consumer spending, business investment and economic growth shits looking at spreadsheets all day ezpz.
Most medical law cases I've seen as an expert witness (I'm a pathologist for the state medical board) have revolved around "standard of care" issues, "did dr. X provide the appropriate standard of care to patient Y"
weed bros are welcome, anyone who is willing to slow down a bit and relax and reflect on the past few months or so. 24/7 hype is exhausting. I want to have these threads regularly if people are interested.
will you wear stockings 4 me user
just stop buying bottles or maybe have someone else hold your credit card for a while if you get drunk again
Everything is going crazy this year. I remember the beginning of it all was that best Korea was thought to have nukes and the stock market was going to hell. This year is also going abnormally fast, no? Faster than usual it seems. Also, not politically related, but do you guys believe masturbation while in a relationship is bad?
Stay classy Sup Forums
I'm concerned by the recent happenings, and more concerned that the rest of the world doesn't seem to give a damn.
We've had major happenings this year, yet in every single case the public virtually silent and complicit. It's highly unsettling. Even Turks couldn't be bothered to rise up to help liberate themselves from Islamists.
Just made some glue that's near impossible to remove. Gonna use it when I flyer my school with nazi shit.
tfw no degenerate bf to trigger Sup Forumsacks with
Thanks for the support bro, I don't think I'll do something stupid like that again but I feel pretty, PRETTY tempted these days...
The globalist want their moonbase.
Gay. But you can have this pic before you get capped by erdogan thugs.
no reason to get drunk if you don't enjoy it
I go to "parties" (as in, hanging out with a few bros) maybe once a month, the key is to know exactly what your limit is so you get pleasantly buzzed but not piss drunk
at most I'll have a beer or the occasional g&t on Fridays otherwise
no shame in spending the weekend at home, in fact it's something I treasure
nothing better than waking up at 11AM on a Saturday with zero obligations, making yourself a big fancy breakfast and just doing whatever the fuck you want for the whole day
I plan to spend tomorrow replaying Ace Combat 5 and shitposting
maybe just have a beer next time you go out, just one can really change your mood
alcohol releases dopamine in your brain even in small amounts, makes you way happier
people who binge drink to deal with their problems are doing it wrong
don't do that, that's what the rabbi does
Just downed a couple of shots of bourbon and am trying relax after work. I have a friend from Turkey at my work and we were fucking excited as we were reading about all the shit going down over there. We both hate Erdogan. It sucks that the coup appears to have failed. Made for an exciting day though.
that looks like a bulge faggot
and imma clap your ass cheeks before i get clapped by erdo ;3
Nah, I'm a member of a legitimate nazi group.
I really just wanna trigger lefties and gain publicity for our group
Getting fucked up drinking a Hurricane Category 5 malt liquor by Anheuser-Busch (STL pride my niqqa). Bought that and a six pack of New Belgium's Ranger IPA after catching Pokemon in a strip mall right after work. I work 40 hours a week in what's essentially a factory and I broke up with a really sweet but insane 17 year old girl yesterday. I think maybe I deserve a drink like this.
You know, if they ever wanted to completely destroy African Americans in this country, all they need to do is sell grape-flavored malt liquor at like 50 cents per 25oz can. They would all end up dead or blitzed out of their minds.
I've been staring at your post for a while, fuck it, here, have a (You)
God damn it.
You blind mate? Its not completely flat there, mons pubis.
it will trigger them but puts your cause in a very negative light by damaging property. Your favorite person would be ashamed of vandalism.
What do you think is the most overrated beer? Underrated? You do god's work.
Yes, but it also means you and your GF should be fucking passionately, often, and optionally with whatever kinks you're both comfortable with.
You're giving up smut to keep focused on her, then she should be giving you something back beyond "I lie there like a dead fish once a week" (if even).
>listening to "it's all over but the crying"
She passed away 3 years ago, I still miss her Sup Forums
Vandalizing property takes money out of the pockets of the Jews who run the city
this one is flat, that one was bulging like a mofo. just come out the closet senpai ;3
I sing that in my shower.
What was her name?
Too true for Sup Forums m8
What's up bro?
Vodka, Orange soda, and some cocaine for me tonight.
Not sure if serious, but if so calm your shit. It's not happening m8.
They're just clinically depressed, they have no pride.
yeah, your own tax dollars. Unless you don't pay taxes like a parasite?
>just come out the closet senpai ;3
and you are still alive? How did your family take it?
I'm hoping it pays off. I am open to whatever comes my way now really, I've taken up that attitude lately. I have some good friends who work in related fields now who have given me some input. I hope things work out for you user, stay safe out there.
i try to do the social drinking thing but everyone around me is pretty pants-on-head retarded when it comes to drinking, so i just default to designated driver, nout of some uptight nature on my part but just because i don't want people i care about to get hit with a dui.
i wouldn't say my friends and family are alcoholics but they pretty much all have some kind of psychologically inability to understand yes, in fact, you can get pulled over and get a DUI.
arg, just the concept of the place makes my skin crawl. Jesus fuck it's like they're still stuck in 2006 you know with the same shitty random teenage humour of the mid 00's. Just cringe as fuck.
People from /r9k/ always get me
Why is it so hard to improve yourself? They complain about "Chad" the same way communists complain about the rich. They could easily be working out and improving their social skills, but they fap to trap porn on Sup Forums instead
tfw no bf to wear my chink dress for
wew lad thats some edge
Do you guys think the death penalty being re-implemented across Europe for terrorism-related offenses would help or harm their current situation? You could arguably do the same for murder and rape but that's kind of pushing it
I feel like a stock market crash Sup Forums. Kept worrying about everything going on in the world until one day I just suddenly stopped caring.
Every country has pretty traditional women somewhere but Australia :(
Worst Korea checking in
>tfw having to replace all my teeth at 25
>SSRI's won't have any bad side-effects they said ten years ago to a depressed and anxious kid
>only a little mouth-dryness
At least the state pays the $20 000 it costs for this shit.
it's a victim complex. to change would make them have to admit that their shortcomings are their own fault.
just look at how hard they get triggered by "just be yourself"
I'm fine with throwing away a small portion of my money to force Shlomo to pay up $100 for removal and to trigger leftists
Bumping for my self. I asked /lit/ and that went to shit.
You mean something like this? That's nice, women should dress nicely like that everyday. In fact everyone should dress nicely. Like they used to in the 50's... a shame it be considered weird today to wear formal cloth without a special occasion...
it would do nothing because terrorists are already willing to die and often do in the course of their terrorism-ing
>taking money out of the pockets of your fellow NON JEW taxpayers so you can be an edgelord
why are naziboos always so awful?
I know you didn't ask me, but the most overrated beer is any Russian Imperial Stout. Most underrated is probably Busch Signature Copper Lager simply for the fact that it's an amazing value; you will never find a beer that combines that level of cheapness and quality.
Also, my hair is going white at 20
Like, snow white. Should I dye it or keep it normal? It's something that's been in my family for forever.
When will the Americans stop circumcising all newborn white babies? when will you stop, phams?
Drankin. Love the vibe of this thread right now.
Why not be an edgelord? Sitting on Sup Forums complaining about "muh destruction of western civilization" won't get me anywhere. At least I'd be doing something in real life
Heh, I raged at the first part but I'll give the 2nd option a chance next time i fill up on gas.