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Some people are heard near a camera booing.
Oh the humanity!
It's Over For Him This Time, How Can He Ever Recover?

It's ok, Fox & Friends edited out the booing, so your little bubble's still intact

Vanity Fair reports the booing was so loud it could damage your hearing. 100 decibels.

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How many people could you hear booing, user?

Attached: 1565782287619.gif (250x250, 1.95M)

Quite a few

I felt proud to be an American for the first time since 45 was elected. Can't wait until that colostomy bag of bile is no longer called the President. Tick tock... Must feel so strange to be a Trumpanzee and see it all crumble. Hahaha

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>Quite a few
That's not a lot of people, user.
The stadium holds 45,596 people, it was game 5 so it was obviously packed.
If you could only hear quite a few, that's like nobody.

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Sure thing, Bucko. You hold onto that Strawman for dear life now, y'hear?

Ungrateful piece of shit

How is what I'm saying a strawman?
You quite literally just said quite a few people were heard booing out of 45,596 people.
How many is quite a few?

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You're just being coy and cute. You know exactly what he means and you're afraid.

>only hear quite a few

Comrade pls

I'm not the one who said quite a few, user.
Why on Earth would I be afraid of people booing Trump in Washington D.C., it's overflowing with liberals.
You'd have to be retarded to think people wouldn't boo him anywhere in public there.

Texans boo'ed him too :))

you're in denial my little japper friend

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>Texans boo'ed him too
How many, quite a few?

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I was at the watch party at minute maid park last night, when they showed him on the screen then crowd erupted into boos


>screen then crowd erupted into boos
That's weird, none of the cameras picked up that many boo's.

You are the one that is a whiney bitch about it.

>You are the one that is a whiney bitch about it.
By asking simple questions?

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Imagine being this much of a reaction face posting DT dick sucker.

Because Texas is California east. Baseball is a boring sport to begin with, the stands at most pro games are full or hipsters and IG models. You dont have many teams in blue collar cities anymore

Because I'm asking simple questions?


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>i am ummm only asking questions

>what i dont understand? what is wrong with questioning stuff that happend?

You guys seem mad.

they were saying BOO-urns!!

dude looks a little cross eyed

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I was talking about the 1000's of people in the stadium

Ya the Nats lost 7-1 so whatever also did trump win DC if not fuck them who cares.

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Like 95% of DC voted Democrat