SJWs and leftists took Erdogan's side. Secular Nationalists took his side. Even hardcore NATO secular four star generals in Turkish Army took their side.
USA took their side. UK and Russia took their side.
Erdogan's goons are victorious. Into the long night I go. Thank you for the memories.
Just scuttle under the fridge and fight another day.
Blake Long
Geber you fucking piece of shit. The mentality of the average Turkish people will NEVER make it so that you will live in a perfect Turkey you believe in. You either say fuck it and live or move out. There is no ''changing'' it or overthrowing it.
Jayden Hernandez
flee flee for your lives!!!
i hope your not gay or white or black
Ryder James
>not arresting Erdogan on the spot at the start >not starting the coup at 4am or something
I'd do a better job for fucks sake.
Charles Sanchez
i know right...
Jackson Diaz
fuck. so he really got the military to bend over for him. looks like we'll have to deal with this sucker for the rest of his life.
Robert Morris
And tell your soldiers to fucking kill people before surrendering
The ones in mobs aren't your friends.
Austin Gray
or turkish, for that matter
Jeremiah Jenkins
>the people who said they believe in democracy actually do believe in democracy
Ryan Jenkins
even though there won't be one, start with the serpents head next time
John Lewis
You can thank your weak and incompetent army.
Thomas Williams
>PM Mehmet will consider re-introducing the death penalty for those involved in the coup
Welp, that's the entire opposition to Erdogan exterminated in one ruling.
Justin Perez
>erdogan >democracy
Charles Kelly
Colomel level leadership. 1000 or les soldiee. No navt supporr only a few tanks amd jets. No shit it failed. I miss the 80s coup. With full military support amd hangings in the street
William Jenkins
>Into the long night I go.
Is that what you call Germany now?
Isaiah Morris
May not be the last coup. There have been like 5 before, lol. It's important to remember the coup was staged by low-level military officials with a few soldiers, not the top generals, who could overthrow Erdogan if they wanted to.
Asher Anderson
fucking kek
Jason Torres
What were they, Kemalists?
Bentley Allen
>gulen pulls a coup and fails >good guys lost
what the fuck guy. its just another islamist shithead trying to kill another islamist shithead.
Levi Taylor
There are 350,000 troops. Some 1,000 troops is a drop in the ocean. There are still plenty of people in the military who have a bone to pick with Erdogan but are waiting for the right moment to strike.
Andrew Russell
Erdie will use this opportunity to thoroughly cleanse army and political parties in country. They will not ever have second chance, even those who decided to stick with Erdogan today will be retired/jailed/executed under some shit reason if not 100% brainwashed muslim, and nobody would object.
Jacob Peterson
no coupers were gulenists not kemalists
Robert Stewart
Henry Rollins.
Henry Rodriguez
Rule no.1 : Lose the battle, win the war.
Erdocuck is driving this country into ruin.
Connor Kelly
muh dik
Josiah Moore
Fuckin A.
They should have offed the President and then couped it.
Lincoln Reyes
Except the top officers are loyal to Erdogan and have been place in their positions by him.
James Watson
Its only just begun desu. This was just a set up by the top brass to oust the retards of the roach army they didn't want. The happenings will surely continue in the future once the top brass reconfirms roach king's faith in them.
Carson Brooks
yes. no way seculars would support a gulenist coup
Leo Phillips
>implying it wasn't a false flag
Landon Clark
worst coup ive seen. either they were incompetent soldiers and failed to plan properly, or this was all a sham. either way we are fucked. erdogan just confirmed his ass on the presidency seat
Anthony Johnson
Now Turkey will be more islamic than ever, European caliphate in the next years
it's over
Tyler Edwards
>move out Yes, another refugee. Exactly what Europe needs!
Adam Diaz
The thing is, they should have known. NATO has very clear rules for how and when to engage civilians and the coup forces failed to follow them. Any military will tell you not to surrender to mobs, only regulars, but the coup did just that.
You say it like Erdogan won't swiftly purge the entire military for not immediately opposing the coup.
Nathaniel Sanchez
how do they always manage to look so fucking soft makes my dick go nuts
John Nelson
thats the problem most people dont understand, this coup was worst thing to happen, imagine what would happen if gulen supporters actually succeeded, literally saudi arabia 2.0.
Christopher Rivera
Is there any actual evidence that it was a Gulenist coup and that Erdogan isn't just blaming him in order to prevent popular support for the military?
Kevin Evans
You guys don't fucking know how to Coup. Like why the fuck would you attack and give more than enough time to Erdogan to fucking flee?
Jack Cook
It is a pitty, that the army did not succeed cleaning the country from this islamist dirt, as they usually did in Turkey.
Why the bad guys in army succeed - as a jewish general the slayer Sisi, and the good guys do not succeed?
It's bad, that they did not have a support of people and even were not united inside the army...
Luis Evans
if it was actually kemalists erdogan would definetaly use this chance to attack at them its as easy as that. he hates kemalists a lot too.
besides as far as i know none of the kemalist part of army wants a coup at all.
Brandon Hall
What could have they done different tho? For the one revolutionary that's lurking this thread
Isaiah Hernandez
Erdogan shills out Fethullah Gulen has nothing to do with it they said they were kemalist themselves
Parker Smith
16 get!
Leo Allen
Fucking top kek.
Jaxon Nelson
I look at it as a teaser for WW3 Just like Brexit. Just like the american election and Rio.
You have to build this shit up.
Kayden Bell
its the ruse, they are gulenists acting like kemalists to push the blame and maybe to get some sort of civil support because there is a huge kemalist pop in turkey (about 20%).
Asher Sanchez
The top generalls are fucking puppets placed there by Erdogan.
Ethan Harris
I'm kinda surprised how badly they handled the coup..
Why did they not cut-off the internet and tv? Why was there no tear gas etc deployed? Why the fuck did they not kill Erdogan?
I too would like to know this.
Ethan Watson
Everything mate.
This was one of the worst coups I've ever heard of.
Colton Butler
I don't think most soldiers were aware this was all going on outside of the chain of command. When they were told, many might have lost their nerve.
>When they were told, many might have lost their nerve. I can understand why this would be a reason for an overall failure, but..
Cutting off the internet/tv/radio is basically the first thing on coups-for-dummies. It requires no killing of people and greatly hampers retaliation from the public.
Crowd dispersal weaponry has a far lower threshold when it comes to justified usage, and even a nervous soldier will be willing to shoot tear gas/water cannons/rubber bullets, especially in self-defence.
As for killing Erdogan, you would obviously send reliable people to pull the trigger instead of random grunts who don't know what they're doing.. AND IT WOULD BE THE FIRST FUCKING THING ON THE LIST IN A TURKISH COUP.
I just can't believe that any army in the modern world would fuck up so badly..
Eli Reed
So now what? How do we move when in our hearts we know that there is no going back.
Robert Allen
It was a staged coup dumbass.
Dominic Scott
Far starters i'd make sure my primary fucking target is actually in the city so he can be arrested and forced to go on tv and order everyone to stay home.
Dylan Martinez
any secularists still in Turkey should probably get out now while they still can because it's all downhill from here
Daniel Howard
feels for you mate. I don't see any way Erdogan will lost his grip now. Head down and start memorising your Koran.
Kayden Wood
#0 Have reliable people immediately arrest the current leadership #1 Disable power to the major cities to prevent communications #2 Disable internet & take control of tv & radio during the blackout #3 Utilize non-lethal crowd control weaponry like tear gas/water cannons/rubber bullets #4 Launch a misinformation campaign to seize the narrative (Erdogan aiding ISIS etc)
Michael Kelly
1. It's a false flag coup 2. The good thing is that with more Edrogan power, Turkey will not be part of EU anytime soon
Josiah Lopez
Won't this also fuck with his involvement in syria and dealing with the kurds?
Jordan Bailey
>they started to coup at 10 PM, literally the worst time >only seized the state channel, private channels blew out Erdogan propaganda 7/24 >internet and every other means of communication were intact through whole ordeal >their first act was not killing or arresting Erdogan >They didn't try to gain other General's trust and instead kidnapped them.
Wyatt Baker
Are all the rebel forces officaly subdued? I heard there were still pockets of resistance in Ankara and elsewhere.
Gabriel Lewis
The bizzarre part is seeing western nations actually hope the military coup fails when Erdogan has been fucking with western nations for half a decade now, holding refugees as literal hostages and secretly supporting ISIS to genocide the Kurds.
This world is fucked. Another day where Islamism and dictatorship prevailed.
Blake Young
>#BREAKING Deputy PM Müezzinoğlu says gov't will discuss bringing back death penalty for coup plotters. #TURKEY
hahaha secularists btfo allahu akbar
Henry Hughes
pale skin, slim, but they stop dieting as soon as bones start to poke out just slightly.
Robert Howard
That is literally the worst thing they can do as all it would encourage is any future commander to fight to the death.
Benjamin Anderson
should of just assasinated the king of goatfuckers t.b.h
Bentley Flores
and just keep it after that. Just in case you need it for some other horrible crimes. Like questioning Erdogan
Benjamin Rivera
not only was it 10 pm, it was 10 pm on a friday
this was definitely a staged coup that was meant to allow erdogan a dictatorship
Nolan Robinson
As always Sup Forums is nothing but kids in their basements without any real world knowledge.
Why would we want turkey's current government to be replaced by the military which in other coup's have proved to be dictators and authoritarians. Why would we want that part of the world to be further destabilized ? You do know that millions of refugees would just pack up and leave to europe if there wasn't a proper government.
The military only attempted the coup because they are no longer the ' power ' in Turkey. Roach King for all his faults was democratically elected. If the country turns into an islamic shithole it's the turks fault if anything.
Do you really want a military that can't even succeed in overthrowing the government which comprised of police with handguns and shit in power ~? Top Kek
If anything this proved that Turkey's Army forces are a fucking joke and Putin is now laughing is ass off to this poor display. I also fear the Nice attacks and the Turkey Coup was a distraction to divert attention from the Saudi Arabia Papers that directly involve them in the 9/11 attack.
Nicholas Sanders
pro tip; ISIS is also supported by all NATO nations, also Erdogan is their puppet which is why they shilled for him. It all makes 100% perfect sense when you understand that the refugee influx is planned and wanted by our not so benevolent leaders, pic kind of related
Nathaniel Reyes
Can anyone translate? This is a turkbro I met on chat roulette like 4 years ago. No translate page is making any sense. Is turkbro okay?
Ayden Williams
>SJWs and leftists took Erdogan's side. This I don't understand. What in the fuck is wrong with them.
Ethan Miller
Because this coup was internal affair without international support. If Turkey became ISIS den then Europe and Russia are fucked.
Jackson Thompson
>If Turkey became ISIS Isn't army secular and shit ?
Isaac Wood
Im genuily sorry for the happs Turkbros
Parker Allen
>croatia >calling turks turkbros
You are a disgrace to your country pussy. Every turk should be killed !
Julian Bailey
You're kidding, right?
Yes, it was. That's how the coup happened, and those people are now arrested and will be imprisoned or executed.
Elijah Harris
I don't know much about turkey I admit and I just got the news this morning, Carl. It's just everybody and their mother is praising erdogan in France and I find it fucked up.
Brody Carter
Dominic Adams
Erdogan has made it a danger speaking poorly of him. He has his spies all over Europe. Remember that German that got jailed for bad mouthing Erdogan? Erdogan is a tyrant. And his influence is expanding into Europe.
Noah Allen
You should have been up last night. Pretty much the biggest Happening Sup Forums has ever witnessed, and everyone with half a brain was pro-Coup.
Some say it was a ruse by Erdog, so that he could identify his opposers within the military. I don't know what to believe at this point, but yes, Turkish military being "secular" is past as of today. It's all over, as is all hope for a secular, western Turkey.
Jack Barnes
I see. Thanks.
Easton Torres
roll ing
Nathaniel Ward
I came here to shitpost but instead I'll just roll and fuck off.
Jacob Parker
I wonder if this is what scientists felt like when the inquisition was going strong
Camden Anderson
Mason Evans
The top military staff are loyal to Erdogan, I doubt the happenings are going to continue