Be honest user, how do you feel about me killing myself ?

be honest user, how do you feel about me killing myself ?

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not good

don't care.

Why there is so much out there to explore

Once you tell me the context of that webm, couldnt care less.

Except you can't because the fucking kikes ruined everything.

So he was behind that....

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I don't know you, but if I tried my hardest to empathize and imagine you as an intelligent and all around good human being, I still wouldn't give a fuck.

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get to bed you have to start making the EXACT same threads in the morning for the 3600 day in a row you insufferable zilch

I don't know you so go for it

>f ?
every fucking time you fucking attention whore


We already mapped the planet and we are being forced to stay on Earth so our rocks keep their monetary value. There is literally nothing to do but jerk off and do drugs

If you're socialist go ahead and do it

I value human life. find a hobby or something to keep you occupated.

Eh I would’ve busted on this post but the caption ain’t good

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Lemme have sex w/you first, then the rest is up to you.

I don't know you

That chick looks so much like my best friend i wanna show her that webm and ask, but theres no way that turns out either is and i have to tell her shes on this hellish site being used to fap... or its not her and i have to explain where i found this video and what sorta degenerate i am... and even worse she would think im looking at it thinking of her

>We already mapped the planet and we are being forced to stay on Earth so our rocks keep their monetary value. There is literally nothing to do but jerk off and do drugs

Well, there is the old "make money and fuck many bitches" play a la George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk... but you elected not to go that route user...

You should try to get treatment for your depression first. If you have tried that, well, I mean, Canada will soon be assisted-suiciding suffering mentally ill people if they're still capable of making medical decisions, so maybe move there first. Cleaner and easier.

A few months ago people were saying the girl was blackmailed into fucking some guy and this was right after she got fucked.

Why rush inevitably? We'll gonna die anyways, might as well watch the show. I mean if you really really really cant stand living, at lesst go out doing something outrageous like streaking, racking up debt, robbing banks, fucking hookers etc.

Well if you're the girl in the video I'll try and stop you. Otherwise, we're in the same boat my dude.

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I care enough to comment that I dont care

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Some guy got her nudes and "blackmailed" her by saying he would post them on her FB if she didn't strip for him. Like an idiot she did, and predictably that is what he posted on her FB.

how u guys doing ?

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i wonder how many guys would break down and cry if some girl "forced" (?) them to strip over some bullshit drama



Don't be a fucking pussy.
Killing yourself is the easy way out no matter what someone says. There is no sweeter victory than coming out on top after everyone tries to drag you down.
You're ready to kill yourself right? What the fuck you got to lose? Go out there and fucking win your way.

Gonna be real with you chief, I don't know you and you don't know me. And that's beautiful

We often lose sight of what is actually important and significant with our fast-pace world. Sometimes you need to remove yourself from certain scenarios plaguing you in life and realize things could absolutely be worse

Worse being a relative term but if we're all honest with ourselves, living is the truest form of suffering. I won't be on this planet in the next 100 years and you wont either. With that suffering is a realization that you may as well make something out of this temporary existence.

It's like all the stories you've ever read or watched. Sure things might seem mundane, even easy now, but who knows what waits tomorrow, next week even?

Godspeed user

What you need to know is that you deserve love, not only cause the pain you went threw, but because everyone deserves to be happy. Suicide is never the answer, it will only create more pain and heart ache to God and to the people closest to you. Everyone is special you need to see the value in yourself and realize it.

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>don't do it
>life will do it soon anyway
>don't give up
>you can do it

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Trips of truth, still gay though

Realistically, I don't know you outside of you being a statistic number. Your death will have ZERO impact on my daily grind. I will not mourn you, I will not care. If you want to kill yourself you'd have already done it. People that go online and ask others what they think of they killed themselves are all crying for help and/or attention. Why don't you try asking that bullshit down at your local police station where they can "properly" help you?



Probably doesn't mean much but I'd be kinda sad. Not sure how I can help but let me know if you need anything.

Been there user. Try therapy if you can. It truly does wonders

Don’t do it. Keep fighting.

Talk it out on this thread if you need to. I will listen/respond.
I know it might feel like you're alone but I promise you're not.

Don't like it. Waste of an user that could help shake the gates of hell.

I think it's interesting that humans often choose to kill themselves.

Do you think it's helpful to the species overall, and that's why we haven't evolved stronger self-preservation instincts?

Or do you think it's because we haven't really had enough time for evolution to adapt us to the modern world?

It may be hard to continue, but you must kot give up. There are still things worth fighting for.

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In other news. Holy shit. We should get mashed potatoes. A ton of mashed potatoes. Like, 2 parts russet, 1 part waxy red tomatoes. Then after the standard stuff, we just add a mess of barbeque sauce and eat it.

who's buying

anyone got moar (or sauce?)

Is there anything they havent ruined?

Sounds like you must do it user

i would be sad.

Don't kill yourself. Keep working and paying taxes please.