Im scared guys

Commifornia mexibro here. Guys I am fucking scared because of all this shit. And now I am taking classes in Berkeley and I HAVE to take bart but I also have this unshakable fear that they might fucking hit bart or some shit. Please reassure me or give advice.

Shameless self bump
pic unrelated I just fucking love flan

once more

fuck you ese you took my fucking spot at Cal


fuck you to then
also nice double dubs

I like my flan to lean on the dry side, the super smooth ones like this isn't as good as the thicker ones, those seem to have more flavor

Just go to class, it's fucking Berkeley you don't get to skip class

>not going to sac state

when ever I make it it usually looks like the ones I posted but dry on top/thick smooth on inside. I also use cream cheese which I assume is an uncommon ingredient but it still turns out amazing. Also the only reason I am going to class is because I have only recently decided to get my shit together and get out of a bad spot in my life.

what are you scared of

niggers or something ?

i have probably been in worse areas than you have been in

tfw was the only white guy in the neighborhood in houston tx

gunshots daily

never had a problem tho

Well bart in general is can be shady as fuck sometimes and the niggers make me uneasy sometimes. Also doesnt help when I got bad anxiety. You should fucking see me when I am on a plane.

the cuckiest school in the US
have fun riding with hobos and niggers on the richmond line

>tfw mexican and trump supporter
>tfw know how to defend the emperor
>tfw my race and anti-cuck bants destroy the narrative
I guess its one thing to look forward to

in houston i was on the bus going toward downtown and a car stopped the bus an a nigger got robbed but he was owing this guy money like 10$ only and they left

fucking niggers

you probably wont have any problems though because your race

i never got fucked with for being white anywhere

whats bart

I'm actually fairly surprised there hasn't been a major terrorist attack in San Francisco yet.
At least they won't hit my Munis :^)

After that establishment globalist cuck VP pick I don't even give a shit about Trump anymore

look nigger I am glad I am born on the peninsula and lived here my whole.
>also a spic of all races
>voted for trump
>no niggers here
>love to look around for qt white girls in my area
>I think you know a Sup Forums shitposter lives

Bay Area Rapid Transit
>filled with niggers, hobos, shit, piss, loud, old, yet everyone rides it

Now I want flan.

Thats why am fucking tripping out. Simply because it hasn't happened yet and you would think it would and will at some point.
>ID "CUc"

i dont remember the exact bus

it was in acres homes at a stop near 45 and tidwell

>got three flans cold and ready to go in the fridge right now


Yep easy target no one is armed. Probably somewhere in the mission, fisherman's wrath or in a bart station.

google "Creamy Flan Recipe" shits fire dude



We're due for a taste eventually.
Gonna be funny seeing our turn on the virtue signalling line after Orlando,Dallas,Nice,ect. Funny how they immediately forget the past 'tragedy' on social media.
>implying they won't blow up the Bay Bridge

Forgot to add that they're not going to even bother trying to start shit in Bayview so I'm safe for now :^)

I went on pornhub and found they had used a French flag filter. Why does a porn company feel the need to virtue signal?

>bay bridge
It is too ridged to be destroyed

What does this post even say

You are being irrational. Killing Hippies in the subway is the last thing on ISIS' to-do list. There are so many more interesting people to fuck with (see French).

well good for you

I'll never forget the asshole kid in elementary who never told me his mother's flan recipe, it was the thickest I ever had but still had the flavor of flan and the smooth texture outside

anyways nothing will happen, should just download pokemon go and preoccupy yourself

mudslimes tho retarded can be crafty little turds. I am sure they would figure some way

Berkeley reject detected.

>mfw never applied to Berkeley

>tfw been sorta outta touch with society for a long time recently becoming more social and presentable
>only now getting a smart phone and I sorta want to play pokemon go because it would be easy loot on bart
as cringy as it might sound I almost feel like the whole rise of trump inspired me to get on my feet and work towards something

What does BART stand for?


For any people not in kek area.

any personal experiences?

Fucking sage.
Also, avoid Oakland.

maga my friend

It is what you expect.
>crowded in rush hour
>deafening ears
>never get off at highlighted niggervilles unless you are unlucky and broke and have to live there
>at times people are cool and try to have a conversation

Even though there were shootings with bart police and disruptions, they are almost always with niggers or hobos.
Any common folks are safe to ride on.

Id be more worried about niggers on bart than mudslimes

Been there, hoodrats are rampant

Probably the worst city in TX, I hear Austin is filled with SJW whiteknighting cucklords and hipster music "producers" though so it might be worse