How do you reconcile the fact that god has committed multiple genocides according to the Bible. I have never been able to get on board with Christianity of any kind since I found out about these things.
How do you reconcile the fact that god has committed multiple genocides according to the Bible...
>Old Testament
That's Judaism friend. God realized he fucked up and wrote a new book
friendly reminder that Satan is the protagonist of the Bible and he has his thumb up his ass for 99.9% of the book
All of the genocides were against shitskins
>muh Noahs ark
>lol Christians and only Christians
Not an older story of a flood with side notes about redemption and starting anew.
>B-but how can I make fun of that when you do pesky things like offer a context
Sodom and Gomorrah?
Killing the first born sons in Egypt? They didn't even do anything.
Its happening ...Whole Sup Forums would cheer when the middle east gets nuked, but somehow god is evil for destroying evil
plot twist: Satan and God are the same person.
I... I could actually be down for that.
>God is perfect
>God realized he fucked up
Pick one and only one.
>this part of the Bible is ridiculous and makes the religion seem stupid, so it's obviously an allegory
Your goalposts are on wheels m8.
>it's another "fedora uses the Torah/Old testament to bash Christians with but will not bash Jews for the same reason" episode
>Literally Jewish stories about how people shouldn't be bad to Jews (and how god will punish people for doing so)
>100% Christian
Gnostic shill spotted
>god makes mistakes
>everyone except Noah was a shit skin
>god cares about skin colour
Go back to facebook
Gilgamesh sagas existed quite a while before the bible, user.
Friendly reminder Christians don't take the bible literally. Friendly reminder it is Fedoras manipulated by Jews who take it literally, then sperg out with OMG SEE IF YOU TAKE THIS LITERALLY IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE CHECKMATE CHRISTFAGS when the only ones in the room taking it literally
actually no. I've been tossing around the idea of going back to my roots, but I can't get past having to "worship" a god that will kill innocents like the savages we despise.
I remember that none of that actually happened.
A fucking ton of Christians have historically taken the bible literally for centuries and centuries
Stop being revisionist
Sola Scriptura is heretical look it up fedora tippers
>Christians don't take the bible literally
if god said it will happen,it will hapen,and for good rason
who are you to question god?
he litrally killed billions of degenerate scum
You need to reconcile yourself with the fact that your personal morality (as a finite and created being) is not superior to the objective morality of an infinite and uncreated being.
And reconcile yourself to the fact that genocide can be moral, and has been an essential part of our historical development that you benefit from today, and that genocide will be used to futher ourselves in the future.
No one cries for saber toothed tigers or European cave lions and bears, or Neanderthals, or Homo Erectus, or Tocharians.
Genocide is a moral, useful and needed tool endorsed by God. Lose the arrogence and acceot that your petty personal post-modern moral conceptions are wrong compared to God and the entirety of human history and future.
does facebook even have a discernible culture? i thought it was just inlaws, cats, and trump poststers.
Christianity made all Christians the Jews of the Old Testament, all the promises to "Israel" and "Judea" of the Old Testament are made to the Christian Church and to the body of Christians.
Our mission as Christians is still to destroy Amalek, to genocide the people who have succumbed to sin, to smash the children of Babylon upon the rocks, and so on.
Genocide is central to the Christian message and purpose. Don't let any Modernist cuck deny that to you.
Yeah and Amish exist
one large case against Protestantism, it leads to wacko interpretations
literally the prequel to the Apocalypse
you see jews are my kind of people. All their religious stories revolve around God annihilating douche-bags and people they hate.
>implying those aren't the protestant revisionists doing it
There is a serious theory that when those priests back in the day were throwing out heresies they accidentally took out some backstory to the Arc.
In the movie Noah they put it back in, if you believe that, the excuse is that all life was corrupted by demons blood and needed to be replenished into the world, a lot of this is Book of Enoch stuff.
God needed to wipe out all of this sick and mutated life and saw the only family left who didn't have the demons mutations in them.
I mean thats just a theory. If true its probably best we aren't walking around as the toxic waste guy from Robocop or literally all these mentally damaged and deformed freaks then to do one single genocide.
i dont know whats up with modern day jews
all fucked up and hateful,vile,jesus hating kikes
>implying those degenerates at Sodom and Gamorrah were innocent
Wew lad
Well congrats, Jesus was the Jewish Messiah and brought all who accepted him, Jews and Gentiles, into his flock.
Now, as a collective Church, you can go out and do the same.
>God creates mankind
>mankind is full of evil, horrible monsters who actively kill eachother
>God ultimately passes judgement on them while saving those who wish to do good
I don't see the problem. You see, unlike our pussified modern justice system, God has every right to strike down criminals who will never repent. Perhaps it's time we stop being so soft.
>b-but it doesn't matter if they were sacrificing children to Baal, all lives matter!
Yeah nah, take that back to tumblr.
Revalations 3:9
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.
Because """God""" is a petty demiurge. Read the Nag Hammadi scriptures and get the real red pill bro.
It was always Abraham that broke the deal for me. Ever since I first heard about it in Sunday school, I've had nightmares about my dad cutting my throat and an angel not making it in time to stop him at the last moment. It made me realize God of the Bible is in fact the bad guy. Maybe Gnostics and Cathars were right, he is the Demiurge who feeds on our suffering.
Yazidi retard
The old testament is largely a collection of stories that would be told to children of Jews prior to the new testament
Generally these stories are simply moral guides to teach an individual how to lead a good, moral life.
They rejeceted their Messiah. They abandoned God. The destruction of their nation, by the Romans, was their punishment.
In abandoning God, you in practice accept Satan. Hence the evil we see today.
Demiurge mind
what's a demiurge
is that a final fantasy boss
the idea that the only and highest authority is the bible was rejected over 1500 years ago.
Just because some germans (traditional heretics given their arian tendancies) decided to claim other wise a few centuries ago doesnt change that
This. Go Orthodox or go home, you fucking heathens. Reformed faggot shit is the ultimate cancer.
were you there in that thread with that Israel guy? I was the other guy, man what a night
Does this have anything to do with the nephilim?
yes, everything to do with them
>Yazidi retard
Uniformed Wahhabi retard detected. Melek Taus is neither God nor Satan in Yazidi theology.
I actually had to look that up. interesting.
>what's a demiurge
>is that a final fantasy boss
Not far off.
Sorry, reconcile what?
Is there a moral standard for Almighty Creator of Universe you'd like to point me to? You're like an insect asking why a home owner used Raid on a bugs nest 10 years ago
There was an user a while ago on Sup Forums saying the Nephilim never fully went away, and the survivors made progeny that still live today, as some sort of quasi reptile human hating being
Christianity breeds the coolest fan fiction
I don't care, wish He would slay more tbqh
not him,but what happened?
is this game actually worth playing or did it age like milk
>reminder Hillary Clinton talks about sacrificing chickens to Moloch in her emails
what about when western rome fell after converting to christianity?
The fairy tale of Noah's Ark is the most shamelessly imaginary fantasy that's believed today. It's a story about a 900 year old man who lived in a desert, who built a boat that containing animals that somehow came from all around the world (how did polar bears or penguins get there?) and somehow kept them all fed for a year.
It literally boggles the mind that functioning adults believe this retarded drivel today.
Demiurge was proposed by Plato as an artist like deity who took preexisting matter and made the universe as we know it.
Gnostics believe that Satan/Demiurge is literally the God of this world as well as the violent Old Testament God.
pics or it didn't happen. But please oh please let it be true lol
If you apply human morals to an omnipotent being that has existed before time then of course you're going to have difficulty in discerning his motivations, you spaz.
have it saved for study, that's the first time I ever met someone who made those claims in my life, you'll find the guy, don't worry
also notice how repetitive Sup Forums is
>With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the
backyard to Moloch . . .
God gave you life in the first place, he can take it away if he wants
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. If someone lets you borrow their car, don't cry and scream at them when they decide to take it back. They let you use their car, you should be thanking them
Rather than bemoaning the fact that God kills us, you should be thanking him for letting you live as long as he did
Noah's Ark is just a retelling of the Epic of Atrahasis
>multiple genocides according to the Bible
You mean the six finger giants and hybrids that killed and raped humans in ancient Israel and the pre-flood world?
Goliath was about 9 feet + or - a few inches. I Samuel 17:4 late 11th century.
King Og spoken of in Deuteronomy 3:11 whose iron bedstead was approximately 14-feet by 6-feet wide. King Og was at least 12-feet tall, yet some claim up to 18.
t. dumb gnostic/luciferian.
The homos who took over Rome fell. Christian Rome did not fall, Christian Rome took over the Germans who conquered the failed degenerates.
Visigoths, Lombards, Ostrogoths, Franks, Angles, and so on, all submitted to the Church of Christian Rome, after conquering political Rome.
Another example of divine endorsement of conquest and genocide-lite, I'd add for OP.
He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is all of creation. If his creation should contain both the ultimate good and ultimate evil it is because HE has willed it so.
You sound like the biggest beta ever
what a fuckfest
but yeah,he who does not open his eyes and ignores that a spiritual war is going on is truely bluepilled
Steve Quayle is one of my favorite people ever!
I can't get enough of his website and when he is on coasttocoastam or the other shows on youtube.
It fascinates me about Giants and all these other biblical creatures that I have a feeling we are going to be seeing again.
It is a great time to be alive!
I'm telling you how religious people see it
An atheist will exclaim that god kills babies
A Christian will thank god for allowing the baby time on this earth, even if it wasn't much
They were pagan degenerates, it's okay
it makes perfect sense to me that history is the autobiography of a madman. Free will is an illusion.We're all just accidents. The cool part is you exist, and you understand that you exist. It goes away eventually, like whenever you lose consciousness, but it is pretty cool when it works.
Free will is not an illusion.
All disciplines of modern Physics reject the idea of a deterministic universe
its not a question of physics is a question of neurology. unpredictability does not equal will.
I reconcile this with the fact I'm one of the chosen and you faggots aren't lmao.
He didn't write anything new you damn dumbass. All the same message. Salvation and heaven is only for the Israelites!
>How do you reconcile the fact that god has committed multiple genocides according to the Bible.
According to the bible also, most of mankind are sons of the devil and not really human, so it is VERY easy to reconcile, especially if like me, you see evidence of this daily.
>fucked up
>humanity being tainted by the offdpring of fallen angels turning them evil
>tfw the equivalent of whites racemixing and losing their humanity
>tfw fedoras say God was evil when true evil was humanity commiting cannibalism and worshipping more pure niphilim via human sacrifice
Please just stop shitposting. Satan was trying to taint the blood line of Jesus Christ. Do your history before spouting fedora memes.
Kek Cathfags still buttmad they got their shit called out on them hundreds of years ago by a drunk German monk.
We are but vessels for memes, spawned from randomness
Our nature and our will are created out of the randomness, like blobs of goo in a lava lamp.
From then on we shape the randomness in accordance with our will. Like how a stamp imprints an image of itself on various pieces of paper.
Then the blob of goo cools and sinks back down into randomness.
Coral only takes root where the random current drops it. But from then on as it grows, it shapes the current itself.
We do have free will.
Let me put it this way: we are a random creation in a teeming sea of randomness.
The chances that that exact sperm would collide with the egg were infintessimal.
The chances that all of your ancestors would survive and reproduce was a fraction of a percent
Even when you are born, your brain serves as a vessel for the random mish-mash of ideas, philosophies and religions of the time. And yet, you cannot say that someone's personality is simply a construct. Everybody has a definitive nature to them. One person will not act the same as another even if subjected to the exact same stimuli.
So in a way, we are just vessels floating out in a teeming sea. But in another way, we have control over the ship
he was annoying but it was a different perspective, if I had to honest with myself, and that's a bit refreshing
just wish I was a lurker rather than a part of it
>Vatican BTFO
>How can they ever recover?
>Can Catholics even compete?
It's funny too, because Luther didn't want to rock the boat and start his own denomination; he just wanted to fix some of the overt corrupt heretical practices Cathloic popes and higher ups were doing at the time. It was them being asinine bitches about what Luther was saying that led him to spark the reformation.
>So you've said these things and made these cheeky cartoons that for some reason we're taking way too seriously
>Yeah so?
Two different persons can never be exposed to the exact same stimuli and even of they did on the outside, the subjectivelly experiences would be still different because they have different brain
I used to be like you
>Get butt-hurt by God wiping out world full of degenerates in the past
>Couldn't understand why he do dis
>All the degeneracy you see these days
>Wonder why judgement day hasn't happened yet
>How do you reconcile the fact that god has committed multiple genocides according to the Bible
Perspective. The flood was going to happen to the Persian Gulf anyway and Noah was lucky that God pitied him enough to give him advanced notice. Sodom and Gomorrah were geologically doomed anyway and Lot barely had time to escape (the angels literally grabbed and dragged him out); again being luck God went out of his way to at least save the good one there. Moses/Joshua era genocides were greatly exaggerated (as archaeology has shown) since they were written when the Jews had their shit wreaked in exile and needed a strict success story to keep the faith.
The illusion of control is created by the ypur prefrontal cortex the same way for example visual perception is created by visual cortex
In other words he hardware of your brain is making those decisions.
penguins can swim and can survive on floating ice ?
>talk about retarded thinking
But why doesn't God intervene like this anymore?
"For seven days and seven nights came the storm" Atrahasis III,iv,24
The bible story is more realistic ,7 days of rain
I grew up in a Christian family, evenwent to a Catholic school but never in my life have I heard anyone even suggesting that the story of Noah, as Bible describes it, may be true
Why would he ?he gave you his son , now fuck of until the end times
He gave us one last chance and we nailed him to wood.
We're fucked m8.
This quote really made me think.
I reconcile by knowing that the universe is much much much bigger than I am and the course of our history in the IMMEDIATE is irrelevant to the bigger picture.
If that's too wordy, then simply put:
It's all part of Gods plan, just because we're too simple minded to understand it doesn't invalidate it.
But that's the problem with it, as it leaves us NO incentive to believe that, especially when we're programmed to think we're special and to preserve ourselves.
He gave us his son to save us. We are all saved already. There is nothing more required. We just live our lives by the way Jesus taught us and we are free because our souls have been saved
God giveth God taketh.
Life and death is only a significant thing for us humans but in the grand scheme of things it is insignificant as for god it is simply passing a person from one world to the next.
god did not kill anybody, because god is a fucking mythology, and mythology is a complete fiction created by man