Does anyone else feel too guilty to only sit idly while binge watching a show?

Does anyone else feel too guilty to only sit idly while binge watching a show?
I doodle, do gesture sketches or practice fingering runs on my flute while watching.
>What do you do?
Not that there's anything wrong with watching only, I just feel too ashamed of doing nothing.

No, only when I'm unemployed.

I run


I usually snuggle every night with a warm blanket of depression and wash it down with a glass of self pity

i practice my pusy licking technicks specially if theres sexy actresses on screen

>binge watching
>multitasking while watching

just kill yourself.

Mmm, that's my favorite drink.

Does browsing Sup Forums then having to rewind every so often to catch what I missed count?

I unironically eat my girlfriend out as she watches tv sometimes, last did it to Taboo

I drive.

This is too damn real

>I unironically eat my girlfriend out

How do you do that ironically? Get out your knife and fork?

I kek'd.

I have a use for you

can you post pics of her pusy pls?

Play some mobile game I literally spend thousands of dollars on

I stopped watching shows/movies and only shitpost about them here now.

I hope i'm dead before too long

Are you me?

probably more similar than you or I would be comfortable with

I think it's pretty comforting.

I feel better about binge-watching a show for hours than I do about shit-posting on Sup Forums for hours.

mmmhm pootka

same, the few times i watch a film it's at the end of the night and i don't even finish it

does Sup Forums do any kino streams? friend i used to do it on Fridays, miss those

That sounds fun