This country is fucked, DO NOT come anywhere near this shit-hole granted it isn't as bad as India or Pakistan but it's still REALLY shit.
This country is fucked...
Most worthless PSA ever. No one in their right mind was ever thinking about setting foot in Sri Lanka.
Nice tea though.
What if i'm a rich tourist who wants your people to treat me like a king?
I love you M.I.A.!!!
I actually found out recently they actually mix low quality tea from Africa to increase the volume so its only 75% superior tea.
>It isn't as bad as india
Big words from a ugly rice farmer, even african countries are more relevant than your worthless land you stupid manlet
tell me more about this island
they hate white people
How are the Tamil Tigers doing?
nice tea bruh
Sri Lankans may not shit in the streets but all the natives here are either poverty stricken or an asshole sometimes both.
shut up you literally shit on the streets of your country
they lost
that's unfortunate. why though
Fuck off back to >>>/reddit/
As long as they are being assholes to Muslims it's awwwwwwwight
Don't you have a toilet line to attend to, Pajeet?
Sorry lung cancer
Why are you even here you monkey nigger
You got a whole new breed of retards to worry about and how your country will go bankrupt after failing Olympics
I dont take a shit on the streets
>imblyingg we cannot raise taxes and make the people pay for it again
Even your wife's zika infected retarded son is disappointed with that comment and your theory
Ceylon and Burma should revert back to British rule.
Don't you have a gas chamber to attend, Jew?
does swimming in shit improve the skin?
oh jeez guess I have to cancel my honeymoon now
it's too bad cuz the downpayment for watching my wife get raped is non-refundable
Ayy my gf is from there and she says its not that bad. Better than India, but you're either rich or you're really poor and essentially a nanny for life so yea.
They also intentionally don't make cities to preserve the nature which isn't bad when you consider how that went for India.
>implying that im a cuck
ask that for our indian friend, he is the one that literally lives in a shit hole huehuehuehue... he lives in a shit hole, because people shit on the street huehuehue
That english
Straight from 9gag
It's just like a mud bath with nuts and sweetcorn added and the cholera really helps clean out your digestive system (or it kills you).
shut up you are full of shit hue
>Ceylon and Burma should revert back to British rule.
Burma is removing Kebab. Leave them alone.
American volunteer in SL right now. Place is chill. Nobody cares about politics. Been watching habbenings in a most comfy way.
Bit too much kebab but I don't think they are thinking about much other than day to day living. And who would want to bomb buddhists?
Also got tamil gf from Britain while I'm here. Meh.
What is psa?
there's a family here that owns a small grocery store
pretty nice people except the dad is a full blown alcoholic
love how the mom keeps all the pakis and indians in check
forgot if they're tamil or that other tribe
Sri Lanka is basically a Mini India.
>you are full of shit
Brazilians have the cutest English
Please Shit Anywhere
I bet you actually have a ton of cool stuff over there and you just don't want me to see it you little liar
booking a ticket right now
I have a friend that teaches english there, she loves it. Why you say its shit?
Spent 2 weeks in Sri Lanka a few years back. Pretty fucking good holiday 8/10
Ceylon is rightful Dutch clay
You arrogant fucks chose to rename yourself. WHy cant you just go back to being ceylon
Stop fucking moving here and trying to get rich
Public Service Announcement
who doesn't
Public Shitting Area
How do you not know this, Pajeet?
Muh native culture