Trump Campaign Strategy Discussion
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Trump fucked up. I can't believe he picked (((Pence))). This is a disaster, no matter how you spin it.
He lost ahahahaha.
trump cucks in FULL damage control mode
Holy shit this fucking argentine faggot fall off a cliff already you cancerous loser in every god damn thread posting you tried bullshit
Here we'll discuss strategy, and shills will show themselves being totally offtopic with defeat talk.
No, he's fucking right. Delusional christfags ruin the GOP ticket once again.
Trump's strategy should be saying, it was just a prank and choosing Flynn.
VPs have almost no control, just look at Biden. This will blow over soon.
I knew the shills were gonna come here too to spread their shit all over the wall.
As for the topic at hand, Trump's strategy is to shore up as much Evangelical/Conservative support as he can, make the RNC a spectacle, but gets points across.
Trump could get the black vote, look at the swag, the confidence.
I've been sure of his victory for at least a month. Clinton is incompetent garbage with none of Bills charisma. Trump was right, without the entire establishment behind her it wouldn't be fair
Best way to help his campaign:
>record (((Pence))) saying something ridiculously controversial so trump will drop him
>plant drugs in (((pence's))) house and call the cops on him so trump will drop him
>record (((pence))) having sex with a man and leak it so trump will drop him
>record (((pence))) saying something negative about trump so trump will drop him
Basically, rid yourself of pence and Trump will do great.
is trump....dare I say...finished?
>defeat talk
No we are pissed that Trump chose a VP who opposed him on major issues on his campaign.
Fuck off tripfag. Nobody liked pence before trump chose him, but somehow the people sticking to that original opinion are the shills?
I figured they would also but it's slower, splits their effort, exposes them, and ultimately who cares we just don't feed them.
>shore up as much Evangelical/Conservative support as he can
Well using the "evangelical" term won't help, I can't see how that would appeal to bible believers. In fact as one, I'm voting for Trump despite his cringy pander. I don't honestly think he's read the bible.
I agree I wanted Rand or Webb, or Flynn. But we must work with what we're given, and trust Trump has his reasons.
Found a shill. /s
Seriously, can we get some actual discussion going instead of defeat talk? Trump has had a lot of controversies and moments that people try to spin into making everyone think he is done for, but he always recovers.
I thought the plan was to pretend to pick pence to fuck the media then pick fly flynn, wtf happened to all the 4d chess memes wtf, someone turn this into 5d chess before i lose hope
What are you going to do about it? Bitch about it all weekend without offering any solutions whatsoever?
That's why you're shills because you're too defensive and bitch and complain and never do a damn thing about your problems.
Yeah, I guess I'll just bend over and take the globalist cock like you and the rest of the redditors who reside in trump general threads.
wtf i hate trump now
The terrorism by #BLM #Deray4Treason and others causes fear. That fear needs somewhere to go, and Trump can provide that. Rather than a negative, Trump can offer a positive which is hope. And hope in the form of a massive national infrastructure redevelopment plan among other investments in our country.
Exactly. Bitch and moan and never actually do anything but shit up threads with drama.
>defeat talk
If you want a fucking echo chamber, head to Tumblr.
This is a very shit move from what I can see. Trump's major support came from people who were absolutely fed up with the establishment and what does he do to thank them for his support? He goes out and picks Establishment Suit #11261346 to run with him.
I fear that a lot of the people who would've voted for Trump will stay home on election day now. We won't know until the time comes, though, so there's still hope.
that's right. hillarly don't need help like trump does. not picking a VP would be the best thing should could do to help her campaign. it would show how she can handle this on her own without the need of anyone's help. talk about a role model
Do not focus on decisions already made that you don't agree with such as VP. Focus on how Trump's campaign strategy can be improved to add votes.
he gained support of the rest of the GOP that was against him
my mom (take it with a grain of salt) said she really liked Trump's VP pick and now she's ready to vote for him in the upcoming election
I honestly think it's a good thing because Pence is going to be like a Biden and not do shit
means she will bear the responsibility of her mistakes, not like trump who would seek to shift the blame on others. Hillary, what a great American hero.
This is absolutely fucking false. Everybody who would have voted for Trump will continue to do so regardless of this Pence pick.
It's a calculated move to shore up the GOP and establish a good convention. Do I like the pick? No.
However, I do know that Trump has thought of the consequences. People can believe that he hasn't considered potential assassination scenarios. People can believe the GOP would ever try another Reagan scenario.
Pence is, 100%, a fucking ass licker. He's going to be the biggest lap dog cuck imaginable for Trump to prove his loyalty.
I know for a fact that a small number of votes were lost today, but there's a lot of time left and I think they'll be reclaimed. Again though, that's not the point of this thread the decision was already made.
>Focus on how Trump's campaign strategy can be improved to add votes.
Get a new VP or have him say something that's very strongly anti-establishment in order to distance himself from that group.
Trump's strongest support was literally coming from people who have been completely disenfranchised by being fucked both by the Democrats and the Republicans. They're not going to crawl out of their houses to vote for more of those people.
Trump should steal Ron Pauls platform and rack in Libertarian and Indepedents.
When do Candidates announce their cabinet? Before or after presidency?
Pence was a decent choice. He provides everything Trump was looking for in a running mate, and he's easily bullied.
What did you want to discuss?
>Trump's strongest support was literally coming from people who have been completely disenfranchised by being fucked both by the Democrats and the Republicans
>This is absolutely fucking false. Everybody who would have voted for Trump will continue to do so regardless of this Pence pick.
If you like living in denial, maybe you'd like to join the BLM movement.
Yes he must balance the right/establishment VP pick with libertarian platform and policy to appeal to indies.
I'd like to discuss a new category of memes, which illustrate the awesome US we can have with Trump. Hope is appealing, modern tech can build us a utopia.
Go on...
Yes Estonia. Please, educate me on voters in the United States. People who are pouting and acting like children over this pick will SURELY vote for Clinton or Johnson!
Especially after it's clearly fucking obvious, yet again, that open borders are the biggest threat to western civilization. Pence is a faggot, we all know that. He's going to sit around like a useless cuck and do nothing but prop up Trump.
There's a reason he was picked over Gingrich. Newt is an opportunistic backstabber and always has been. The man can never be turned loyal.
Yeah, they'll come back home once they settle down and realize nothing has changed.
>Newt is an opportunistic backstabber
Newt's public image is just too terrible, that's mostly it. Guy's a total degenerate in many ways, adultery, drug abuse you name it. Glad he's still doing his thing, but VP material he is not.
>People who are pouting and acting like children over this pick will SURELY vote for Clinton or Johnson!
Who's to say that they'll be voting at all?
Is Pence Jewish?
Go back to /r/the_donald if all you can do is shout shill
I worked with a chick from Estonia. She was based AF. Seemed a little prudish. Are all girls from Estonia prudes?
CFG MEME is already working on exposing Hillary, she'll fall under the weight of her own criminal activity. She doesn't need to go to jail for that to happen, perception becomes reality.
My idea is we develop a memes of production for the Trump platform. #MAGA BTEB positive and constructive. So for example, I'd like to see what an iconic city could look like within Trump's trillion dollar infrastructure reinvestment framework. So for example, imagine meme pics of what NYC could look like with 100 billion of next gen infra tech pumped into it? Pics of utopias are always appealing, especially when on edge of collapse. We provide a safe refuge for people to step back from the cliff to.
I was going to vote but what a shitty VP pick. You can tell Trump is just as sleazy as any other politician. I am beyond disgusted.
>Are all girls from Estonia prudes?
Only if they're sober or not attracted to you.
>You can tell Trump is just as sleazy as any other politician
fuck it #ImWithHerNow
Hmmmm I like that, but we need the concept art to go with it. Our draw fangs aren't that good. Maybe pull from Disney's future world or World Fairs or some such? Get some retro art going.
The downside is that it will get called out as BS. No one's going to believe maglev subways in vacuum tubes are possible under Trump.
Why not? He's a builder, he's literally the best person for the job.
She was sober the whole time. We were too busy for fucking around though. I just meant she seemed a little naive when it came to sex.
Because you're talking about revamping cities beyond our current capabilities. There's a reason we're still using phone lines on 100 year old copper.
How can anyone believe that kike-loving evangelicucks make up a bigger chunk of voters than Independents? It's a fucking excuse to dilute the campaign to be more kike friendly if you ask me. Pence is basically Cruz with a less punchable face.
I'm sorry but you self-defeated shitbags are a curse to the US. You're worse than the satanists praising kek for the world to burn and the content lazy baby boomer generation, because you know better, but you're so weak you've given up. You need a reality check.
The defeatist are retarded shills. Trump gets the wall added to the platform, gets never trump absolutely defeated, is winning in multiple polls now, has an opponent that most think is a criminal, and got his VP to endorse his musli, ban in a week and people are worried? Trump can uncuck anyone and this country, so I trust he can do the same to his VP. We're courting fans of a socialist Jew and an evangelical VP is the biggest betrayal?
No one asked you.
>I just meant she seemed a little naive when it came to sex.
Probably because talking about sex in a work environment is a massive taboo.
But I don't know, most girls I know are either "good girls" or massive turbosluts, don't know anyone in between.
>no argument
Fuck off Paul Ryan
>you're worse than the satanists praising kek for the world to burn
come on, don't you want it to burn a LITTLE?
If you're going to say kike learn how to use it effectively. You might as well copy and paste it as your entire post you pathetic cuck shill
there are no direct ties to high ranking officials in the Saudi government atm
however, King Faisal started funding schools which taught radical islamic beliefs (in his view, this would help bring stability to Saudi Arabia) so I'm not sure where exactly you want to split hairs
all in all, YES Saudis (whether directly or indirectly) funded radicals in the ME starting with the Mecca takeover in the 70s
this is a literal fact
No because I know justice will come to those responsible, and for eternity.
Watch youtu.be
So be it? You do realize that more people will vote because of Pence, right? Hardcore nationalists will still vote for Trump because they'll see through the nonsense.
For fuck's sake, why would you stay home when a literal fucking criminal like Hillary Clinton has a chance at winning? The bitch would sell us out and flood our territories with mudslimes in a heartbeat.
No fucking thank you. Trump is the last best hope against that.
Pence supported the Wolverine (Amtrak line between Chicago and Pontiac). Conveniently, two states (New York and California) have major rail projects underway (Gateway Tunnels, New Empire Station, and CA HSR) that they want federal money for. Trump and Pence should beat Hilary to the punch and _specifically_ say they will fund both projects with $50 billion each (through an oil tariff), even if it means fighting Congress.
It's not a swing issue, but being pro HSR will get some of Trump's biggest critics in NYC and LA to reconsider their view of him. The goal here is to get their minds open, and then sell them there.
It's definitely not a good choice. Fucking cuckservatives and their religious pals ruin everything.
Chill brah. We're having a discussion. My vision of the future wants us off this rock. I'd fully support Gingrich heading up NASA. But, reality tells me Project Orion isn't coming back anytime soon.
I'm saying I don't think Normies would react the way you're hoping to over the top exuberance. Maybe I'm not in sync with what you're proposing. Got a pic so I can visualize it?
Pence is pro-rail though, which is something urban liberals want. Play up that angle.
>If you're going to say kike learn how to use it effectively.
Pence is extremely pro-Israel, and is another cuckservative who thinks Israeli officials should dictated U.S. policy in the middle east.
How the is me using "kike" so out of place in this context you delusional fucktard?
That's interesting thank you for an actual suggestion. On one hand Trump is pro infrastructure and high speed rails along with the the Wall have been mentioned, but on the other having deals like that sounds Clinton like in the making
Trump and Pence will not agree on everything in lockstep. Pence already differs with Trump on the validity of the Iraq War. But Trump chose him anyway.
It's not a bad choice, either. It's the most middle-of-the-road VP Trump could pick, besides Kaisch.
>Because you're talking about revamping cities beyond our current capabilities. There's a reason we're still using phone lines on 100 year old copper.
Why should I bother having a discussion with someone who's already given up? Of course that shit is within our capabilities. No I don't have a pic yet I can barely get through a description of the idea because you faggots feed trolls and are self-defeated.
Can I post my autistic thoughts here?
Her job at the time required sex talk. She wasn't that knowledgable.
Is Amtrak still a failure?
with the amount that people are swayed by reporters and intelligentsia, doing little socialist things like this to get the media on side (or at least to turn a few) might be the only way to win.
unfortunately it's further and further away from small gov., free trade
I haven't given up, I told you I like the idea. We're discussing details.
Go to bed Manafort.
Don't forget that, regardless of what he says, Trump is pro HSR because:
1. if Cuomo gets his new train station, and Amtrak their NEC overhaul, Trump benefits as a Manhattan property owner
2. CAHSR will build a new tunnel between Bakersfield and Burbank. Due to geography, this makes a fork to Vegas possible. Guess what next to Trump International Hotel? Train tracks. It's the ideal spot for a station
netting CA or NY (assuming such a thing is even possible) is easier if he promises funding BEFORE hilary does
I want Newt to push hard for putting the first MAN on the surface of Mars. The moon base is too far out, sending someone to Mars doesn't seems that crazy.
How can I get campaign ideas to the campaign? I'm wasting my time here.
Nah. That's firmly in the American School of Economics or what we called the "National System". It was our economic strategy from 1812~1979. It had five major platforms:
Protect industry
Invest in physical infrastructure
Provide a financial infrastructure
Provide education
Invest in the sciences
Lincoln made it official policy in 1860 but we'd followed it since Clay.
>doing little socialist things like this to get the media on side (or at least to turn a few) might be the only way to win.
It's not specifically socialist when CAHSR and the NEC overhaul will happen anyway. But, Trump has a means to stake it as his own. 13,000,000 people ride the Acela and NEC regional yearly, over 5,000,000 Californians ride local Amtrak services (and a majority voted in favor of CAHSR). These people will be open to suggestion if Trump beats Hilary to the punch.
They monitor Sup Forums. You can also tweet them. They pick up on it.
I have no way of knowing when they're around and therefore when it's not a waste of my time. I don't have Twitter do they have a tips email address?
Because you just sound like someone trying to fit in by naming the Jew when actually being a pointless defeatist. There wasnt a single non Zionist choice available, and the platform was already hijacked to be way too pro Israel so Pence is not unique in that regard
Not that I know of.
Fucking bullshit. It's 2016. It sickens me to see that this is the best my shithole country can come up with.
>I dont have twitter and I can't be bothered to take 3 minutes to make an account and tweet the man himself or any of his staff
>im wastin muh time here
really man? fuck off back to where you came from
Yep. That's what I mean by American Conservatism and why Trump is a true conservative. Industrial and infrastructure development through American investment and protective trade deals with non interventionist foreign policy and distrust of international banking is historical American conservatism
My idea is more sophisticated than I can fit in a short message. Sorry American you wouldn't understand something requiring an attention span greater than a burger flipper.
Give me the quick 411 on this Pence guy. I thought Trump would choose someone with the word general in front of their name.
Have you considered suck starting a .45? You're getting on my nerves now.
He is one of those (((Evangelicals))), he believes Jews are the chosen people.
It makes sense, I just want to make sure it doesn't look like the corrupt deals the Clintons do to enrich themselves s
wow man you're so sophisticated but you can't figure out how to contact the person you want to send it to.
I'm sure your ideas are really grade A ya fuckin failure
Finnbro, we've been over this. A general is a bad choice for VP.