What exactly makes a show Reddit? Half the posts on this board are calling some show or its viewers Reddit...

What exactly makes a show Reddit? Half the posts on this board are calling some show or its viewers Reddit, and yet it seems completely arbitrary.

Other urls found in this thread:


Being liked by people.

On Sup Forums, Reddit is perceived as a bunch of naive tools who believe that being a nerd is cool. As a result, they're childishly enthusiastic about their hobbies (which they've only barely scratched the surface of), find random humor completely hilarious, and are notoriously pedantic. This is due to the fact that they believe that nerds are some kind of "cultural elite" simply because their interests aren't completely mainstream.

BUT, since they don't see themselves as particularly alienated by society, they haven't developed the pleb/patrician paradigm, unlike Sup Forums. Consequentially, they also have the prudish, politically-correct mentality that goes with the delusion that they can still be normal members of society and accepted by potentially anyone, or that they have moral standards to uphold. This makes them very prone to being shocked or amused by the cheapest transgressions and subversions.

Reddit has to like it first. Which means the people constantly talking about the website and telling people to go back already visit the website, because how else would they know these things. So in conclusion, they're all obnoxious massive hypocrites.

You aren't allowed to like Rick and Morty

>Trying to understand the logic of Sup Forums

Truly Reddit

Look at GoTs.

Jewish producers
>tits required in every single episode
>quips from le popular edgey minority handicapped guy
>womyn stronk
>white males weak or evil
>changes to story to push agenda (see cringey scene with tywin and grandma tyrell talking about fags)
>writing switches from source to fan fiction

Its honestly all in line with Wagner's description of Jewish art.

Shit that was made to make money not be art. GoT started out great but now its complete shit and reddit will never acknowledge this because its got all the above features that they like.

I mod a subreddit for a tv show

That makes it reddit

Basically this. I think Sup Forums needs a hero.

your post is REDDIT: the post