Its mediocre for the most part and garbage for the others. Its not scary, so it fails as a horror movie...

Its mediocre for the most part and garbage for the others. Its not scary, so it fails as a horror movie, its not particularly funny (the scenes that try to be funny often succeed but they are few and far between), so it fails as comedy, and its message is shit, so it fails as a propaganda piece.

Some fags might say "this movie is based it totally proves liberals are the REAL racists" but that's the main problem with the message. As much as I hate liberal cuckolds that love listening to hip hop and fellating minorities for ethnic brownie points, I can understand their beliefs and acknowledge that I hate them because they allow blacks and other minorities to act as they please and spread like a plague in our country and not because (except for a few at the top) they have some sort of secret desire to enslave all blacks. The fact that a black person chooses to demonize specifically this group of whites says a lot about the director and the racism in America today.

It shows that outright discrimination is very rare in this country, forcing him to choose as his avatars of racism an average upper class white family whos only racial transgression is an eagerness to please (until they start doing horror movie shit of course).


At no point in the movie is this point of view expressed or even hinted at. The movie doesn't suggest that liberals have a genuine desire to help blacks that ends up hurting them. In fact, the big reveal is that the liberal family is a bunch of actual racists transplanting their superior white brains into superior black bodies. The deep political commentary simply isn't there. "white ppl b raciss and cray-z", is the only consistent message throughout.


Other urls found in this thread:

It is the perfect example of the disdain blacks have for all whites. Out of touch references to black culture and awkward conversation are apparently all it takes to insult a nigger, as those are the only crimes committed by our villains (until they start body swapping with niggers ofc). Even the most loyal card carrying liberals are painted as being secretly racist existential enemies to blacks. Various scenes consist of nothing but anti white hate porn. The protagonist strangling the white girl. The white girlfriend sipping milk while dressed all in white.

Those people desperate for their "based black man" will insist upon what isn't there, but this movie is as anti-white as it gets.

You're on some wacko Red-Pill shit. Not everything is about liberals and consercucks dude. This movie isn't for you.

>Not everything is about liberals

Sure but this movie is.

imagine being so mad after spending 25$ to see a movie ALONE you furiously write all of this hahahahha

putting this on my twitter btw


>racists don't like a black focused movie about racism


Your opinions on Get Out are just as biased as the SJWs and just as invalid.

I really liked the film, but it's pretty explicitly about liberal racism.


So if Jordan Peele is a racist then that makes Get Out invalid too? Because if you'll notice that was my argument.

>moderates don't exist
Step outside your bubble, extremist ideology is bad no matter what side of the political spectrum it comes from.

That's a false equivalency. Your language outs you as you typical Sup Forums racist, and your typical Sup Forums racist is obviously not going to like a movie like Get Out. The film is diametrically opposed to your political ideals, of course you didn't like it.


It's an okay film but I love the fact that it's a movie that calls liberals out on their bullshit. Yes you can be a liberal and a racist, the two things are not mutually exclusive. Malcolm X keenly pointed this out but liberals don't like talking about him so his message is not part of the indoctrination curriculum.

i thought it was one of the better motivations for a body snatcher movie. i dug it the most. also the pulled punch of implying he was going to get arrested at the end was a great dont do the obvious ending

>our country

it ain't your fucking country, mate

People who post this image are with out the doubt the most brain dead people on our planet. Not a drop of self awareness in your blood

>White people are mean
>that's racist

>white people are too nice
>that's racist

I can't even believe people pay for this kike shit at this point. Like sure if you're a nigger I guess it's good to have your victim mentality confirmed in any and all situations, but if you're white you might as well just kill yourself now if you actually hand over money to fund retarded propaganda like this. You obviously have no self respect already

The directors wife is a Jew.....I'm shocked

What are you even talking about, you sound like a crazy person with a shopping cart muttering to yourself.

Sup Forums is leaking

wow brave

If the director wanted to make a movie about liberal racism he would've had an upstanding black family terrorized by a gang of unruly blacks on welfare who are enabled and protected by some white non-profit organization. The movie as it is does not illustrate how liberals coddling blacks destroys their communities. The villains are an average white family who are revealed to be malevolently intentionally racist. This is in no way analogous to "liberals BTFO". It is on the level of tinfoil hat conspiracy theory paranoia.

>The movie as it is does not illustrate how liberals coddling blacks destroys their communities.
Because that isn't its intention. It's about white liberal fetishization of blackness.

Why is Sup Forums neo-nazis so bad at understanding nuance?

>If the director wanted to make a movie about liberal racism he should've catered it to my political viewpoints and beliefs


So i guess reddit likes this movie. Cool, wil go watch it twice. Tnx OP.

do americans really do this? Is this with tip?

No it's because theaters jack up the prices of food and drinks. Just a ticket is usually $10-$15

I was giving Peele the benefit of the doubt by assuming he had chosen an actual issue as his force of evil. Now I see that he was just exposing those awkward whities for being too whack to keep up with the latest moon cricket memes.

How exactly is liberal fetishization of blacks an issue for blacks?

>If the director wanted to make a movie about liberal racism he should've made sense

Niggers just want free shit and white women. There's no ryhme or reason for being the most coddled minority group in history and still bitching about everything. Whites have literally given blacks billions of dollars of opportunity to help them integrate into society and all they do is complain about us still. No one cares about these made up gripes the monkeys have anymore

>being this brainwashed by Sup Forums

Jesus christ dude, Quit posting here. Obviously you aren't living in reality. Go back to your people at Sup Forums

Not a single argument.

a ticket 12 for a regluar non 3d or imax soda drink (small) 10$. all ballpark prices
dont need an argument, i just watched the movie instead of trying to figure out how i cant wait to rant on Sup Forums the entire time lol. fucking faggot.

You want an argument for what? Your racist remarks? Want me to get out some data that proves you wrong? cuz this is just a fucking television board on Sup Forums.

If you really care about movies/tv you wouldn't disregard an entire people based on their color. Because they make some great films/shows.

>How exactly is liberal fetishization of blacks an issue for blacks?
Because treating someone like a black person and not just a person only deepens racial divides. I'm not looking to get into an argument about race with a genuine racist here, your views are way too far removed from reality for it to be productive for anyone. But just know that a film isn't a failure just because it failed to achieve something it never intended to do, you just missed the point.

I just think it's hilarious to me that nig nogs have such a massive victim complex that even people FETISHIZING them and thinking of them as superior is something they detest, because that's what this entire movie is based on. It literally paints white liberals as malevolent and evil because they love blacks too much or some shit. But if you hate them that's also racist. And if you're neutral and don't make any attempts to help blacks that's also racist. It's almost like, no matter what people do, every single fucking thing is always going to be racist, because they will never not see themselves as victims. An actual movie that could call out legitimate issues with white liberals harming black communities could be with regards to how a welfare nanny state has created huge gang and unemployment problems in a black neighborhood and a black man and his family have to deal with it. They could have done a massive exaggeration of this like with Get Out in that outside forces are hiring blacks to wreck their own communities under the guise of providing jobs and money to poor minorities, or some shit. That would actually effectively call out the ways well-meaning white liberals actually fuck with blacks rather than help them. Of course, blacks will never actually realize or accept that.

Really jogs the noggin

I watched the movies two days before it came out at a free screening. I only decided to write this now after seeing it receive praise for "BTFO" liberals.

My argument has nothing to do with whether or not blacks are inferior. I am pointing out that the either the film purposely chose a benign subject to demonize (smdh liberals be awk why they try tryna make me feel accepted?) proving that outright racism is pretty much non existent today, or Peele genuinely thinks all white people are racist.

>Because treating someone like a black person and not just a person only deepens racial divides

And I suppose the same applies to whites? So why doesnt Peele practice what (you claim) he preaches instead of filling his movie with "white ppl be crazy" stereotypes and fabrications?


Top kek, this movie does the exact same things to whites and blacks. It generalizes and treats both as a collective, this film deepens racial divides more than anything else I've seen in a while.

>proving that outright racism is pretty much non existent today
The lack of self-awareness here is fucking staggering.

Societal racism on any meaningful scale absolutely does not exist and hasn't for years, unless you count discrimination towards whites and asians in terms of education/employment. Unfortunate, isn't it

No it doesn't that's how you're choosing to interpret it. This movie is a straight up criticism of liberal hypocrisy. If you think it's anything else then you've completely missed the point.

Fetishization isn't the same thing as acceptance. Treating a person like they're some sort of hyper athletic sex-god isn't the same thing as treating them like an equal.
>proving that outright racism is pretty much non existent today
Do you actually believe this?

Were you expecting anything less? This is Sup Forums after all

How do you explain North Carolina ID laws being made to try to dissuade black people from voting?

Nope, you're wrong

The movie by its very nature is divided by race. The protagonists are all black and antagonists are all white. You're a literal retard if you cannot see how this movie very clearly promotes racial division, intentionally or not.

>I love the fact that it's a movie that calls liberals out on their bullshit.

pretty sure op's point is that it DOESN'T do that and instead accuses libbies of being wolf in sheeps clothing when in reality they are well intentioned but end up hurting people more than helping them

Actually, he's just repeating what the director himself has already said:
>“For while when we had a black president, we were living in this post-racial lie,” he added. “The idea of, ‘We’re past it – we’re past it all!’ For me, and for many people out there – as all black people know – there’s racism. I experience it on an everyday basis. This movie was meant to reveal that there’s this monster of racism lurking underneath some of these seemingly innocent conversations and situations.”

Wow good arguments.

How does this liberal hypocrisy show itself? The white family is shown to be a bunch of racists. Thats it. Its not hypocrisy its manipulation. Do you believe that all liberals are racists?

White on black racism is practically non existent. All attempts at proof of modern day racism are grasping at straws. Hence, this movie.

>Fetishizing me is racist!

>Voter ID laws are racist

Ok buddy

Heres what black people think about voter ID

That's a democrat interpretation of ID laws, and isn't based in objective reality (they must argue against it because instituting voter ID laws makes it harder for illegal voting means dems get less votes). The implication that ID laws prevent blacks from voting is actually utterly moronic when you consider that an ID is necessary for accomplishing practically anything at all in the entire country, and blacks not having access to ID have a whole lot more to worry about than just voting.

>It's about white liberal fetishization of blackness.

no, no it's not. again the villains in the movie are fully aware of what they are doing and that it hurts other people. liberals who "fetishize" (this is a really fucking stupid word to use in this context btw and you should feel bad for using it) are not meaning any harm from it and I would argue that they actually do no harm by indulging themselves in it.

Well no shit the antagonists were white because it's about liberal hypocrisy and who are your typical liberal elite? White, rich, and all about diversity but live in segregated communities and their only interaction with minorities is the help.

This is like complaining that WWII movies set in the Pacific are racist because all the antagonists are Japanese.

Even war movies tend to have that one character that humanizes the enemy.

>White on black racism is practically non existent
You ever notice how it's only white people that ever say this. I mean they'd know right?

>No, you don't understand. The nigger have it good, it's us WHITE FOLKS that are oppressed.

Again - the lack of self-awareness is STAGGERING.

Any war movie worth its shit will often humanize the enemy in some way and display the hypocrisy and lack of morals from the supposed protagonist/"good guy's" side even while clearly supporting the latter. Unless, of course, it's a straight-up propaganda film, in which case it would fit the bill of Get Out perfectly.

Why the fuck would you trust a black person with a massive victim complex instead? kek. Point out one actual, impactful example of racism against blacks on a mass scale.

Liberals are wolves in sheeps clothing, some of them are well-intentioned but a vast majority are nothing more than hypocrites because the entire ideology is built on that.

Peele's got balls to call them out on it when most black people are afraid to do so because libs love the gibs to the blacks community.

>This movie was meant to reveal that there’s this monster of racism lurking underneath some of these seemingly innocent conversations and situations.

in other words you can't see the racism he's talking about and there's no proof it's happening but you just have to take his word for it.

hey black people there's a word for what you are experiencing and it's not "racism" it's "neuroticism"

I will repeat this

>Point out one actual, impactful example of racism against blacks on a mass scale.

Until you do this, you're just a dumb nog with a victim complex.

>vast majority are nothing more than hypocrites because the entire ideology is built on that.

you're literally basing this on nothing

Black/latino imprisonment

>in other words you can't see the racism he's talking about and there's no proof it's happening but you just have to take his word for it.
>strawmanning this hard

The Sup Forums defense squad is out in full force tonight.

Seriously, why are neo-nazis so bad at understanding nuance? Are they autistic?

The fault of blacks and latinos. If they committed less crimes they wouldn't go to prison as often. I almost feel like this is b8 its so easily dismissed, I mean you think people just get arbitrarily thrown in jail for fun and we just happen to target blacks more?

>muh pol muh pol everything is rayciss and pol

stop being a butthurt little faggot and face the reality that not everyone on earth agrees with your ideas

>muh cherry picked interviews
Finding 10 black people that agree with your views doesn't change the fact the law caused a disproportionate amount of black people to be unable to vote

You genuinely believe your average college liberals are secret racists trying to enslave the negro for dem votes? They are useful idiots nothing more, and Peele decided to make these useful idiots horror movie villains. His movie doesn't convince liberals that they are wrong and black people don't need their help, it declares them enemies and kills them.

Don't be an idiot. They literally do. Since both White and black people use weed just as often as each other, yet blacks are more likely to be imprisoned by it.

No True Scotsman fallacy is laughable

A vast majority of war movies are propaganda that dehumanizes the other-side and any humanization done in these films are completely loss to the audience.

Get Out isn't saying that every white person is racist, it's targeting a specific type of elite white liberal (E.G. Bill Maher)

it's a propaganda film you dullard, even the glowing reviews its getting admit to this. there's no nuance. and no you don't get to make claims about racism without evidence. if somebody says something that unintentionally makes you uncomfortable then instead of dreaming up some grand conspiracy about how he's the grand wizard of the local kkk chapter,maybe you need to step back and consider that you are the fucking problem.

Perhaps because they're more likely to be found with it in the first place, more likely to put up resistance, more likely to deal it, etc? This is mainly still the fault of the fact that their communities are so utterly crime infested, it results in them being put away for a lot more things, caught a lot more often, and oftentimes they're doing things like selling instead of just possessing which in and of itself presents an entirely different issue with the law.

It doesn't have to say every white person is racist, it's making clear, black and white (literally and figuratively) distinctions entirely based on the race of characters, and ergo, intentionally or not, promotes racial division through its simple existence.

I think you are being el diablos avocado right now but anyone that cant get voter ID doesn't deserve to vote. You realize no voter ID laws opens our elections up to voter fraud?

50% of cops in NY (where the study you are mentioning was conducted) are minorities. Also blacks are more likely to buy weed and smoke it in public.

Two things are apparent. The painful lack of self-awareness and the lack of exposure to liberal culture to notice its quirks and idiosyncrasies, the latter most likely brought on by a deficit of socialization and thinking that TV is real life.

So you think the police have a secret set of laws which makes them arrest black people more?
You don't think it could be the amount of previous arrests or the way they act in the presence of police?

>Why the fuck would you trust a black person with a massive victim complex
You're right we shouldn't trust the people with first hand experience. We should trust a person who's never been in their position and has no experience on the subject.

but your point earlier you dummy, they commit the same amount of crimes, Shouldn't it be the same for white people! OH WAIT. You have no evidence for what you said. Sorry.

from the first sentence on the ACLU paper
"This report is the first to examine marijuana possession arrest rates by race for all 50
states (and the District of Columbia) and their respective counties from 2001 to 2010."


How about we trust the bitching of neither and look for actual evidence of the supposed raycissm at hand actually existing? It doesn't, hence the sensible whites (and blacks without a massive victim complex) are proven correct.

The fuck? Nogs and whites don't commit the same amount of crime, not even close. You retarded?

Your muslim overlords need to come get you

Arrested isn't the same thing as imprisoned. Once their arrested they're more likely to face a harsher punishment than a white person committing the exact same crime.

Does it factor in previous arrests and convictions? Behavior in court? There's a variety of things that could manipulate sentence length even with the same crime in mind.

sure bro, your average 20 year old libshit who unironically supports affirmative action at his own detriment and puts himself in unnecessary danger by volunteering in high crime neighborhoods/third world countries is actually a virulent racist who is covering for his own evil agenda and whose ultimate goal is subjugation of the coloreds. you are insane

Wow, how could you say that! All niggers are violently oppressed no matter what! NOW GIVE THEM MORE MONEY AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!


I meant that ACLU is in NYC.

LUL they do. It says so right there, they are committing the crime of smoking weed, both of them are. Yet one is being arrested more? Shocker. I'm done fighting with you though because this is boring,

You aren't going to change your racist simple little mind because you're right about everything

There's an interesting read about the different ways some African-Americans act in court. It was on a defence-lawyers website.
I would be really grateful if anyone had the link.

I can tell you have a massive amount of estrogen in your blood by your refusal to argue a basic concept and your passive aggression. Do you have a real, true vagina, or one of those inside out dicks?

>hundreds of years of indoctrination that whites are superior and others are lesser
>culture built around shitting on and ostracizing non-whites that continues to this day
>What's wrong nigger can't you take a joke?

It's like a fat chick thinking that she's actually attractive and calling everyone who doesn't share in her delusions a fat shamer.

Why am I even trying to argue? No one is going to change their views on race relations based on a post they read on Sup Forums.

Argue because its fun, stupid niggerfaggot

Prove to me that blacks don't simply smoke and buy weed in public more often than whites and behave belligerently in court causing them to receive longer sentences?It fits with the violent crime statistics.

Do you believe violent crime stats are fudged too?

>culture built around shitting on and ostracizing non-whites that continues to this day

Prove it?

>>culture built around shitting on and ostracizing non-whites that continues to this day

Oh, really? Last I checked the past few decades the culture was all about excusing blacks due to everything being rayciss, giving them exorbitant amounts of money in welfare checks, and giving them huge educational and vocational advantages thanks to affirmative action programs. Despite this, they seem to be stuck in a state of limbo, and the only response they can muster is that everything is still rayciss and that they need even more money and more aid, as if its going to fix them when we've seen it's done absolutely nothing already. Perhaps its doing nothing because there are inherent cultural and biological differences which stretch beyond just social boundaries? CRAZY TALK

>hundreds of years of indoctrination that whites are superior and others are lesser
you're not helping your argument. you're only proving that blacks are sensitive af due to their past and are therefore more likely to be neurotic and misinterpret any kind of gesture. I'm not going to coddle you faggots because of your low self esteem though and you have no right to demand that i do
>culture built around shitting on and ostracizing non-whites that continues to this day
lol good one, the movie we're posting about literally proves you wrong. eat a dick.

>lol good one, the movie we're posting about literally proves you wrong. eat a dick.

wow Jordan Peeles really sticking it to the white man! He sure didnt pull any punches with this one I tell ya! Critics are gonna be blindsided by this deep social commentary they wont know what to think! Down with YT!

>Fucking 99% on Rotten Tomatoes

>As much as I hate liberal cuckolds that love listening to hip hop and fellating minorities for ethnic brownie points

When you make assumptions like that you basically make all over your criticism invalid because that's pretty fucking ignorant. I love hip hop and I'm not afraid to said the word nigger with my friends so how does that make any sense?

You might be refering to “Confessions of a Public Defender” by Michael Smith.

Guess what? People lie to themselves, they lie about who they are and what they want out life. When you come to realize this you'll come to understand that people are not complicated? There are always factors of self-interest in what they do and anyone who claims to do anything for self-less reasons are the biggest bullshitters in the world. They do it because they love touching themselves to the idea of being better than everyone around them, that's your average 20 something libshit but the older they get the more dangerous they become to not only themselves but everyone around them. A liberal over 30 is a deadly combination of cynicism, hubris, arrogance and stupidity.

If you can't figure them out, then you're fucking hopeless.

>The fact that a black person chooses to demonize specifically this group of whites says a lot about the director and the racism in America today.

I know in your fucked up world view everything is an insidious attempt at a white genocide but some people just like to tell stories through film.

>culture built around shitting on and ostracizing non-whites that continues to this day
He says while in a thread about a Hollywood movie that is built around shitting on and ostracizing white people.

>some people just like to tell stories through film
Jordan Peele has already confirmed the OP is right though. See

>people lie to themselves
>so I can't be lying right now to justify whatever idiocy i'm projecting right now

This is what happens when you fail basic philosophy courses.

>it's all in your head lol

>discarding an argument because a throwaway stereotype meant to clarify what kind of person I was talking about hurt your feelings

Cmon buddy

So you think the movie was race bait with no message?

No one disagrees with the fact that liberals pretend to care about things for selfish reasons, but do you genuinely believe that any significant number of liberals use their beliefs as a front for actual malevolent racism?