Not a shill, I bought Trump gear, I even donated $200. Did I get jewed?
Who hates Mike Pence here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Name one concrete position Trump has.
You got trumped.
I'm with you OP, he's a faggot
The concrete he will pour on the border
pence is just some idiot whose brought along for the ride to appeal to the cuckservative vote. its all about trump in the end.
I think Pence is just a buttboi. Compromise between picking a career opportunist like Gingrich... who'd potentially backstab you every single fucking step of the way and behave like a Dick Cheney.
The only useful aspect to Pence is the fact he can shore up the GOP before the convention and have a solid bump moving forward. Meanwhile, the DNC will fall apart and become a joke. If you wanted a guaranteed landslide victory, this was one way to do it.
-Against TPP, NAFTA
-Against Iraq war
-Supports TPP, NAFTA
-Supported Iraq war, and doesn't regret it
Paul Manafort has lots of concrete ready for you
delete your account
Pence is well spoken. Charisma is great to have. We don't need somebody like that stuttering mess Flynn. Just watched the Hannity interview, I'm now #OffTheFenceForPence
When was the last time a VP ever had any influence or did anything important? Pence is just assassination insurance for Trump to make it through his 4 years alive.
4D Chess
>assassination insurance
>implying an Evangelical Israel firster isn't exactly who they want as president.
Trump is EXTREMELY vague in his positions. His VP makes all the decisions, not Trump. Trump is just a sensational puppet. Nothing he says got written in stone.
Trump has flipflopped on *specifics* in his wall plan at least twice now.
But his /vp/ pick really shows him flipping on positions he hasn't yet flipped yet, like TPP.
And this isn't even mentioning all the others like abortion, nuclear proliferation, afghanistan, torture, israel, etc.
I just don't understand why people support him. I can understand people hating Hillary--don't we all?--but supporting Trump is a concept that eludes me.
What's wrong with Pence? his interview on Fox was good and matched Trump's talking points
>falling for the VP means something meme
everyone fails to understand that trump had literally no options. yes he had to appease conservatives because there are still romney and ryan fags that would make trumps admin hell because he's not a (((true))) conservative. get over it, he had to compromise on this one. this presidency is about getting as much support/votes from anyone trump or killary can. killary is polling horribly with men, but can probably get a shit ton of black support. trumps pulling hispanics and blacks and other ethnic minorities but he needs to maximize his chances in the base, as well.
>don't we all
I like Hillary
Muslim ban
that's all I need to hear
this implies he must adopt his VP's positions when it's absolutely the other way around
he flipfloped on that too.
You know that's only temporary right? He's also backed off on it and now just wants to ban immigration from "countries linked to terrorism".
This is a good point. I will now vote for Hillary Clinton for a country with no borders! #I'mWithHer
Not Illegal, I just like her more than Trump
But that's fine since most Muslim countries have a terrorist element in them
He actually said he is agaist muslim ban
Why would anyone donate to Trump? To show support or what? This guy is a billionaire.
But we don't need cuckservatives, they lost which shows they are weak and incapable. The actual GOP voters would go Trump, no way in fucking hell do they go Clinton. All that leaves is the conservative leadership, but they can fuck right off.
This party now, don't give the losers any consolidation prizes.
I was genuinely excited about Trumps for the first time
And Trump ruined it again
I am Cruzmissile Now
cant fence the pence.
I view Trump as marginally the best choice now, but I don't think I'll donate any more money or really be vocal in my support unless he really turns things around after the convention. The idea that an Evangelical Israel firster is one bullet away from the presidency makes me uneasy. Remember how Bush Senior was Reagan's VP, and how Reagan survived an assassination attempt? This shit is a real concern.
I'm a Trump supporter and I like Mike Pence. Trump is the one who is going to be in charge and it's odd that people don't grasp that. I really can't think of many vice presidents who got along with the presidents they served with before they were chosen.
he pretty much promised what obama is doing right now.
What power does the VP hold?
I don't see a problem in trying to get more votes by appealing to a broader range of people?
It's not like he is appointed secretary of state or worse secretary of the interior.
I really don't get it?
Obama is more restricted in his accepting refugees thanks to an opposed legislative branch but make no mistake if they could we would have European levels of refugees here.
>MAGA hat for proof
>digital words that you paid $200
>I was chanting Trump before, but with his VP pick I have become super divisive
>no arguments why Flynn would be bad
Trumps campaign right now is about strength through unity.
Faced with these facts we can conclude, this is just another shill
>even donated $200
i love how trumptards have reveale themself as true cuckservative with their undying love of this globalist hack
No you hold the correct view my friend, I think most still put too much stock into the roll of VP when it's hasn't even really been a decent stepping stone to the White House in years. I think Bush senior over twenty years ago was the last one to take advantage of the office. It's almost more a ceremonial role now than anything else, aside from sitting around and waiting for the president to keel over dead.
I watched him speak on Fox. I never even heard of him before this but he is a good speaker. So far I support his choice so we'll see,
either he's a clinton plant or he's dumb enough to get himself JFK'd
uh, Dick Cheney was one of the most powerful vice presidents of all time
>no arguments why Flynn would be bad
That's because Flynn is based, I would have been ecstatic if he was selected.
Cheney was hardly any more powerful than Bush they were both controlled by Karl Rove.
Flynn is not vp material he gets tongue tied when he speaks. He will be given a position on the cabinet that will suit his needs.
The VP is basically just a an expensive ambassador for PR tours.
more like they were controlled by Wolfowitz and the PNAC losers
Still though, most people agree Cheney had far more influence then most other vice presidents.
Trump has no political record to speak of, so this was his first real official act. The first time we get to see if he's going to keep true to his campaign promises and fight the establishment, or if he's going to kowtow to their whims. And he bent the knee.
>Donating $200 to a billionaire
Yeah, you get Jewed
I was frustrated and felt betrayed when he chose Pence instead of Sessions or Flynn. Then when I cleared my head I knew he's forced into this by the GOP and to get the evangelical votes.
Why else would he pick an establishment VP as an anti establishment himself?
Just like how Bernie endorsed Shillary.
I'm not happy with this but he did what he gotta do to get GOP support.
I'll still vote for him in November
>And he bent the knee.
I disagree with that claim he as you say has no political experience therefore he needs to have people around him who do have experience. He can keep pushing his goals ahead but he cannot do that as one businessman in a political world. His choice has no impact on this.
And gave them an inconsequential position.
He still needs the GOP establishment for a while, at least now they have less "demand" for an actual position.
Appointing their man to be nothing more than a puppy was wise.
OP, now you know how Reagan supporters (denied in '76, finally got it i '80) felt when he was saddled with Bush as VP.
I can only say we have to trust Trump.
He'll fucking FIRE Pence if he doesn't deliver what Trump has been promised (help in passing his agenda in Congress).
>I donated to a guy that fully supports israel and is a personal friend of the Clinton family
>did i get jewed?
Name the last vice president that didn't suck.
In fact, name 5 vice presidents off the top of your head (no google you cheaters).
You can't, and you can't. Vice Presidents are irrelevant beyond the tiny amount of votes they bring from their particular region.
In fact, the Vice President has only one constitutional duty: to be the President of the Senate (enforce Senate rules and be the tiebreaking vote if there's a tie. There never is).
Teddy Roosevelt was selected as the VP in order to get him out of meaningful government and put him in a do nothing role. That's what the Vice President is.
Fuck off Muhammad Mike
I'd have been cool with Chris Christie or, to a lesser extent, Ben Carson.
Pence looks fine so far though.
I hate him and yes you did. He's Neocon establishment shill #3489348. If I wanted that I could have had Yeb! or Kasich or Rubio or Walker or Graham or...
Even presuming Trump gets elected now, Ryan will have him impeached just to make Pence President instead.
He's a Shillary tier globalist
Trump's presidency will be a spectacular flop and he'll be regarded as worse than Bush, cap this post
Biden, Cheney, Gore, Quayle, Bush
>Ryan will have him impeached just to make Pence President instead.
Fuck, I didn't realize this but you're right. Trump will at some point do something controversial and the GOP will initiate impeachment and the fucking Democrats will help.
Who wants to hear a funny story?
who cares? the vp doesn't do anything.
I do
You got jewed, OP. Everyone knows how excited the country was for Yeb!, the only candidate who could have beaten Hillary, and that she planted Trump to derail his campaign.
I jew
Dick Cheney was basically running shit during the Bush presidency. Also if a President is assassinated, the VP will obviously assume his role.
>Sup Forums hates all Jews.
>Sup Forums believes the holocaust is fake
>Sup Forums hates America because of how much the Jews own
>Sup Forums hates Clinton because she's a Jewish pawn
>Sup Forums votes for the man with a Jewish daughter, Jewish son in law, and 2 Jewish grandchildren, that calls Israel America's most cherished ally
>Sup Forums votes for a man who's running m8 also believes Israel is most cherished ally
you can't make even make this type of shit up
Definitely would have preferred Sessions. Or a meme candidate like Webb or Paul.
Flynn was shit, Pence is boring, Chrisite and Gingrich are too similar to Trump.
>bongistani cares more about American VPs than Americans do.
Let's be honest. You googled it.
But realistically, I took that challenge from a children's movie from the 1990s called The Sandlot. In it, the same challenge was given to the children characters. None of the American children could answer. But there was a British kid who rattled off 5 like it wasn't even hard.
Except that you did. That's what a strawman argument is. Congratulations.
Only cucks like you who only pay attention to politics when its sensational have no idea whos been running our government. Forget vp's name the last 2 speakers of congress. The vps office holds the power to make small changes with huge impact. Pay more attention to the government because the president isnt a dictator and the majority of the power is in congress.
>Trump is EXTREMELY vague
He is anything but vague
>Hip VP makes all his decisions
VP less than 24 hours. Like you or anybody knows this. After all, it's Trump.... He'll be making all the decisions.
>sensational puppet
Trump is no puppet. That's the MAIN reason why he his hated by the establishment.... Now fuck off shill
If TRUE conservatives couldn't be bothered to get out and vote in November against Hillary then they deserve to lose. Pence is everything that is currently wrong with the GOP and why they never win Presidential elections anymore.
This pick has set Trump's Change message back, bigly.
I was from the beginning on the TrumpTrain but since Pence everything has changed. Probably going now for shilldawg. I feel pretty jewed.
Can someone explain to a Britbong what the vice prez actually does?
Just fuck my nation up senpai
I feel like a bernout
And no dont vote for hillary
Fuck her too
there will be a civil war if trum gets assassinated.
and did you really compare trump to bush?
it's fucking bush.
the vp pick is completely irrelevant in every possible scenario.
Added to my growing compilation of delusion pro Trump supporters to dump at the end of the Trump presidency
I look forward to savouring the saltiness
Pence already flipped on TPP and the muslim ban like a bitch. The best Pro-Pence argument is "at least he isn't Newt or Christie". Sessions would be much better but I guess Trump got swayed by Pence's decent economic record as gov.
Nothing much anymore. He's practically a rubber stamp
Literally fucking nothing.
>name the last 2 speakers of congress
What, Boehner and Ryan? Why is that hard? How about name the important accomplishments of Pelosi, and why her rule is similar to Gingrich's, but different from those two more recent Republicans?
Or perhaps why Gingrich was the first Republican Speaker of the House in 40 years.
VPs have no power but what the President delegates to them, which is usually nothing. That said, Cheney was an incredibly powerful VP by historical standards. Biden is nothing by comparison, but neither was Gore.
Anyway, you completely missed the point of my post, which was twofold: the popular concept of Vice Presidents is nonexistent, and the Vice President office is toothless. Both of which are a critical response to the OP's point, which is to be concerned with Trump's running mate over political ideological grounds.
>Sup Forums is one person
You love this meme, don't you?
Or everything.
Trump picked a VP that opposed everything Trump stood on.
We got fucked and no amount of Sup Forums damage control can undo this.
>hillary's numbers go down from FBI shit
>gotta tank Trump's numbers somehow, to fill agreement
They already voted Jeb out, Dick. Go away.
Constitutionally, his only duty is to be President of the Senate, meaning he enforces the rules of the Senate and casts the tiebreaking vote. In practice, he almost never even bothers to attend.
After that, by law he is next in line of succession should the President be killed or deemed incompetent to preform his duties. Few Presidents have died in office, but it sometimes happens. None have ever been deemed incompetent.
The real power of a Vice President is how much influence they have with the President, and how much the President delegates to them in the executive branch. Also, they may be useful as negotiators with other members of government if they are skillful or have many contacts.
How's that?
Au contraire, M. L'Espange. They never voted ¡Yeb! in.
I had some hope in Trump until this shit happened. He should have chose a democrat. That shit would have been a complete game changer, especially if it were Jim Webb like we had all hoped it would be a few months back.
I honestly cannot in good conscience vote for him anymore. Being a registered libertarian i'm probably just going to vote GJ even if he doesn't win.
and you wonder why he kept saying he wanted to be unpredictable, we have been fucking jewed to the max