This madman from /biz/ went to a BLM protest in Phoenix today and started shouting "DONALD TRUMP, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! BUY TRUMP COIN!" in the crowd. Top kek
facebook com/RGJmedia/videos/10154055095962935/
^ go to 19 mins
This madman from /biz/ went to a BLM protest in Phoenix today and started shouting "DONALD TRUMP...
David Anderson
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Noah Moore
>Blood God.
Praise the Gods
Ryder Jenkins
nice abs but manlet, about what I expected from biz tb.h
Oliver James
Great Job , btw what is trumpcoin?
Grayson Reyes
meme shit
A few hundred new "coins" have popped up trying to ride the bitcoin train
Ryan Davis
Thats pretty fucking immature.
David Bell
Oh so its a currency, but what for if there already is bitcoin?
Henry Davis
It's a crypto-currency, as I understand it built on the exact same framework as bitcoin (though I might be mistaken, they still use a basic template with pretty much only the name edited).
The point is for poorfags to pretend they're playing the stockmarket.
Thomas Ross
It's to raise money for trump. He gets a portion.
Mason Thompson