'Movie Critics'

> when the feminists realise they can't buy good ratings from the general audience

Why are 'movie critics' always so out of touch with the general audience?

(Other than getting paid for ratings)


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cucked by sjw's

So it's bombing, right?

>when people mass shit on a piece of media because it doesn't fit their agenda

Happens all the time, sjws are just basically getting a taste of their own medicine

Yeah man, just ask any media outlet, they will let you know.

It's not exactly breaking any records.

It's pretty high on rotten tomatoes

Sup Forums here.

movie critics are almost always failed filmmakers or lazy fucks with a desire to talk but little to say. most of them are pseudo-cinephiles who have a herd mentality and willingness to jump on topical and political themes for their own benefit, and thus they reward form and purpose (if they understand it and it aligns with their views or goals) over content. if they don't understand a work or it doesn't align, THEN they nitpick content as a means to reinforce their agenda. they're almost all paid or unpaid shills.

basically a bunch of pseudo-intellectual elitists who are fucking useless.

you guys probably know all this already though.

the sad part is most audiences are pleb as fuck too. thus, the current shit-state of the industry. it hurts to love film but be redpilled. a lot.

Critics still gave Ghostbusters pretty meh reviews. Box office so far is pretty meh too. I can't see Sony making another female ghostbusters movie after this.

In other words it bombed what with it not getting a Chinese release and all.

>makes a movie
>2 hours of fart and vagina jokes
>2 hours of fucking white male
>blacks don't care
>white males don't watch
>$144m to produce
>$49m so far
>thinks oversea sales will help
>china bans failbusters

>more pressure on overseas delivering

it got banned in china, this babys gonna bomb bigger than hiroshima

>63/100 counts as a green review.

That's a D- in my book. Why is the 63/100 review counted as green? What is the cutoff for a 'green' review?

>Overseas delivering
>When it's fucking banned in china
Yeah, it's bombing.

Well I'm sure they factored that in to their projected earnings long ago. But yeah, it sounds like he's trying to sugar coat it a lot. If you start by saying "Well, it's not a bomb", in my experience that means it's not far off.

63/100 would be a straight up F in any school I've ever been to.


What state?


hey whats a good movie to watch?

this shit is bombing faster than Turkey

I guess the Grade boundaries are low.

Got an A* back in college biology - I wasn't much good at it but the A* was usually 75% raw mark or less in the papers.

they were mostly positive but with some reservations, and most of them (and essentially all the female ones) are heavily politicized.

so, pathetic.

the existence of rotten tomatoes is fucking cancer..

the reality is its a bad movie directed by a literal beta numale faggot who hates "guy culture" and got bullied, and its playing the built in sjw defense card as much as possible.

the box office will probably end up at about 250-300, and the studio will be lucky if they can pocket 100, so between the budget (140?) and the marketting (not too high but still), it's gonna flop, and then even that fact will be used as ammo for politicalization (possibly not a word)..

the truth is its just a bad movie, but apparently if you say that, you hate women. i fucking hate everybody. except china, just this once.

what kinda shit you like senpai? gimme something to work with so i can calibrate for you.

you forgot the 150-300m in marketing...if they dont make 500m they are done for, they only get like ~50% from ticket sales

50% is domestic, that number is not as pretty internationally, but losing chinabucks still hurts. i don't think it would have done as well in china as some shills would like to believe though.

THAT is what you call Damage Control.

They really over-played their hand here. An all-female reboot/sequel to Ghostbusters could have work if it wasn't timed so poorly (right after people lost hope for a real sequel with the original cast), was done with legitimate intentions (and not by and for the personal crusade of some air-headed producer), if they didn't piss in the face of the original cast, and if it were actually good and not some mediocre Hollywood schlock whose only claim to fame is having kind of decent CGI special effects and for having the same name of a movie that was pretty good.

>Tampa Bay Times

The owners of the beloved American institution Politifact.

Where's that from? If it's real it's definitely bombing hard lmao

It could be worse, it could be the video game industry.

>they were mostly positive but with some reservations
Yeah, but that's not particularly good for a film like this. Nearly 1/3 of critics were willing to outright say they didn't like the movie. That might be okay for some shitty low budget january low-brow comedy film, but a big release like this needs to make a lot of money to get a good return on investment.

>and most of them (and essentially all the female ones) are heavily politicized.
Lots of female critics hated it. Pic related.

In my experience movies that get anything close to 73% are not worth seeing unless I have other good reasons to think I'll enjoy them. Usually a film needs to be 90%+ for me to be able to comfortably able to recommend it to most people. I think most people won't want to see it anyways because it has no audience. It doesn't really appeal to males the way the original did, and I certainly don't see many women wanting to see it besides pretty hardcore feminists.

>and then even that fact will be used as ammo for politicalization
Can't wait to watch them explain why women didn't watch it.
>We used to think only white men were all sexist and hated women
>But after ghostbusters came out we realised most women are internalised sexists and women haters too!!


>This many people killed!

>Mostly true! Even though there is no data for that time period!


[spoilertagsthatdontworkhere]they have some alarming similarities and signs that they're becoming one and the same[/tears]

Movie critic is a typically leftist apparatchik job. It pays above average, while it's nothing but giving your own opinion. It's something millions of people are willing to do for free.

And of course they sit in their mansions, sipping on some expensive wine or whatever, pontificating about how the actual working audience of these movies should or should not think something.

It's been this way since at least the 60's, or whenever that fat, dead waste of space Ebert got his job. And even then he condemned a truthful documentary about the horrors of Africa as "racist"... for showing the truth.

This is one of those professions that should be stamped out. There's no reason for anyone to be doing this professionally.


>the numbers are valid, the comparison is questionable

just made this

movie """""""critics""""""""""

At least vidya indie has a chance of being good on a really low budget, for film they'd have to move it to a short youtube vid.
I think AAA games get their dick sucked more though, the movie critics were at least able to somewhat criticize it and give it less than an 85.

jesus i'm getting salty reading that. At least it will die here.

amy nicholson might be the worst reviewer of all time, so her little edgy retard quip there is not surprising.

check her other reviews and count how many it takes until you think she should be gassed. you won't make it to double digits.

>Audience score: 5.6/10
>Shows spilled popcorn box
>Critic score: 6.5/10


Angry Joe 2/10

the american voting system in a nutshell

>trying to buy opinions by guilt tripping the people

the problem with feminist is not agenda pushing, is that they are pretending to push any agenda without spending money


Good thing Sony has the big Chinese release lined up...right?

Most critics are sjws

Just out of curiosity, how do they justify 'the majority of Syrian refugees are female'? Pretty sure even official figures admit they're at least 70% male.

>stick a cheerful two fingers up at the haters, and then kicks them in the balls

with their feels


some bits got chopped off

also forgot to put in the imdb score

Stop being transphobic you eurosceptic shitlord.

gonna watch that movie now

to be fair, london has fallen is mediocre and gods of egypt is legitimately bad. and i kinda like proyas too, despite the fact that's he's getting worse and worse.

the content of the reviews and reasons behind them are embarrassing though.

I pretty much think that is not a matter they are pushing an agenda what is making the film flop, but the fact that the fucking entire movie is built around a gimmick made this film a shit.
If every step of the process the only thing they have in mind is "strong women doing strong women shit" they neglect story, screenplay, location, photography, props, EVERYTHING, even casting in this case. Because the director and producers are like "what we do? Unno, throw some shit around the strong independent womyn"
If this was an actual feminist movie made by people that geuinelly gave a shit, it would be passable.


These were all obviously paid for by Paul Fag, it's so obvious since they're attacking the fanbase and insulting people just like he did.

These aren't reviews, they're insults.

>all these "critics" plainly admitted they only like it because it speaks to their politics

Can't these cunts just read Das Kapital for the 100th time and leave the entertainment industry alone?

Ghostbusters is legit shit, though. So I'm not sure who's more wrong: sanctioned and approved feminists that do silly things so as to debase women or "honest citizens" that happen to like shitty films like ghostbusters.

>they are pushing an agenda

Yes, the agenda consists on having defending the rights of women an insane idea where females would have no idea of what they wanted. Let me remind you that there are men behind feminist movements.

>the content of the reviews and reasons behind them are embarrassing though.
Gee.. I wonder why...

don't even get me started

holy kek

Well, obviously. It's a reboot, and everything that's crap about all other reboots, is crap about this one. That being: A director and writers that have never seen the original, and if they have don't understand what makes it tick. Coupled with the insulting assumption that people SHOULD flock to it because it's got the brand name on there, as voiced in literally every media outing before putting it in theatres, going as far as to pre-emptively insult anyone who might voice any doubt.

It followed the same pattern as all other shitty reboots. The only difference is MUH SOGGY KNEES. They just made them women because they knew they would be able to deflect all criticism with that. We had a thread yesterday pointing out that the traditional audience (or, as these critics call us, "those racist, sexist, cis white male Nazis") has never had a problem with women in strong "traditionally male" roles, citing numerous examples, including ones that were overtly empowering for women.

The new Ghostbusters is a singularly ugly movie. Not because of what's on screen, but because of what the marketing around it represents: The absolute worst of the regressive left. A mediocre product trying to scrape by entirely on its exclusionary identity politics, and even in its failure blaming it entirely on the people it's been talking shit about and claiming it didn't need since day fucking 1.

It's the single most petulant production cycle I've ever seen in my life. There are snobby vanity projects with more humility than (the new) Ghostbusters.

The best part is that SJW "humor" consists of repeating a narrative and calling any critics bigots. It's a recipe for disaster and they still haven't figured it out.

I went to see it yesterday because I was in the mood for a shitty movie. It definitely delivered. It was also the least amount of people I've seen in a theatre ever.

Just watched that then, best shit ever lmao

They are elitist intellectualism with an agenda.
They only care about virtue signalling and appearing smart, instead of you know enjoying stuff.

>They only care about virtue signalling and appearing rich, instead of you know enjoying stuff.


estimated $45 million opening, cost $144 million

sales drop sharply after openings


If we ask politicians about their opinion of the ghostbusters movie, we can detect who is corrupt.

This thread has actually made me interested in going and checking it out.

An overdone unfunny comedy that is a commercial failure? hell yeah.

>22.24% more jewish than diary of anne frank
oy vey

>rewarding studies for making SJW films
come on now lads

>61.23% Jewish
>All female cast

buy tickets for another movie, but go into the GB hall

they dont deserve $

imagine this in the future, piss remake after remake of "male" movies

Jennifer Lawrence is a terrible actress.

Can't they do a lesbian rom com with smoking actresses, instead of fucking our childhood?

So? It's just more of (((Hollywood))) and (((critics))) pushing a (((feminist))) agenda. Nothing new.

(More echoes than a fucking theatre hall...)

>that dirty harry remake mention
That's a version of the future i can't be down with, no ghostbusters for me

The Anne Frank fact was funny

I think these are just ideas for now. The Professionals 2 idea is by far the best among them.

Thanks for popping in user. Makes sense.

the only film critic I trust

we're too far in the future for dirty harry to work. it would be a generic action film and Lalo Schifrin will be dead.

>dainty, fragile, young models in action roles

It's all just wishful thinking, isn't it? If you find me the female version of The Mountain and put her in those roles, I'll eat it up. But feminazis always want to have their cake, and eat it too. Female empowerment, but with none of the implied effort. Look, I can believe Bruce Willis or Arnie punching out a bad guy because they look like tough motherfuckers with arms the size of trees. So why does every female action role have to be handed to twiggy-looking chicks?

Charlize Theron is the only one I'd judge even remotely capable of pulling it off, and that's almost purely because of Monster. I didn't think she was all that memorable in Fury Road, precisely because of this complaint: She looked more like a model than someone actually fit for the part. She had more in common with those waifish wives of Immortan Joe than with Max. If she'd just lifted some weights in the months preceding the filming...

But it's just bitches tooting their own horn because they know it's politically acceptable. How about we turn this around? The Alien franchise, but with a white dude. Or Pretty Woman, where an attractive millionaire finds a NEET gigolo with a heart of gold. Beginning to sound offensive yet?

Fuck me, I need to stop coming here. The world sucks, and I just want to see it burn.

>the existence of rotten tomatoes is fucking cancer
It's just a critic aggregator. It does nothing. The critics are the ones that need to be gassed.

Also note that there is a huge sampling error for the audience score; it doesn't reflect the people that saw the movie, it reflects the people that saw the movie and then went and rated it on rotten tomatoes. For instance, did you rate it? I didn't. Nobody in this thread probably did either.

People are more likely to rate a movie if they feel strongly about it one way or the other or are the kind of sperg that rates every movie they see because they think that anyone gives a shit.

I don't care if they make more SJW films. It's the first Hollywood film I've even seen in years. For all I know they're all SJW movies.

>Why are 'movie critics' always so out of touch with the general audience?

Because the vast majority of audiences are indoctrinated by capitalist markets to enjoy stuff that takes the minimum amount of ingenuity and the maximum amount of convention to create. They are encouraged by movie studios and popular culture to enjoy fucking trash that isn't experimental or challenging in the least, because it fits to easily reproducible stylistic and content formats.

Most of the general public are plebs. Some movie critics are plebs pretending to not be plebs. The best movie critics are truly enlightened consumers of fine film and culture in general, and not readily opiated by the most easily consumable piece of rubbish.

this, i hate seeing action scenes like some skinny assassin chick in full makeup and perfect hair bust like 5 dumb male guards with little or no effort. Its okay the 1st few times but now its getting tiresome.

at least people like brienne in GOT is manly as fuck, or characters like Ripley rely on machinery and wit for her survival

Problem is, a lot of these critics will hold back because if theyre too honest, they are labeled misogynists. This is the feminists main tactic, scare people into agreeing with them. Niggers do the same shit. People agree with them because being labled racist is the worst thing in the world.

I think the good part about characters like Brienne and Ripley is that everyone acknowledges that they are women playing a man's game. With Brienne it's even pretty central to her character.

But when Angelina Jolie with her twig arms beats a guy literally twice her size by gently booping him on the nose... I'm not buying it. That's too much for my suspense of disbelief. And sadly, that's exactly what these feminazis want. They want fantasy to subvert reality.

I wonder if they'll throw us a bone and give us NEET Ninja, a movie about the awesome struggle between a neckbeard who lost his shot at wizardry because he held hands with a girl and his dark wizard nemesis.

Critics over analyze and look for "deeper meaning" because thats what they do.

Average audience just wants to see shit explode.

This is why art films and agenda pieces get high critic scores every time yet sell no tickets to the general public.

I look forward to one bootlegger getting a copy and "journalists" find him just to spin the "it has a massive underground following in China, forbidden movie now instant cult classic in China because girl power!" narrative.

Why are ANY of the western intelligentsia so out of touch with the common man?

and the $144 million was just production costs and doesn't even take in to account the cost of marketing.


They live sheltered lives. They have these really weird ideas that they form once they get out of their shell.

I mean, those leftists who always say "far right people have never met a foreigner in their lives"? Yeah, they are the ones who have perfect control over which immigrants they meet, when, and where. Maybe they "slum" it every now and them by going to a moderately shitty neighbourhood, but they never live there. But because the guy at the kebab shop is nice to them, they spin that into them having a finger on the pulse of immigrant society.

These are the people who pay to go to Africa for two weeks to do "charity work" where they perform unskilled labour at no cost in countries with 50% unemployment rates while never leaving their guarded compound, but will never visit as a tourist.

These are the people who seriously use ethnic cuisine (which they love, but only after it's been properly Westernized) as a reason to maintain mass immigration at a rate that needs to see a new city built every year to house their pet shitskins.

These are the people who claim that African wars are caused by old colonial borders messing with ethnic groups, but at the same time say shit like... well, "no borders".

They are the new aristocracy. The people who think they've got it all figured out, but are in truth so ignorant of the real world beyond their castle walls that they can't even begin to comprehend it.