Hillary and Trump are the most hated presidential candidates in history. So who here is voting for Gary Johnson in 2016?

Hillary and Trump are the most hated presidential candidates in history. So who here is voting for Gary Johnson in 2016?

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I'm convincing my friends to so that they don't vote for Shillary. With any luck, Gary will jump up another 3% in popularity and hit the mark to join the debates. He's a Soros shill now, so he's just going to detract votes from Hillary.

>its a "going to be another 92 election taking votes away from republicans" episode

His VP pick is a gun grabber. It's funny that people don't know that.

polls have actually shown Johnson pulls more from Clinton

No. He is a cuck. Vote for Trump. Convince liberals and leftists not to vote for Hillary.

>I hate Hillary so let's vote for a male Hillary

Tip top kek, autistic virgin.

Gary Johnson is Pro-gun control , pro-immigration

also this : taking votes away from republicans

Johnson is getting Soros bucks to peel voters off of Trump

He claims to be for small government but supports the TPP which allows companies to sue sovereign governments. think about that for one second.

>He's a Soros shill now
Trump or Johnson?

Actually, he'll be stealing votes from both sides, so nobody has to worry about vote splitting.