What's he thinking Sup Forums?
What's he thinking Sup Forums?
>at what point did this become acceptable
"I need to learn to accept this"
Freaking hell
"We need to learn how to live with this" my ass
We might need our own coup soon.
>he bought a bike instead of a boat
why does this bathrrom have no walls?
If you have a coup, make sure you win. Sounds fun tbqh.
>"How do I get to Mont Ventoux"
Sigh. I feel so sorry for France. They don't deserve any of this.
Why, out of all the European countries are they being singled out for attacks like this?
>that was a nice attack
They have the largest Muslim population. Muslims are just doing what's in their nature.
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
>tfw no gf
They accepted too many Kebab.
Because they let Muslims fester there without integration for generations. The main problem they have is with second and third generation immigrants, because they've grown up in Islamic ghettos never having had to integrate into French society. At least the first generation ones knew how bad their home countries were and don't have some rose tinted fantasy image of it that the ones born in France have.
"Should've bought a full sus for this bumpy road"
>They don't deserve any of this.
>They don't deserve any of this.
>They don't deserve any of this.
>They don't deserve any of this.
If it happens, make sure you dust off the guillotines.
They have a huge Muslim population. They refuse to record people by religion or ethnicity because they're universalists so it's impossible to know how bad it really is, but it's bad.
They're also big on intervening against Islamic extremism, both ISIS and the problems in their former colonies.
why cant they call it "attack in Nice" since nice attack sounds absolutely inappropriatein this case
He's thinking about stealing that bike.
| Diversity is ||l “”|””\__,_
Repeat after me:
Ten. Percent. Muslim.
Fuck muslims to hell. They need to be eradicated.
>I wonder if there are any fresh hookers in Pigalle...
it's a warning because they tried against the narrative
July 13 2016
>Iran says France agrees to cooperate on nuclear fusion project
Jun 29 2016
>France wants sanctions on Russia lifted soon – foreign minister
>full of kebab
>incompetent security services