Remind me again pol, are chinks humanoids or insectoids?
Chink insectoids
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That's funny coming from a mudslime.
>tfw you like dogs more than people
jesus fucking christ.
They are people and people will always be more important than animals
literally not all Chinks
However, that """person""" should be drawn and quartered.
All Mainland Chinese are literally subhuman.
Taiwanese and Hong Kongers are mostly based.
He should have dodged the other way.
animals aren't people, that image invokes no sympathy from me, let me put it to you this way, if you could replace every nigger in america with a chink would you?
keep 'em coming
got one of the ones where a child gets hit by a car and passersby just leave the kid dying in the street?
Do you seriously think food that you eat was done in a more humane way?
Yes, stinky zhang
do we really need to have this thread every fucking day?
what's that thing you guys always say when you want a thread to just stop appearing over and over...."sage" or something?
Ooga boooga
I am vegan
based china keeping their street quieter at night
Not only am I sure that it was, but it's not even a relevant point because only subhumans slaughter and eat dogs.
burger intelligent
Chinks are insect people, yes. I thought this was common knowledge?
Even Turks (roaches) are more evolved than them.
meanwhile in america
if you type sage in the options field when posting it doesn't bump the thread
some people choose to alert the OP that they are saging in the body of their comment as well
>if you could replace every nigger in america with a chink would you?
honestly, no.
You fucking retarded Slavnigger, the point is that these subhuman animals are killing dogs. A stray dog's life has more value than an average Chink.
Youre a butthurt Uygher roach that escaped the Chinese boot arent you?
>that dogs face going from a smile to oh shit when he sees past the doors threshold at the piled corpses of the other dogs
Fuck that gets to me man, chinese remind me of ants, they just kinda mindlessly kill stuff for their kind to survive
They really do seem insectoid in mentality
Another one of these threads? Same guy posting all these anti-chink threads day-in and day-out for the past two weeks?
>replace every nigger in america with a chink
That's like saying replace your testicular cancer with brain cancer.
I prefer not have any of these.
forgot to turn off the proxy eh 台巴子?
Sometimes I wish I could do this shit to a group of entitled drunk bitches in America but I know this shit would never fly.
No I didn't, chink's pet.
Why's that guy beating the dog?
also is he the guy in the right getting the piss beat out of him
this is so confusing to watch. getting upset and satisfied at the same moment
>its ok when we do it to cows
>Dogs love humans unconditionally and have been our companions for thousands of years
>Humanity literally domesticated cattle for the purpose of meat
>These subhumans feel the need to eat dogs
>Not cattle
I make no illusions about that. That being said, cattle are by and large completely mindless. Dogs have personalities and intelligence to some degree.
reminder that if you are upset about OP webm but still consume meat you are lying to yourself.
pigs are even smarter and sensitive than dogs. only elephants and dolphins are above them.
im sure you'd do the same if you were starving
>implying chinks aren't more worth than you
stay mad german lapdog
if only the dog could've seen the right side and understood that it was someone sticking up for him
Not this moralfag again, you're in every single thread that involves chink and dogs with that same shit.
You can see in the left pane near the end the dog had piddled on the TILE floor.
What a shit head (the dude)
Chink spotted
They actually aim for the neck, and keep the cows away from other cows.
And cows weren't bred to be epathetic with humans like dogs were.
Sure, mehmet. You chose to rail against eating pigs because they're intelligent.
I have that video with audio and that kid girl is a chink or mongrel chink
Whites are nearly always worth more than others.
What do you call this meme?
>being this autistic
I hope that helps you overcome your inferiority complex buddy
Are you defending the dog eating chinks?
Chinks are not real people. They lack that spark real people have. They are closer in nature to robots that people.
lol that aint even the same guy or did you even think so? You are just torturing yourself by watching senseless violence and telling yourself that slav on the right was the dog beater
Don't group mainlander chink scum with the rest of us Civilized chinks.
I don't think he's defending chinks, I think he's illustrating how Whites abuse animals just as Chinese. The majority of Chinese look down on dog-eating and shit... You're judging a people off a minority of archaic and ignorant fucktards. It's almost like saying all Whites are psychopathic serial killers.
Robots are more humane than chinks
Chinks are worse than niggers and abos
>They are closer in nature to robots that people.
omg it makes sense now, so that's how they've gotten so much stronger so quickly...
The only thing I need to overcome anything is my superior genes. I get the feeling you're the type who's parents should have been removed by the Serbs.
"Spotting the islamized eurocuk".
I didn't mean to judge the entire population. Obviously most people wouldn't agree with that. I was making an observation about the people who actually eat dogs.
You're geopolitically retarded.
>its ok when christians do it
It's interesting that people draw the comparison between chinks and insectoid aliens.
You wouldn't believe it, but one particular race of alien which fits the description does exactly this kind of shit to the human beings they take - treating them like dirt, taking them apart whilst they're still conscious, keeping them in cramped containers and shipping them off to God knows where.
Maybe there's a dash of alien DNA in them.
So what can be done to fix police brutality culture in the US?
You appear to be triggered. Would you happen to be a muzzie living in Sweden?
>sweden needs a muzzle
>ltierally the blackest ID in the thread
cannot be trusted
Wait, let me guess, you're a Chink insectoid who "lives like a king" (gets two meals a day instead of just one, working in some shitty mafia owned restaurant) living in Slavnigger land.
Good to know.
And yes,even a slovak -GYPSY- has more worth than a Chink insect.
Why did he do that?
That must have felt so good.
When are you going to refute anything I said? Or are you just intellectualy lazy?
Odd to think you care about what is happening in Europe even though you destroyed it in 1945.
Just stfu you fagnord cuk.
Here's your reply. Now go prep your nigger bull.
you're kidding, their hair color don't match.
And what's with all these gore kids and their delusion of grandeur.
Quality post.
Pick one
Just out of a mental hospital, if I recall properly.
Nah Singaporeans and Hong Kongers are alright, they're white-washed as fuck from their years of colonization. Still materialistic shitbags, but they aren't literally subhuman zerg like mainlanders.
He ded
Ever heard of Taiwan?
Taiwanese hate the chinks from China even though they are technically Han Chinese.
In this case, it is mostly culture that matters, not race.
>inb4 le cuck meme
Woah Russian Greenpeace doesn't fuck around
That one is from:
Sup Forums threads devolved into posting graphics vids for shock values.
Feels like the average age of Sup Forums user is lower than 2 years ago. I'm getting bored of this board.
nerve gas?
Best Sup Forums experience was when ebola happened.
Goddamn. That's awful shit.
bored of your board, broad head
In civilized places animals get stunned then have their throats cut, pretty much no suffering at all.Go back to your vegan cuckshed.
fucking faggot
Fuck you, idiots. How old are you people even?
No Sup Forums reached it peak during the Zimmerman trials
I got a lot of asian friends, they're chill as fuck.
Just cause you got a video from a poorer region doesn't mean all of them are like that.
It's like comparing Cornwall to Richmond.
>its ok to kill someone when they're stunned
Animals are part of the Volk too, you know. Only Jews see them as goyim.
>In civilized places
In civilized places, animals aren't killed to be eaten.
I guess the Thais are chinks now.
older than you for sure
that's how we treat pigs and they're just as smart as dogs
chinks are people, very hardworking too. just not as smart.