Why do people still support crooked hillary?

why do people still support crooked hillary?

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unfortunately its because the people of america would rather support someone because they are a women instead of think of their policies.

is racist

The most hilarious part is the idiotic feminists supporting a woman that stands by a philandering husband time and again.
They have no pride in themselves.

why do people still talk about shit thats become irrelevant. she was a shit choice and didnt win, so let it go m8

Ivan, this LARPing is terrible. Back to gulag for you!


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they don't
epstein didn't kill himself

>claims against bill are far less substantiated than any of the claims against trump
>first point is irrelevant to the discussion anyway: people are not responsible for the actions of their romantic partners

Also accusing the other side of "having no pride in themselves" is pretty rich coming from Trump supporters given what a morally-bankrupt guy Trump is as a human being.

Because Trump is objectively one of the worst Presidents ever.
Don't get me wrong, Hillary was also a terrible candidate, but it's hardly surprising that people can't help but come back to her when Trump has been so poor.
I'm just relieved she's not standing again in 2020.

>claims against bill are far less substantiated than any of the claims against trump

lol what?

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Go upstairs and ask Mommy for valid point maybe she'll have one

>Because Trump is objectively one of the worst Presidents ever.

take some history classes you fucking moron

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You ask as if the White House is scandal free.

fuck russia

Because they're dumber than Trump. I thought the other threads already showed this.

Name 5 worse presidents

"There may be problems on this side, but there's problems on the other side too, so let's ignore the problems on this side and nothing will ever improve. Who cares, as long as my side never has to admit any wrongdoing?" - Everybody

Obama, Bush, Bush, Carter, Ford

Hillary was smeared for 30 years and investigated countless times at a cost of millions of dollars by Republicans. They NEVER found anything to charge her with! Not even jaywalking. Either she's the smartest person who ever lived or they are massively incompetent. Or maybe she has never done anything illegal? You chose.

What she admitted regarding the emails alone is enough to put anyone else away for 20 years. Doesn't that tell you something?

Carter, Nixon, Wilson, H.W. Bush, Obama

what a fucken retard you are

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Yep just as everyone expected, retarded

The FBI investigated her for her email server.

FBI: Yeah, she fucked up and should have known she was fucking up, being the Secretary of State and all that.
Also the FBI: But we're not going to charge her for anything.

And this is why we need to drain the swamp



Wrong. Stop being ignorant.

because these fagolas dont know how to look at how wrong they are

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Can't name five Presidents, huh?

What do you 15 year old trolls get of making fun off trans folks? The more you make fun of them, the more likely they are to commit suicide.

>Monica Lewinsky
>claim against bill

This was a consensual relationship between two adults, retard. I'm talking about actual allegations of sexual assault, of which there are multiple (25) credible instances against Trump (as opposed to 4 for Clinton).

And also fuck Bill Clinton but also it doesn't matter because we're talking about Hillary (against whom there are 0 claims of sexual misconduct)

>imagining Shillary sexually assaulting someone.

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>On June 14, 2018, the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General released its report on the FBI's and DOJ's handling of Clinton's investigation, finding no evidence of political bias and lending support for the decision to not prosecute Clinton.

Trump, Mr. "Lock Her Up!" himself, couldn't even get his own DOJ to prosecute. That's how inconsequential Hillary's server shit was. It was careless but affected fuck all.

His seeking to profit from the office of President alone makes him a contender.
The corruption, the nepotism, everything.
You could argue that his tenure hasn't had any huge policy disasters, mainly due to his incompetence, but it's his behaviour that has truly disgraced the office.
You can post laughing reaction gifs all you want, but once he's gone, and his power over those around him has disappeared, it is all going to come flooding out. The history books will not be kind.

What about when hillary laughed about getting a pedo child rapist off the hook because teh cops mishandled the little girls undies and could not use them as evidence?

Or when she got fired from the watergate invistigation for being unethicial?

Well you know what they say. when you cant debate the meat of the argument just call them names and you win!

Because yes

>> millenials who never herd of Nixon, Regan, and Bushes
God you're pathetic

1) The guy who was actually in the room with Clinton when said laugh was recorded denies this.

2) Clinton was employed as a staff attorney throughout the entirety of the Watergate investigation and trial.

But please continue to pull stories out of your ass without addressing the other points being made.

great economy, low employment, higher wages, ending wars, taking on china, cracking down on illegal immigration

Trump is the best president in modern history

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You have the retard.

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I'm Gen X, so I can remember Reagan, and also remember how to spell his name.

>unstable economy with widening inequality
>low unemployment a holdover from policies of previous administration
>stagnant wages for the vast majority of workers
>facilitating human rights abuses by funneling weapons to illiberal regimes
>creating power vacuums for China to fill while making no significant gains from negotiations
>destroying civil liberties while carrying out a nativist, expensive, invasive deportation campaign

>great economy, low employment, higher wages,
inherited from Obama.
>ending wars,
betraying our allies.
>taking on china,
starting a trade war, with US manufacturing at an all time low.
>cracking down on illegal immigration
not building a wall

>low employment

Why brag about that?

For the same exact reason people still support Trump.
Everything that does not allign with their views is fake news or hate speech. Politics should be a plattform of open discussion and reasoned cooperation, yet nowadays it's trench warfare.

Once people dig down, no amount of reasonable evidence or facts will sway them. Welcome to the modern world of politics.

Wrong. Nobody is trying to charge Colin Powell, and he did the same thing.

Does anyone? The right hate her. The left hate her even more. Not even libs like her (cuz she got us Trump).
Must be like


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Trump: 13,435 verified lies in 993 days
As of: 14 Oct 2019

fuck off to /pol shill

>look at those assholes getting eaten by the snake, he laughed as the snake worked its way up past his knees

I hardly hear anyone at all talk about Hillary honestly.


Dipshit she's trying to pull an FDR right now. She is putting feelers out and increasing her media presence so that at the last minute she'll get the nomination.

No, he didn't.

Of course this irrelevant shit shows up on the day Lt. Col. Vindman provides his damning firsthand account of Trump's abuse of presidential power to commit bribery of a foreign leader for personal political gain.

It's so, so painfully obvious that you're desperately trying to change the subject because you can't defend Trump on the substance.

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There is no way Hillary is going to run at this point. It's too late in the game, there are much more established candidates running, 2/3 of the top polling candidates are relatively further to the left than she is which is a sign of the party's shift away from the center (and with the exception of Biden and Harris, the bottom-polling candidates are closer to her and the center).

who gives a fuck, get cucked harder faggot