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First post - how do you do it?
Is Hitchens the most bluepilled man in the entire UK on the subject of fundamentalist Islam?
Is the coup dead lads? Went to bed about 2 am yesterday
Well what with Nice and now Turkey, Brexit looked a fucking good idea.
Can't wait for the Remain cucks to say otherwise and got shot down.
I want to say he's not the most blue pilled, but he's up there. But Kek seems to disagree
As far as I can tell it failed but there is still minor happenings as it's being cleared up.
Yeah. I suspect a false flag
Post your favourite quotes lads
>...Anonymous (ID: NiJ/ILTn) Archived
07/12/16(Tue)16:39:14 No.80731529
671 KB
671 KB PNG
Socialists don't like Britain because they don't feel comfortable in it, the more intelligent of them, don't like it because it makes nonsense of every radical left and socialist political theory ever invented.
It is a monarchy yet it is free
It has potent class system - but all may rise to the top of it
It has no written constitution yet functions far better than many countries that do.
It is capitalist yet astonishingly and relatively uncorrupt and blessed with a social conscience
It was an empire, now a global power and not hated by the majority of its former subjects
In a socialist world - it simply oughtn't to exist - yet in a perfectly British way, it defies all socialist world views by the mere act of existing.
- Anthony Blair
>Robertson is a music fan, and is particularly fond of Metallica.
The nice murderer probably also drank alcohol, drank water and ate food
Correlation isnt causation, if they all take drugs but are also fundamentalist Muslims with the Islamic state take credit then maybe, just maybe Islam has something to do with it?
Don't you know, it was all Brexits fault?
It's a shame he tried to kill the white race. He could've been a decent PM.
He came to power when British politics was stale and boring.
He gave a fresh vibrancy to politics and many people welcomed him, he did have a few spin-doctors that started to play him though (Mandelson being one in particular).
The rest is history.
Amid all the recent craziness, one small nugget emerged nearly ignored
>Soubry sacked
This translator is either terrible, or the speaker is shit.
Seeing tweets that Farage predicted the Turkey coup ages ago and was laughed at profusely.
Anyone got a source on this?
I don't Satan, hopefully somebody else does
We're witnessing Hitchens drift in senility lads, what else do you think we'll hear before he's gone for good?
>Soubry sacked
The sight of her crying at that 'Anti-Brexit' protest in London was great . . .another MP said she was a bit drunk though?
Fucking kek, he really thinks Turkey is a lynch pin for European security?
Their coup was pathetic, soldiers crying and laying down their guns to an Islamic mob.
So is anything actually going to be done after the Nice attack?
His condition for whether or not someone is a "drug abuser" is whether or not that drug is illegal
He's hardly fucking Nostradamus turkey have had 10 coups in the last 50 years
This is like my predicting a general election in 2020
I looked when it was asked in the previous thread. I can't find anything backing it up, but Nige will be on LBC again tomorrow so I'm sure if he did say it (and I'm sure he probably did), he'll confirm doing so on the show.
It's like predicting spring following winter
Of course lad, people will make up a Twitter hashtag, change their Facebook picture to a French flag and say its not all Muslims.
Then they same thing will happen again either in the coming days, weeks or months later.
those aren't crumpets. they're english muffins.
No it isn't. It's more at the same level as England now, thanks to Silent G's party.
>A country which literally has Islamic coups will be joining the EU
>French president "We must live with terrorism"
Can anyone blame Britain for voting Brexit?
I'm no big fan of his but I think the real shame is that he's clearly very good at drilling one subject for a long time. If only it were a more useful subject.
which led to ...
Saw an article on the bbc about cities looking into precautions against lorry attack
>those aren't crumpets. they're english muffins.
I made those myself mate . . . .I can assure you they are crumpets and saturated with butter.
Tony Blair reminds me of Anakin Skywalker: so much potential, so much promise - and he ruined it all by being too greedy for power.
He always says on Twitter to read his articles "carefully".
Could it be.. that drug use is a Hitchens metaphor for religion? With Islam being cannabis?
Ban assault lorries?
Kek but no it was more about strategic barriers or road layout
It's a crumpet. Notice how their more cylindrical than a muffin which is more like a weird semi-sphere. Notice how they have little dentures in them.
You can see openly say Islam is to blame for terrorism he wouldn't need to hide it
Locals in Singapore were all "W-w-w-why ;__;" to me about Brexit, and I have to explain to them very slowly and carefully that we were getting out before all 'Merkel's child refugees' become naturalised German citizens and freedom of movement across the channel for Rotherham pussy.
I thought Han were supposed to be redpilled, but they give the Jews a run for their money with economic determinism, so the only statistic they recognise is "Brexit caused the pound to fall" and therefore they think it's anuddah shoah.
There's loads of this in places like London and Manchester, if they put more barriers in it just makes it very difficult for HGVs trying to deliver things.
I know they are just to scared to actually tackle the root cause though.
Good video about that very subject.
Why not just remove those who can't be trusted not to commit terrorist attacks from our country?
Why are we turning into a military state just so we can have multiculturalism?
ohh ffs sky, why break from the press conference when the death penalty is brought up
Kekking hell, shadow cabinet minister comparing the corbyn coup to the erdogan coup
He's deleted the tweet now but it is very much real
Well that's the crux of it, isn't it? What exactly is the benefit here? All we get is downsides for the pleasure of sharing our countries with cultures who hate us.
Now we're expected to live in a state of perpetual paranoia in a police state. This is why Blair should hang.
White genocide. There will surely be peace when we are gone.
They mentioned London has already done a good job of it in many places adding in things you wouldn't even notice so maybe it's more cities form other countries
Clappers had the best streams overnight too, Sky always cut it off when gunshots were heard live.
On the one hand, I do like snarking against Blairites, but on the other hand, this is just straight up Regressive Left, thinking that making a compariosn between Corbyn and an impotent kebab wannabe dictator whose powerbase is a bunch of illiterate roaches would somehow reflect well on Corbyn.
In America we call those exact things english muffins.
>as brown as England
PS keep writing cheques, cause we're not leaving.
They're quite blatantly crumpets.
>Americans being wrong about food
Mexican detected.
Yes its a part of town planning and building design, has been for a number of years because we dealt with threats from the IRA.
I think also what shows that France has crap intelligence resources for allowing this to happen. I think in Britain if we did have an attack like this and it wasn't detected in the planning stages then our police and security forces would of been much more effective.
Issue 2 is out today, lads. Get your copy!
councils everywhere rejoice as they finally have a reason not to fill those potholes.
>Notice how they have little dentures in them
exactly why they are called ENGLISH muffins
Hang on a second.
Anons picture here is a muffin.
OP picture is a crumpet.
Muffins (you callem English Muffins)are more 'breadlike'
Crumpets are more 'pancake-like'
There is a difference.
I'm telling you, Ahmed. In America we don't eat crumpets. They're called English muffins. They look nothing like muffins, but we call it that. Like Canadian bacon.
Turkeys PM is saying they want to make legal changes and bring back the death penalty to prevent things like this again.
Are we Australian now?
>Calling anyone a non-white name
They're crumpets, you fucking moron.
No one cares desu la
Slowly it becomes sharia
Actually getting worried now, should I try and avoid Muslims from now on?
Statistically I'm more likely to die if I'm close to muslims than far away from them.
What about pikelets?
>Alastair Campbell Gets Noose
get the feeling people are very quickly going to wish the coup had succeeded
What??? IN muffins are made in the same shape as cupcakes here! Maybe a bit rounder on the top. Our food is like our spelling!!! Similar but so different. It's like color vs colour!
People who cry in public should be slapped in the face
Literally panlets.
Oh I like that. Far better name.
You almost wonder if he planned it himself Hitler style to gain more power...
Half the country actually supports Erdogan and answered his call to go out and mob the army. They prefer Islamic dictatorships. The place will go full sharia before long. This is his excuse to purge the military of any opposition.
This newspaper actually exists oh God I think I'm having a seizure what the fuck is wrong with these people
Mate - I was trying simplify things . . . .don't throw in total confusion.
What we call pancakes - Americans would call Crepes.
What we call crepes . . . .fuck knows what Americans would call them ! . . .maybe just super skinny see-through crepes.
"English Muffins" and crumpets are 2 entirely different things i assure you.
That's what most of Sup Forums believes
All of our politicians are degenerate homosexuals. Some of them pretend to be women.
Considering I live in Glasgow, it's an objective fact, especially when Sturgeon and the SNP elite openly talk about wanting to flood the country with non-White Muslims.
>comparing farage to hitler
How original
Why should you stay away from foreign people in your own country?
Meh, it's just that those lowlifes also take drugs, and probably sell them too , not really a cosation.
# I'll ride with you
>In America we call those exact things english muffins.
>as UK leaves and Turkey burns
this is a great show, friends
daily reminder that Sturgeon is covering up the Immigrant Sex Trafficking rings in Govanhill, Rutherglen and several other cities across the Central Belt.
When the ScotMedia grow some balls and cover this, say hello to the downfall of the SNP.
Some really blamed it on Brexit
Don't disbelieve you, but can you elaborate?
if the national media gave the SNP the scrutiny they give any other proper party they'd be dead and buried. The only coverage they get is soundbites about another indyref, which has allowed them to go largely unchallenged.
Underrated post
I live in the highlands, we just have the white flight from England.
I used to live in Glasgow and the locals don't want to be flooded.
UKIP really fucked up wit the anti Scottish banter, we elected a UKIP MEP, Brexit could have been neck and neck in Scotland.