Don't bullshit me

What percent of France is muslim? I'm scared Sup Forums...

Other urls found in this thread:

4M in 1999

+/- 6M today, so 10% more or less


10% and rising everyday


French muslims are probably less shit than french "whites", believe or not
French has retarded thug culture since revolution, add tunisians to it and it's like dropping turd in fan

7.5% est un pourcentage qui était sorti il y a pas mal d'années déjà, la population a depuis augmenté, et à vitesse grand V (culture arabe oblige).

RSA/APL/Autres Allocations + Gratuité des services + Muslim = portée de 7 enfants non éduqués chiés par la fat mother.

Somewhere between 12-17%. The country is gone. They could get their country back if only they would acknowledge the war they are in. But that's not politically correct. In 10 years there will be a coup it will become the Islamic Nation of France.

English or

Didn't expect france to fall like this

I know exactly what you mean, the thug culture is something I deplore every single day.

But it comes from the Nort Africa culture, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisian...

Our white kids fall for it, they're becoming losers with no self respect, acting like kebabs.

Reminds me that scene in based Gran Torino when Eastwood spots the white boy playing thug with niggers.

>being monolingual
Kill yourself. Not even kidding.

>being Austrian
Kill yourself before the Muslims do

Was saying;
State benefits + free school and care + arabomuslim culture = big fucking litter of 5/7 kebabs shat by every muslim pig with a vagina

Calm down ameribro

you're both pathetic, please stop shitting up this thread.
You especially

Dude is this guy from north africa? Because french culture been glorifying characters like him since 1792

Realistically about 20 to 25%.

A politic who was a minister to integration said there are about 15.000.000 people in France with "muslim cultural background".

Official numbers is 4 millions, which is fucking ridiculous and is the same than in the 80's.

Or were these guys tunisians too?
You have this shit since ancien regime fell, that's your problem

I'm going to develop ulcers soon

>In 10 years
No. Maybe 30.

>let the jews ruin your country with multicultarism
>now cry like bitches

you are just retarded. so glad france, germany and uk are already doomed shitholes, usa next. traitors of the white race burning first, lovin it

Long are the days of Charles "kebab slammer" Martel

5.8m imigrants were living in French terrirtory in 2013 (not muslims only), 8,8% of population.
Every year around 200k new immigrants come with 30ù of them from africa, 14% from asia, 10% from america and oceania, and 46% from european countries.

We let sandniggers come for cheap work.
We selected the cheapest ones, we parked them and let them reproduce.

We actually did reverse eugenism and created a subspecies dumber than the original.
This is why out sandniggers are usNiggers level.

>literally 5% Moroccan, not even in a way to make fun of Spaniards as Moors
OK Mohammed.

France has fallen, only people who think it's still ok are those who are unaware of demography. Also, there is a reason we get shitloads of terrorism, because of the very high muslim population so more potential terrorist and easier terrorist networks (muslims don't rat on each others).
Anybody with a bit of lucidity is trying to leave France because it is the next Lebanon.

That's the key word. Most muslims now aren't considered immigrants and are just Abdel born in France and considered French by the statistics.

Do not confuse Belmondo tier attitude (charming man with confidence and cheekiness), and kebab tier attitude like pic related.

One is French haugthy related (yes sorry, we are what we are...), the other is Buchenwald-needed.

But I understand what you're saying yeah, medias are promoting anti-system attitude one way or another.
And we both know how their noses are.

Well over a quarter of "French" are African sooo.. Makes you think

95%. At least.

Don't listen to the shills ITT.

We're doomed. I'm typing this from my fallout shelter somewhere under Paris.

Nothing can be done.

France is lost. We can't fight back anymore.


أنا باستخدام المجد مجانا موقع الترجمة إلى الله وكل ما

Belmondo is born and raised in France (100% Parisian)

25% of French teens are Muslim.


Why is Phil Collins telling people to bag their poo?

His father was italian, they're a bit darker than us.

Same. But it will happen.

>there is 15 to 20 million people with muslim background in France in 2011
Said the French minister with numbers from intelligence services.

C'est basé sur l'enquête INSEE de 2015.

well, that's not good.